The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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15 Aug 2013, 08:42
Two weeks in and I have lost 14lbs! Had to get on the scales several times just to make sure. Can't believe it. I feel delighted!! :lol: x
Re: Wow!
15 Aug 2013, 08:48
Speechless, which can only be a good thing!!! :shock: Well done :like:

Ballerina x
Re: Wow!
15 Aug 2013, 09:01
Crikey, well done :like:
Re: Wow!
15 Aug 2013, 09:01
That's amazing, well done!!! Keep going on this new way of eating - learn what suits you and it'll be so worth it.
Re: Wow!
15 Aug 2013, 09:10
That's amazing! Well done :like: :like: what's your secret/ system? :clover:
Re: Wow!
15 Aug 2013, 11:57
it is amazing! perhaps it's a fluke..but having been weighed at my doctors surgery and stayed the same 14 1/2 stones forever I am speechless myself. Perhaps my scales are off and I haven't really lost that much, who knows? I am just enjoying the success for now.
My secret is this new way of life. And maybe doing the 4:3 with calorie counting on non fast days.
I am aware this will not last. Sooner or later I will plateau or even put on a few pounds. It won't be amazing then and i will probably sulk lol.
thanks for all your comments x
Re: Wow!
15 Aug 2013, 12:02!!!!

That's an amazing success!! Well done!! :like: :like: :like:

I just can't get my head around that! Fantastic!
Re: Wow!
17 Aug 2013, 09:15
it was a fluke lol. Up two pounds today. I knew it was too good to be true. But it's ok because I can wear all the clothes I have in my wardrobe again. Time to put the scales away and not obsess about it.x
Re: Wow!
17 Aug 2013, 09:21
Blimey!!! That was one hell of a loss well done :heart: :heart:
Don't worry about the overnight increase sometimes that happens and goes away just as quickly. Good Luck :clover: Sue
Re: Wow!
17 Aug 2013, 11:50
What a wonderful result! My weight seems to change back a bit for no good reason too - and no no bowel action in fasting doesn't help
Re: Wow!
17 Aug 2013, 15:22
Welcome drilakila! :clover: Wow--it's still wow! It sounds you are 12 lbs. to the good! Just go with the flow--it's kind of like going down a river with rapids. There are some times when you get tossed up and others when you come to a whirlpool and seem to get stuck :?: , but the whole trajectory is down! It's all good. :grin:
Re: Wow!
17 Aug 2013, 15:41
thank you for the replies and the support. Really appreciate it xxx
Re: Wow!
18 Aug 2013, 08:11
I just had to didn't I? I weighed myself again to day...I am fascinated by the yo yo effect on my weight and I had to laugh when the scales read 13 and 1/2 again!
I also rummaged around in my wardrobe and found clothes I haven't worn in more than 5 years and blimey if they didn't fit me! I am looking longingly at the size 12 jeans I stashed away too and beginning to think it won't be long before they also fit!! Incredible. x
Re: Wow!
18 Aug 2013, 10:19
Hi e can't resist having a quick peep when sometimes we shouldn't because they aren't always our friend :like: and the numbers on the labels do matter to us + maybe shouldn't :heart: but the results from the back of the wardrobe well they are the best of all :heart: :heart:
The smaller clothing we used to wear Ooohhh Yes :clover: Sue
Re: Wow!
19 Aug 2013, 10:37
Wow indeed!! Well done Drilakila, fantastic results!
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