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Delighted or Disappointed?

163 posts Page 7 of 11
Re: Wow!
24 Nov 2013, 09:08
official weigh in day yesterday showed I am in Plateauland. This morning I have lost .3kgs lol.
Had a much bigger and sadder loss yesterday though. Some low life scumbags broke into my shed at the yard and stole every bit of useable horse equipment I own. 7 years of collected halters and ropes, gifts and mementos of my journey with Parelli natural horsemanship. All in all about £1500 worth including a brand new saddle and lovely bridle that they don't make anymore.
The police were great and turned up within the stated time and made me smile through my tears and snot from crying like a baby.
I have an old saddle and riding hat I took home thankfully and because I am a bit clever I made a halter from rope I bought at B&Q so at least I can function until a gifted rope and halter a friend has treated me to arrives in the post.
I may be able to get some money from my insurance towards the cost of another new saddle so really it's not all bad. Nonetheless I obviously feel shocked, violated and full of loss.
I drowned my sorrows last night in half a bottle of wine, a bowl of Doritos, half a pizza, garlic bread and a cookie and ice cream and not forgetting a few squares of chocolate! I was surprised I didn't just binge completely so that's a good thing and probably why I am lighter this morning.
But, you know, life is very challenging sometimes and it's a struggle to not feel victimized and wonder if I can carry on.
But I do. I drag my sorry arse out of bed, wipe away the tears and think how I can just get on and do what I do despite the setbacks. I think I will wear my favourite (but now baggy) t-shirt with pride this week. It has SHITLUCK printed in red on the front. Very appropriate I think x
Re: Wow!
24 Nov 2013, 09:23
Bless you sweetie and hugs {{{+}}} that's rotten luck and well done for pulling yourself forward from it.
'Tis the season to be ripped off as well as merry it seems.
Re: Wow!
24 Nov 2013, 10:33
Oh @drilakila, what a horrible thing to happen, you must be devastated to have been robbed of so many precious memories. :cry: Just wanted to send you lots of virtual hugs and commiserations and hope your insurance company (and maybe the police?), come up trumps. :?: You take it easy on yourself today. x
Re: Wow!
24 Nov 2013, 13:45
Thank you! My horse and I went for a lovely ride in the autumnal woods. Can't keep me down for long! x
Re: Wow!
24 Nov 2013, 15:31
Hi Drilakila. What a horrible thing to happen to you. I'm so sorry to read this. I do hope the police catch them. :heart: :heart:
Re: Wow!
24 Nov 2013, 16:39
hi Drilakila

I join the others in sending you a big virtual hug! scumbags!! hope you can get some insurance money at least, take care hun xx
Re: Wow!
24 Nov 2013, 16:56
Sorry to here that Drailika. Can you scour the local markets, car boots and second hand stores and outlets just to see if you can find the recognisable bits? If you do find something then call the police and hope they can come immediately before the part is sold.
Re: Wow!
28 Nov 2013, 09:05
I am still in shock re losing all my stuff but for a different reason...Firstly my friend ordered a halter and lead rope the day I got burgled then I got a phone call on Monday from a Parelli Natural Horsemanship friend I haven't seen in a couple of years. She told me she had credit at Parelli (where we buy our equipment and educational stuff) and she wanted me to call them and order new stuff to replace mine as a gift from her!!!!!
Makes my eyes leak even writing about it. I could hardly believe someone would do this for me. But to help me feel ok about it my friend and I agreed that I should paint her a picture of her herd in return,as a thank you. Fair exchange is no robbery as the saying goes.
So in my hallway is a bridle and halter and ropes etc, all the equipment I need to carry on as usual.
Insurance claim has been sent off and I found the exact same saddle on eBay. Hope I win the auction later today!!!
I feel very lucky to be blessed with such wonderful friends. x
Re: Wow!
28 Nov 2013, 09:30
Hope your wonderful friends have restored your faith in the decency of most people and helped put the scum who robbed you into perspective. Fingers crossed your insurers also pay up and you are successful on Ebay! :clover: :clover:
Re: Wow!
28 Nov 2013, 09:35
not sure it's restored an idea of most people lol. But it has made me take another look. Thanks Callyanna xxx
Re: Wow!
28 Nov 2013, 10:18
Very happy for you!!

What wonderful friends :-) fingers crossed for the auction, hope you win it!! x
Re: Wow!
28 Nov 2013, 21:53
I did win it!! Woohoo!!! x
Re: Wow!
28 Nov 2013, 22:04
yeah! great news!
Re: Wow!
30 Nov 2013, 09:00
Woohoo! Lost a bit this week. I had a few extra calories the last two fasts this week so I am pleased and relieved lol.
While everyone gears up for Christmas I have nothing planned. No extra food, no parties or dinners. My sons are coming over at some point so we will have a dinner but not being a meat eater we won't be making a big deal out of it.
I hope I don't sound like a Bah! Humbug misery guts. I'm not, it's just it all leaves me quite underwhelmed to be honest lol. The best part of Christmas day for me is a ride in the empty, quiet woods with my horse. We wear tinsel and bells though lol x
Re: Wow!
30 Nov 2013, 10:51
Great news, keep at it :smile:
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