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Delighted or Disappointed?

163 posts Page 9 of 11
Re: Wow!
01 Jan 2014, 10:47
What a great idea - what I like about it is that it is just for you, from you. None of this outward-facing 'mask' of fake positivity which can be so damaging. :heart: :victory: :like: :clover:
Re: Wow!
01 Jan 2014, 16:07
Hi Drilakila! Happy New Year and congrats on your loss! I LOVE your lovely life jar idea. Have you thought about you setting up a virtual thread so we can all contribute our daily gratitudes?
Re: Wow!
02 Jan 2014, 08:33
Hi karen,
It's a nice idea, the jar. I didn't even think about putting up a thread of a virtual jar here. I might just do that x
Re: Wow!
02 Jan 2014, 08:41
I agree, it is a really nice idea. So many times I get down for no apparent reason, and I need to remind myself to metaphorically smell the roses and know how much I have. I'm all for a virtual jar!
Re: Wow!
02 Jan 2014, 09:58
@drilakila lovely thread you have here. I so love your lovely jar that I am going to set up my own. Thank you for that inspiring idea.

Hope you are enjoying your car
Re: Wow!
03 Jan 2014, 08:47
thanks! I found the jar idea on FB so can't take credit for it. I am loving the car when I am not crushed by the responsibility lol. Still pinching myself to see if I am dreaming...or stark raving mad!!! x
Re: Wow!
03 Jan 2014, 17:59
It can take time to get to enjoy something as big as this, after a long period of austerity or reduced circumstances - you get into the mindset of 'making do' and it can be very disorientating when you do something counterintuitive like this - it feels 'wrong' and you feel very insecure, and as tho the rug is going to be pulled from under you at any moment! But give it time, and it will pass - make sure you allow yourself to enjoy the car every day - driving about in it, not having to worry about breaking down etc, and perhaps a longer trip away ... :clover: :victory: :like:
Re: Wow!
03 Jan 2014, 19:50
I often have that feeling as if the rug is about to be pulled. I have driven motorbility cars for the last 20 years as my disabled sons driver. He no longer needs a car as he lives elsewhere so in a way I have been spoiled car wise for a very long time.
Five years ago my long term partner suddenly upped and left and things have been pretty much of a struggle and a huge adjustment since then.
Coupled with the recession and feeling depressed it feels like I have experienced a lot of reduced circumstances lol.
I love how you have put it so well Silverdarling, thank you. It does feel like I have done something totally counter intuitive as if I don't think I deserve it. It isn't really a question of deserving either is it lol.
I have been smiling to myself as I drove to work enjoying the joy that is my own new reliable car which I intend to keep for the next ten years.
Something changed in my thinking this last few weeks. I cannot explain it or even pinpoint when I thought differently but it seemed suddenly I stopped being so negative and just decided things were going to improve. And improve they have! I have also done physical things to improve my situation, put things in place to make business improve and make more money available.
I wonder if losing weight/being more healthy has helped me think differently? I think maybe I just got fed up with being miserable and found a way not to be. I wish I knew how because then I could sell it and make money as well as help others lol.
cilla xxx
Re: Wow!
03 Jan 2014, 20:18
I think if you take action on anything it stops you feeling powerless and 'done- to', even if it's a small thing or a series of small things that you do. So 5:2 could count there, and influence spill over into other areas of life - I think a lot of people on the forum might agree with that! It would be great if it could be bottled - but maybe we'll have to be content with your jar!! :lol: :wink:
Re: Wow!
03 Jan 2014, 20:20
Nice one! Keep it up!
Re: Wow!
04 Jan 2014, 08:27
taking back control drilakila!
I have read this complete thread and take my hat off to you.
You have taken the life you have and are turning it around.
I do believe that having success in an area of our lives breeds success and we can get out of a spiral of negativity and make it a spiral of positivity. It is hard work...and it looks as though you have it sussed.
Congrats and may it continue
Re: Wow!
04 Jan 2014, 08:45
You do deserve it. Never, ever think that way. We are here to enjoy ourselves and love. Don't look over your shoulder either, as it will attract negativity. Sorry I'm weird like that. Your jar will help your positivity!
Re: Wow!
04 Jan 2014, 08:57
what a lovely bunch of people you are. I really appreciate the feedback and lovely comments. So helpful and heartwarming. Thank you all so much!
Weigh in day today...lost .5 kilo this week! My waist refuses to shrink,my size 10 jeans are staying on the hanger for now too.
I got a pair of the american wranglers I wanted on ebay...size 7/8 not a chance of getting into them just yet either lol. But at least I know what size I might need for now lol. Perhaps I'll get the next size up. So now I have two pairs of inspirational jeans!
Next week everything should be back to normal and I will be back on 4:3 again.
I hope everyone stays warm, safe and dry in this horrible weather.
cilla xxx
Re: Wow!
11 Jan 2014, 08:54
Not feeling very wow! today...put on weight! Nearly 3 kilos but it's no surprise after all the extras I ate over the holidays. Hopefully I have got that out of my system lol.
I am feeling a bit disappointed but no tears lol,reasoning with myself, trying to be kind and not judgmental! I lost weight before so I can do it again. I managed three fasts this week although I went over my calorie allowance on Wednesday. But it's still a bit disappointing isn't it.
I am sure in a couple of weeks the extra 3k will be gone again and I can carry on focusing on February and my goal of 75kg.
cilla xxx
Re: Wow!
11 Jan 2014, 09:27
incredible well done you :clap:
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