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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Re: Wow!
21 Aug 2013, 09:51
Am trying to stay off the scales but measured myself this morning....
more inches gone!
waist -1"
hips - 1"
knees -1/2"
bust -1"
under bust 1/2"
Thats a total of 12" lost from various bits of me! All I can say is WOW! x
Re: Wow!
21 Aug 2013, 11:27
Never thought to measure my knees. I am so going to do that tomorrow!!!
Re: Wow!
24 Aug 2013, 07:45
Hmmm, not feeling so wow today. Nearly broke my fast last night! Even though I was happy all day and ate a very nice veg and chickpea stew for dinner and was pretty full but I wanted to eat more! Kept busy all evening but found myself at midnight standing in front of the fridge, door open, I ate a handful of raspberries and went to bed. Go me!
Woke up this morning with a headache. I wonder...did I not drink enough?? Again? Just to cheer myself up (not!) I got on the scales and my weight is back up 6 lbs lol. Having suffered the indignity of IBS for years I am the 'other way' now and that's probably what has made me feel out of sorts. A glitch, I tell myself, that's all. It's crash and burn time and it will pass.
I have been going through a phase of buying new cheap clothes as mine are either very old or too big. I bought three things yesterday. Mens 34" jeans as I am tired of women's jeans not fitting....I am too old to wear 'low rise' and don't appreciate the 'boot lid' hanging out when i sit down! They are ok, different cut is odd but comfortable. What I thought was a big sloppy t-shirt on the hanger is actually quite clingy :-p and a bra top that was so small I think I need to go to the opticians...there must be something wrong with my eyesight!
Moan over, thanks for listening! Normal service will hopefully be resumed asap x
Re: Wow!
24 Aug 2013, 07:52
Just remember you've lost a foot! 30.4 cm! 304mm!
Does that not cheer you up?
The glitch will pass
Re: Wow!
24 Aug 2013, 07:52
Hey drilakila, still early days of being o this WoE so your body will still be adjusting. That's normal, so don't worry. As for you feeling hungry in front of the fridge, think it is all part of adjusting, and it may go on for a bit yet! Don't beat yourself up though! You are right, drink plenty, keep to protein and veg, salad etc and avoid sugary stuff and things will gradually settle down. Lots of people have had similar i the early days so worth a look around the forum.
Good luck and keep posting :clover: :heart: :cool:
Re: Wow!
24 Aug 2013, 07:55
Even if you are a couple of pounds off, it's still a fantastic achievement considering most people lose a pound a week or less! Well done :)
Re: Wow!
24 Aug 2013, 08:09
aww you guys! Yes 304mm!!! It is early, early days. My poor body is brain needs to catch up! Thanks so much for the kind and helpful words. xxx
Re: Wow!
24 Aug 2013, 08:24
Great results, you must be so chuffed! Well done, clearly whatever you're doing is working a treat! :0)
Re: Wow!
24 Aug 2013, 10:39
Fantastic results so far so focus on that and what you've lost a "'Foot ''
Wow wish I'd measured everywhere knees amazing.
Carry on with all your hard work and your brain will catch-up eventually
Lol Good Luck :clover: Sue
Re: Wow!
26 Aug 2013, 16:29
I am not entirely sue but I think I lost a pound this last week. My scales are a bit hard to read even with my glasses on! So....I have ordered some new ones. They will measure body fat and BMI too. Woohoo! x
Re: Wow!
27 Aug 2013, 08:02
I forgot it was Monday and a fast day yesterday but despite eating muesli and banana for breakfast I stuck to under 500 cals! Definitely 1lb down and I measured myself...another inch off my waist and half an inch from my thighs and knees! Marvelous!!! x
Re: Wow!
27 Aug 2013, 08:04
Great stuff Drilakila!!!

Re: Wow!
27 Aug 2013, 08:09
Well done, that is amazing!
Lil :heart:
Re: Wow!
31 Aug 2013, 07:41
I got my new scales. Took a while to set them up but got there in the end. Not surprisingly the weight they say I am is a bit heavier than on my tracker. It bothers me lol!
Because I didn't weigh myself when I started this but just assumed the Dr's scales were correct I am thinking that I should start over again. I can only use metric on the scales too and swapping it by doing the maths is tedious. It just means I spend more time obsessing about my weight which I am trying not to do. Perhaps I should just bite the bullet and go metric!?
Anyway, according to my new scales I lost just under a kilo. And about half an inch off my will all be in metric from now on so I had better get used to that.Nice! It's all going well and nice and slow which I like, allaying my fears that no matter what I do I won't get thinner! Obviously it's working and I will get thinner! I need to chill out and stop worrying about it lol!!!
Re: Wow!
31 Aug 2013, 08:18
I've been holding back on getting the new scales because I don't really want to know how much water I'm holding on to Lol. I've got permanent water retention so that's my reasoning, but on a recent visit to my nurse she weighed me and I was 5 lbs heavier than on my own !!! That doesn't bother me, but like you can't read if I've lost the 1lb, but can see the kilo reading so that's something, so that doesn't help you with your dilemma However your doing very well, carry-on and Good Luck :clover: Sue
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