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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Re: Wow!
31 Aug 2013, 10:00
Janet wrote...................

"Just remember you've lost a foot!"............................ :shock:

And for one awful moment I wondered what had appended, phew! Just 12 inches then? What a relief, oh, and well done Drilakila :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Wow!
31 Aug 2013, 17:01
Definitely a wow! That's quite an achievement. :like:
Re: Wow!
31 Aug 2013, 22:22
Good for you!!
Re: Wow!
05 Sep 2013, 08:49
I put weight on over the weekend and have almost lost it all again today. I really should stop weighing myself every time I go to my bedroom lol. So I have decided to weigh myself officially on a Saturday and record that. It won't stop me being a bit obsessed with the scales but it doesn't upset me like it used to when I dieted as a hobby for most of my life.
My experience of fasting has changed again...initially I felt very sick and got bad stomach aches. Evenings were torture! But I noticed this week things have improved and I don't feel so hungry and not feeling sick is wonderful. And watching (or trying not to) people at work eat was hard. Now I look away and enjoy the aromas but know that I can eat later and soon it will be tomorrow and I won't be fasting.
I saw some photos of myself from the weekend and was pleasantly surprised to see how much slimmer bits of me look! Not stomach is still doing its spare tyre impression but on the whole I am impressed. And relieved. Wish my chest would join in though!
Re: Wow!
09 Sep 2013, 10:15
Back in my size 14 jeans today!!! Woohooo!!!! And after a very nice eating weekend.
Have realised I think food is my enemy lol. Actually enjoying the food I eat when I am not fasting now. It had got to the point where I couldn't be arsed to eat really so just ate rubbish in the form of bread and jam and drank too much. I even ate some fresh cream eclairs this weekend and really enjoyed them. No guilt! Wow! x
Re: Wow!
09 Sep 2013, 10:30
Wow ! indeed drilkila well done on sticking to it, best of luck with the withdrawal from the scales. Lol :heart: size 14 wow you must be a very happy bunny today, enjoy the jeans. Good Luck. :clover: Sue
Re: Wow!
09 Sep 2013, 10:33
That is great news! :) x
Re: Wow!
09 Sep 2013, 10:38
I'm the same with food now as you Drilakila. I wait till I'm hungry and then i only want the best! Im not going to waste calories on inferior food. Of course i still have junk. I havent let myself eat cheese and bacon balls (cheesy chip/ crisp ball type things in a packet with lots of yellow colouring) since i fell in love with them on my honeymoon 23 years ago. For the last 2 weeks i have them every friday night with my favourite white Costello cheese and sour dough toast with wine and thats dinner- but still losing weight.
Re: Wow!
10 Sep 2013, 19:51
I got changed this afternoon from yard clothes to everyday clothes to go walk the dogs. I felt strange as I walked along...I was sure I had put my newly fitting size 14 jeans on but these felt too big. I wondered if I had put my size 16's on by mistake, which fall down. Spent the whole walk pulling them up!
When I got home I checked...and they are the 14's! I haven't lost much weight this week if any at all but I am still shrinking lol. Marvelous! x
Re: Wow!
10 Sep 2013, 20:19
drilakila wrote: ... Spent the whole walk pulling them up!

If you hadn't you'd be out there still taking really short steps. Great progress!
Re: Wow!
10 Sep 2013, 20:42
It is strange the scales might not be budging the measurements might be showing you some reductions but the clothes falling down baggy and not fitting definitely are the language of no doubt and tell you resoundingly it's working
Re: Wow!
11 Sep 2013, 08:54
I agree, wow indeed. You must be so pleased :)
Re: Wow!
17 Sep 2013, 08:35
I have broken out of my 85k slump lol. The scales said 84.7 this morning woohoo! And all this despite really laying into the wine on saturday. I can't quite get my head around being able to eat whatever I want on non fast days but how I am relieved to fast on a Monday after a weekend of eating.
On a more downbeat note...I am not in a very good place mentally. Very stressed out in fact which makes it a struggle for me to eat and then when I do I can't stop so hopefully this WOE will sort that out.
I am self employed and my business has been struggling for a couple of years but this winter looks like it may be time to call it quits. My biggest problem (apart form lack of money) is how to get out of my lease that still has 10 more years to run. I have been advised it's not worth selling on in these current financial times and I am in arrears too,just to add to the mess. Then I have another big decision...where to go next because I can't afford to stay in London without a job. (I don't feel optimistic about finding alternative work after nearly 30 years as my own boss, looking the way I do plus my age lol) Feeling very worried and insecure.
Strangely (I think) this WOE is a big comfort for me. I wasn't expecting that given that my lifetimes experience of dieting has always been about denial, restriction and disappointment. At least I have control over what and when I eat and it's saving me a lot of money so it's not all bad. It also feels like a way to look after myself and even think about myself in a positive way when everything around me seems to be falling apart. x
Re: Wow!
17 Sep 2013, 08:59
Oh drilakila all the best
Re: Wow!
17 Sep 2013, 08:59
Good Luck drilakila with the problems you've got :clover:
You are so right about this WOL beeing a comfort to us because as you said we don't worry around food any more so less stress on your already long list of stressful problems :heart:

Well done on breaking through the barrier and best wishes with life
:clover: Sue. :clover:
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