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Delighted or Disappointed?

163 posts Page 5 of 11
Re: Wow!
12 Oct 2013, 11:54
julianna wrote: Never thought to measure my knees. I am so going to do that tomorrow!!!

Knees are soooooooo important!
Mine feel pointier and bonier! Still not a pretty sight tho ;0) x
Re: Wow!
18 Oct 2013, 18:52
On my Wed fast I decided not to have breakfast and managed not to eat until about 2pm in the afternoon. The idea of not eating for all that time would have freaked me out not so long ago. For todays fast I didn't eat until 6pm this evening and it worked very well for me. That meant 20 hours of nothing but coffee and water. I am amazed at how easy it was. I don't think I could have done that when I first started this WOE.
Had a wonderful surprise this morning. I have been clearing out some of my stuff and got around to my wardrobe and not just jeans. I found a hoodie and a coat I haven't worn for over 4 years. I had got too big to squeeze into them. To my great joy they fit!! The jacket is a beloved Oakley waterproof coat that I had actually forgotten I still had. And I can fit lots of layers underneath it too. Felt like my birthday and xmas all rolled into one! x
Re: Wow!
19 Oct 2013, 07:42
Today is a good day. Total loss to date is 10kg. I am well on target and feeling pretty damn good about it. And I have a date tonight! Woohoo! x
Re: Wow!
21 Oct 2013, 19:16
I hope I am not banging on too much about jeans! But...went to M&S yesterday to see if they had any jeans I like. I love the Roma range and found some that looked like the ones I used to wear. Picked up a size 12 and headed to the changing wonderful to pull them on and find they fit beautifully. I am a happy shopper lol x
Re: Wow!
23 Oct 2013, 17:17
You are doing fantastically :like:
Re: Wow!
23 Oct 2013, 18:37
Great you are still headed in the right direction :like: :like:
Re: Wow!
26 Oct 2013, 08:08
For the first time since I started 5:2 or rather my 4:3 I have put on a little weight. Bit disappointed but perhaps I haven't paid enough attention to what I have been eating on food days. Plus now I come to think of it, I drank a bottle of wine this last week. And I have had less water. And I stopped spreading my meals out and have just one in the evening. Hmmm...
I think it was bound to happen sooner or later because the novelty wears off and we get a bit complacent, don't we. My measurements have stayed the same so it's not all bad lol.
It will be interesting to see what happens in the next week. x
Re: Wow!
29 Oct 2013, 08:41
I thought I wouldn't manage to fast yesterday, just wasn't 'feeling it' first thing in the morning. But it was really good and I felt a lot better. Although I felt a bit sick and my stomach rumbled a few times. I lost a kilo this morning too so that made me smile lol. I had stopped keeping a food diary on food days so perhaps I might go back to doing that to see what I am eating x
Re: Wow!
29 Oct 2013, 12:10
Keep going drilakila! This thread is an inspiration.
Re: Wow!
29 Oct 2013, 16:03
thank you so much Glenda! Here was me thinking no one read my posts lol.x
Re: Wow!
30 Oct 2013, 08:26
Here's a question for you all.
Why, oh why, are tape measures so cold on the skin!!!?? It's probably helpful though because it makes me take a sharp breath in when I wrap it around my waist lol! I might start warming it up on the radiator now that colder weather is here.
Is there a tape measure out there that is warm to the touch? I doubt it, unless you know otherwise! x
Re: Wow!
30 Oct 2013, 10:17
I think you should keep the tape measure cold! Sounds like its working for you :lol:
Re: Wow!
30 Oct 2013, 10:21
Whaaaat???? 14lbs?! Thats incredible. Well done indeed :heart:
Re: Wow!
30 Oct 2013, 11:06
Re: Wow!
01 Nov 2013, 12:25
Because I have been weighing myself in kilos it didn't quite hit me how much weight I have lost. So I did some maths and I weigh and astonishing 12 stone 9 lbs!!! I have been a lot more than that for such a long time I can hardly contain my happiness!!
I decided to celebrate, I will buy myself a pair of size 10 jeans now (or rather when I have the money), wrap them up and open them on Christmas Day as a present to myself! (I wonder if I will get into them by then lol??)
I will be thinking of you all when I open them up and will raise a glass of bubbly to toast us all! x
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