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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Re: Wow!
19 Sep 2013, 08:56
the last two mornings my weight has dropped to under 85kg!! Woohoo. Funny how it's back up again in the evenings though lol.
Been wearing more things I found at the back of my wardrobe, specifically jeans size 14 he he.
My financial situation continues to make me feel very down and depressed. I feel like I am treading water waiting for the deluge to hit and everything has lost it's joy and sparkle.
My next door neighbour commented on how I am 'shrinking' last night. I think it was a compliment lol x
Re: Wow!
19 Sep 2013, 09:36
Hi drilakila you need to go ''cold turkey '' and withdraw slowly from your addiction to your scales. :heart: they aren't always your best friend.
Oohhh the back of the wardrobe surprises are truly wonderful enjoy them
Yes the comment from your neighbour was a compliment deffo.
Cheer yourself up on all those new targets you've achieved
Then maybe all your other worries won't drop you into a deeper depression :like: Good Luck with all. :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: Wow!
21 Sep 2013, 07:38
I binned the jeans! They kept falling down around my bum and it was really annoying. I am officially under 85k's now! My waist isn't shrinking as much now but I have gone form a 40F bra to a 36DD!!! I have lost 1cm from my waist and all the other measurements are the same. I don't mind.
It's not an addiction Sue.Q! Honest! I can quit any time hahahaha!
Back in the days of desperate dieting if the scales didn't show a continuous loss I was filled with dread and despair and would cry and be miserable for weeks thinking evil thoughts about myself. Now I just find it interesting how my weight fluctuates but the general trend is downwards so I have nothing to be upset about. Seems like an awful waste of emotion and energy now lol.
It's really obvious to me now how the things I was eating before this made me fat. I kidded myself that I ate a healthy diet but I didn't really. Interesting how what we perceive as healthy isn't really, especially in large amounts lol. Doh!
My feelings of panic are leveling out a little which must be good for my health lol. I have been throwing stuff out, clearing out things I should have done years ago. If I am going to move at some point in the next year to an even smaller house I had better shed some weight of a different kind. x
Re: Wow!
21 Sep 2013, 07:56
When my mind is troubled, I find it therapeutic to have a good sort out at home.. I generally tackle the jumble of my underwear drawer, I then do the tights and leggings drawer and then sometimes even put the wardrobe into great order .

Somehow, seeing that you CAN make order from chaos, helps me feel I can tackle other 'bigger' issues......

If it doesn't do anything else for you - you will have nice tidy drawers for a while!
Re: Wow!
30 Sep 2013, 07:29
Despite putting on half a kilo on and off recently I have lost more off my waist and am now wearing my smallest size 14 jeans!i am looking at my size 12's with anticipation and glee lol. Fasting went a bit wonky last week as I went away and fasting at a friends house didn't quite work out. As is today when I should be fasting but have a lunch date which are so rare I am not going to miss it!
The only down side of losing weight is my favourite riding jeans which I have been wearing for three years or more are no longer good. Far too baggy and rub my legs when I ride so I am looking for alternatives, dragging every single pair of jeans out of my wardrobe. Some people buy shoes...I seem to have bought countless pairs of jeans over the years. M&S stopped making my favourite 'high waisted' jeans that I have been wearing for 10 years which is really, really annoying and I have been looking, unsuccessfully, for replacements for a couple of years. I did manage to buy a couple of pairs on ebay but they are too big now. Sigh.
I am not panicking about my situation for the time being. I think I just ran out of energy for that and doing a bit of travelling to look around places has helped. I am left not knowing what to do for the best really so it's best to do nothing while I sort my finances out and look at possibilities.
I am sure the majority of people feel as I do....where you were born is home and where your heart is. To leave London seems unthinkable even though a new place would soon become home. I can't explain how I feel, just that London is my home. I don't have family here...I don't really have family at all and few friends so there's not a lot keeping me here once I close my business if that's what I have to do.
Been sorting and throwing more accumulated stuff out, things I haven't looked at in years! Cathartic and bitter sweet but necessary. Why is it hard for me to throw things away? x
Re: Wow!
30 Sep 2013, 08:43
Well done on getting into your smallest size 14's! I have jeans across five different sizes so I understand the addiction. Hope things pick up for you and a plan is taking shape.
Re: Wow!
30 Sep 2013, 16:25
Five!! Wow rawkaren. Am I really addicted lol. Thanks for the kind words x
Re: Wow!
05 Oct 2013, 07:31
Today is definitely a wow day! Lost another kilo this week! And that was after a challenging week food/fast wise. Got into my smallest size 14 jeans comfortably...I keep checking the label to see if I put the wrong size on as they are now loose!
Best part of all this week is I bought a couple of those thinner stretch bras. I have been wearing some from Asda for a while but they are very supportive, padded and thick. So I bought these thinner ones online as they were only £2.99 each in a sale thinking I could wear them eventually. I have been wearing them, even when riding my horse! After all those years of wearing expensive 'upholstered' wired bras, watching the grooves in my shoulders made by the straps develop and feeling dragged down by the weight I am so absolutely, overwhelmingly delighted to be able to wear light, stretchy bras again. I feel liberated lol.
This WOE is slowly changing my attitude to food too as well as making me smaller. Others have noticed a change in their food taste and I noticed it the other day. Things that I used to eat and love have lost their appeal and don't taste as nice. Wow!
Re: Wow!
05 Oct 2013, 07:41
Congrats to you. Another milestone! I made it into my 'big' :victory: 10 jeans this week - they had not seen the light of day for about a year..
Re: Wow!
05 Oct 2013, 07:52
haha! Well done! I haven't been a size 10 since 1982!! I might be again in 2014 though! x
Re: Wow!
07 Oct 2013, 10:17
well.....I was sorting through my many pairs of jeans and on a whim I tried on a size 12.......and they fit!!! I haven't been this slim for over four years!! Still weigh too much to be in a healthy range but blimey I am astonishingly happy lol x
Re: Wow!
07 Oct 2013, 10:26
Congratulations!! You are right to be so thrilled!!
Re: Wow!
12 Oct 2013, 08:08
9kg down! Another 0.6 kg and 1cm off my waist this week. I feel different. Really different! Lighter, fitter and I think it shows in the way I walk these days. I feel different inside which is odd and hard to explain lol. Maybe it's the lack of IBS symptoms, which haven't gone completely but as long as I don't eat too much bread all is well.
My initial fevered enthusiasm has died down, which is good because I was a bit obsessed and it took up a lot of my energy,replaced by the feeling that this WOE is just normal now.
Still getting the cravings for snacks on fast day evenings but managing to not give in to them. Even hunger pangs are enjoyable! I know a big glug of water takes them away.
When the tracker informs me that by an estimated date I might be a certain weight, although that might not be exact, I actually believe it's possible!
The downside is I might need new jeans sooner than I thought! x
Re: Wow!
12 Oct 2013, 09:53
Hi Drilakila. You are on fire! Amazing. Congratulations to you :victory: :heart: :victory:
Re: Wow!
12 Oct 2013, 11:53
Well done Drilakila you are doing soooo well, enjoy your success .
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