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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Just completed my second hiit session of the week (7th so far).

I couldn't manage to fit it in this morning as I took my daughter horse-riding. So. I decided to do it about two hours after eating my lunch. That was a big mistake and I won't be doing it again any time soon! I felt really sick and I still have horrible indigestion.

I willl be definitely doing it on an empty stomach in future.
Member #27 checking in! I have kept up my commitment to do three sessions of 2000m each week on the rowing machine, with 3 x 30 sec HIT in each session. Week two now completed with eight sessions under my belt! :victory:

Yesterday I couldn't get my heart rate above 118, despite rowing as fast as I could (35-38 stroke rate). I am using the same resistance as previous sessions and wondered if anyone can suggest why this might be? :?: My husband says that I must be getting fitter but surely eight sessions couldn't have made any difference already? :?:
Number 4 here - failing miserably :confused:
moving swiftly on
@StowgateResident there is a very good chance that your fitness level has improved! I found when I was doing it before that it was very efficient. I was doing 3 sets of rowing and 3 DVDs a week. The DVDs got so much easier as I progressed. My friend , who put me onto it/designed my programme, said that once it gets easy (and you have worked to the full programme) to increase the resistance.
MadMax and I never got to that place... :oops:
you are doing so well!
Thanks, @janeg, It seems nothing short of a miracle if my fitness has improved with such a minute amount of effort! I did wonder if it was because yesterday I went out for lunch and had quite a carb-heavy day. I watched the Horizon program yesterday ('Sugar v Fat) and it seemed quite clear that carbs are a very efficient provider of energy for exercise, much more so than fat. I think that I will try increasing the resistance lever from 5 to 6 and see what happens!

It seems that you and I are the only club members who are rowing, so thank you very much for your advice. :like:
Am I the only one struggling with HIIT? I've dropped it completely until after the half marathon (tomorrow!), but my tail bone is still sore, so I can't get on the bike again for awhile. I'm going to try the elliptical. How many here use the elliptical?

I've been keeping up strength training (very sore still from 2 days ago workout) and training runs...
Hi, I am finally about to start with this exercise regime, so have just added a signature to that effect. [Checked with my physio today, so all fine to go. :) ]

Hopefully the exercise will help shift the little bit of weight I have put on this year (haven't noted it in the progress tracker yet, as have just started daily weighing and want to see what happens with that).
Member #8 checking in. I did HIT on Monday and Wednesday and today will be a HIT morning. Tuesday and Thursday were lower intensity 30 min sessions. It is purely coincidental but my HIT days have been days where other commitments would have prevented a longer session.
We have the same hiit schedule SianS :) I'm psyching myself up for today's session. I've had a niggley headache for the past two days (been trying to low carb a bit more - not sure if related) and I think it might make it worse, but I will give it a try.

Next week I'm traveling back to Saudi. I still plan to get my three days in but my days will be Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Writing them out here publicly to make it formal and to encourage me to do it.

Happy hiiting to anyone else doing it today :)
Number 4 here and I'm struggling @maryann
Absolutely no motivation.
Silly work week last week but could have and should have but didn't.
Needing a rethink.
Next couple of weeks are going to be great fun as Non diving daughter is here on holiday, I'm off and diving daughter is home too.
NDD is going to run a half marathon while she's here so will be doing some training.
I'm considering starting the 30 day shred again while she's here.
My thinking is
1 I've managed it before and had a love/hate relationship with it
2 I'm here, on holiday so will have the time
3 it has 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. Not exactly HIIT but it is interval training.
4 it should get me back into the groove

I'm also needing to work how to manage eating. Thinking 16:8 and maybe one fast.
*groan* need so much motivating just now.
And probably the wet fish :)
Thoughts?comments? Slaps with wet fish? HELP
Oh,@janeg, I'm sorry that your relationship with Mad Max has been so short! Are you sure that you want to abandon him just yet? :cry:

For me the HIT rowing is working out well for a number of reasons -
Firstly, I don't have to get changed into special clothing.
Secondly, it only takes fifteen minutes out of my day (and that includes turning on the TV and putting on the heart monitor and gloves!)
Thirdly, I only have to do it three times a week!
Fourthly, I don't have to go to the gym, just walk upstairs.
Fifthly, I seem to be improving! :grin:

However, it seems that you are planning other exercise - lots actually - far more than I would ever contemplate! so you don't need your own wet fish - just freedom from guilt!

Enjoy spending time with your girls - mine both live abroad so I don't see as much as them as I would like but it is lovely when we can get together.

Once again, thanks for your advice with the rowing. :smile: Valerie
Hmmmm, maybe I shouldn't abandon Madmax. I could do the shred and max on alternate days. That would work! :)
Then I would be HIITing and shredding - oh yes! :victory:
Love it when a plan comes together.
Right @Stowgate Resident you've talked me into it. Both of us rowing, can't abandon you! :grin:
Well. I managed two minutes Moseley style today. That was all I could muster with a poorly head. I didn't even do them consecutively but I'm still glad knowing it was two mins better than nothing :)

That sounds like a pretty exhausting schedule janeg. More power to you :)
Thanks @Umleila
Think i need to really go for it, in an all or nothing manner as the gently building up has been a failure.
And i'm on holiday so will really not have an excuse...
Remains to be seen though
Admiring your commitment with a dodgy head. Respect!
Hi@MaryAnn, sorry to hear your tail is still sore! But good luck for your run! Hope it goes/has gone well!! Yes I use an elliptical/cross trainer for my HIIT - it seems to work really well. I can certainly get my HR up around max if I go really fast in my sprints - I'm using Steve Boutcher's program. I've done 10so far and I am adjusting to it a bit more mentally - no more all-out fear reaction prior to getting on! Only thing I worry about a little us that you just don't get the range of movement with the legs that you do with a bike, so I think my quads are growing a bit bulky in one spot - first world problem! My Pilates training says it's always better to do as big a movement as possible, then you work more bits of the muscle. But it's been great for my arm strength & toning, and also for my abdominal obliques, since you need to resist the swaying a bit. And my cycling times are getting much better with much less effort, I feel my body is much less afraid of pushing it just a little. So - very happy overall!

Good luck with getting back into it!
@MaryAnn I use the elliptical and a reclining seated bike as I have had coccyx problems. But also check out @jools7 recommendation to me about a particular stretch for ligament alongside hip. I also do a program of stretches designed to relieve my getting a return of coccyxedinia (or some such spelling) Holding up well but I think we need to really ensure we stretch to counteract the tension we create by HIT. Am not an expert, others might advise

#9 reporting, Maxxy our dog getting the odd extra walk, but it's been too hot for gym past few days only managed 2 gym sessions. Did my hit was like doing it in a sauna. Note to self go to gym first thing after walking Max
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