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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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25 here again. Muscle feeling ok so I decided to try the stair running. Maybe run is an exaggeration slow jog is better. They are really steep stairs. Anyway 3 times up with a short recovery in between. Not sure how long I ran as I forgot to take the phone to time it.
I seem to manage 2 HIT days a week at the moment so I would say progress is fair. I feel really great after each session, sort of on a high.
Number 4 signing in...
Missed yesterday's session, up really early to send Beloved to airport ( truth be told he wakened me but i didn't get back to sleep properly) then out to collect non diving daughter from said airport.
Felt yukky with a headache , then the nausea started. NDD crashed so i decided a wee lie down would help. 2 hours later felt much better and it was time to do cooking and stuff. Excuses, i know.
So, resolve firmly girded, and did the shred first thing. NDD was out running, putting me to shame really!
Feeling slightly virtuous but ate breakfast and am intending doing 16:8 while everyone is here.
Ach well, it's Christmas day mark 3 so not to worry. There's always tomorrow.
Happy HIITing folks
HIIT success finally: 15min (+warm up/cool down) Boutcher protocol on the elliptical.
Completed day 2 of this week. Traveling the next two days, so next hiit session Saturday hopefully :)
#28 checking in.

Had a good session in the gym of 400 cals on the treamill with average HR of 124. Followed by 7 x 30 seconds sprints on the elliptical trainer at level 16. Max pulse was 164. Both these took between 29 & 30 minutes so <60 minutes in total...

I'm thinking of taking my Garmin next HIIT session to record my HR - which could be fun!
#27 here! Haven't missed a session yet so 'good' in the commitment department. :like: Still haven't managed to get my heart rate over 125 but am gradually increasing the resistance on the rowing machine, so perhaps I will get there soon! Am now into my third week of HIT, fourth week of exercise of any type, so 'good' there, too (for me at least)! :victory:
No 27 I I think that rates as excellent.
Ouch ouch and ouch boy do my legs hurt after the stair running yesterday. Good hurt though not injured hurt.
#8 reporting in just before starting my 3rd HIT session of the week, I'm sticking with it as my HIT days seem almost miraculously to fall on days when I wouldn't have the time for an extended session. Today is a post Fast day and a quick 10 mins is perfect as I'm really ready to break my fast - SOON.

Quick edit - based on this morning's weigh in my body fat and waist have both reduced over the month I've been doing this
Number 4 here
successfully managed another shred. That's the third
pattern begining to be set for sticking with it.
Don't feel any fitter though...
This popped up on my FB page...might help?? It seems to be a picture of different types of HIT routines. ... nfographic
#28 reporting. Just got back from an after work session in the gym. It was similar to earlier this week, did 400 cals aerobic on the treadmill with average HR of 124. Followed by 7 x 30-35 seconds sprints on the elliptical trainer at level 16 (a couple at 17!). Took around 60 minutes in total.
BBT053 wrote: This popped up on my FB page...might help?? It seems to be a picture of different types of HIT routines. ... nfographic

Nice link! Thanks for posting.
MaryAnn wrote: HIIT success finally: 15min (+warm up/cool down) Boutcher protocol on the elliptical.

I repeated this again last night. Woo hoo! I have to say, though, unusually for me, I dread doing this. It could just be my tailbone ( almost better now), or it could be that it's HARD!
Number 14 checking in. I'm doing well, finished week 5/16 and HIIT workout 15/48 today. Feeling really good about what this is doing.

Based on the link to a study I put in this post (which I recommend to all exercisers out there, especially runners), I have decided to reduce my running mileage to ~15 miles per week, maybe a little less, and increase my walking. Also I want my average running pace to be in the 6-7 mph range, peaking at about 8mph maybe for races if I ever do a race. I've also shifted my focus from training for a 10km race to training for a 5km race.

Today I tried something a little different for my HIIT workout. I usually do the Tabata protocol (20s-up/10s-down times 8-16 intervals over 4-8 minutes) on a stationary bike. Today I did the following on a treadmill:

--5 minute warmup, 6-7mph, low-ish to zero incline

--5 x 3 minute intervals:
---114 seconds at 7.9mph (0.25 miles) and incline of 3%
---66 seconds at 6.0mph (0.11 miles) and incline of 0%

--66s walk at 4mph after last up interval to measure heart rate on grips (hit 176 bpm, or basically 100%)

--10 minute jogging cooldown, 6mph and incline of 0%

--15 minute walking cooldown, 4.0-4.5mph with incline varying from 0-10%


I was torched! Feel great though. The running portion was basically a 9 minute mile on average for 30 minutes. I was pleasantly surprised that the treadmill made for a good HIIT workout, but you need to do longer intervals (no Tabata 20s/10s practical here) because of the time it takes to ramp up and down in both speed and incline.

I think this may be a workout I put in every week (assuming I have access to a good treadmill, if not then I'll make-do with whatever's available, last week I ran in place on a snow day).
#4 here
Oh my, everyone is doing sooo well! Lovely to see @MaryAnn back on the bike- Yes It IS HARD! I can't say I'm enjoying it but I'm doing it.
Really good article @BBT053 makes it quite straightforward, although I'm still not too sure how to do MadMAx/rowing to it :confused:
The fighting with MadMax continues as does the shred. I've manage 4 days in a row now and am into the second week.
It isn't getting any easier although my recovery is quicker. I am being nice to myself and not increasing anything. I will just keep doing it and maybe aim to increase/ change something at the end of fitness February. Although, I did manage a full set of full press ups yesterday instead of modified so a wee improvement.
I might change my signature...
Still think that you get fit to HIIT and not get fit doing HIIT :curse:
@Julianna.Rivers Madmax is wondering....
@jools09 quiet without your lovely encouragement and advice. Hope all is well..
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