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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Not sure where else to post this, so its for you all. Looking @ activewear on today (department store here in the Midwest) & they had a tee shirt that read....wait for it.......

Fastinista! Of course I ordered it to wear while I HIT :)
Go for it, @MLCDz ! Be proud to tell the world that you're fasting!

It didn't take the store long to jump on the fasting band wagon, did it? I am a little surprised because I thought that the US hadn't taken fasting to their hearts, apart from a few, very special, individuals whom we meet with on here, of course! :smile:
Hi @Stowgate Resident, I agree with you about the amazing people we meet on this forum. :) :) Sadly, the shirt was in the runners section. You're right, here in the States fasting is not accepted by many people. Maybe the shirt will help me be a fast ambassador. I can't even talk about it - people get very upset. We'll get there, as more and more folks join here and learn about all the successes & results,we'll get there. Have a great day
How are we all doing fellow HIITers?
I'm kind of on track this week, managed my third fight with Madmax this morning despite having to clear space around him where all the tools and packing detritus was. I think that counts as dedication! Off working again this week so might be pushed to get three sessions in , but, I am much more active at the moment, so maybe that'll help.
Loving kencc's phrase of yo-yo exercising! I confess to being a yo-yo-er. Incidental/NEAT is difficult here- not set up for walking, few accessible stairs , too flamin' hot to do stuff outside. And I do tend to assosciate incidental exercise with being outside. Maybe needing to do some cognitive work on me to change my perceptions...hmmmm
#14 checking in after a spell. I'm done with 10 weeks and 30 HIIT routines out of 16 weeks and 48 workouts planned. I was on vacation last week and only got one workout in, but that was actually one more than I had planned (I had planned to take the week off).

About 7 weeks ago I ran a Cooper 12 minute run outside and covered 2510m which translates to a max VO2 of 44.8ml/kg/min. Today I tried it on a treadmill and managed 2715m which translates to a max VO2 of 49.4ml/kg/min. That raises me from "excellent" and "good" on the two tables here to "superior" and "excellent." :grin:

Trying the Cooper test on a treadmill is kinda tricky, because you have to guess a good pace and you don't want to overshoot because the last couple of minutes can end badly... I wound up at the end thinking I had some more left in me and I might have gotten a little more distance outside.

I do feel really, really good and strong on these runs now. I've incorporated a little bit of strength training two days per week and I've lost a few more pounds than I expected to in the last 6-8 weeks. In the mirror yesterday I think I saw the vaguest hint of a six-pack! :dance:

I still do Tabata on the stationary bike from time-to-time, but my HIIT workouts are now primarily on the treadmill. One to two minutes up, one minute down, cycle 5-10 times for 10-15 minutes of total up-time. My HR is hitting close to 100% at the end of these.
#6 checking in - after a bit of a break - I was quite shocked when I realised I hadn't done any exercise for a month but no use dwelling on the past!

I managed 2 sessions this week - pushed myself quite hard (was feeling a bit dizzy by the end of the second session, possibly because I hadn't eaten that day and had fasted the day before!)

Anyway - hoping to get 3 sessions in next week then keep it at that level

I finally managed to go the full 20 minutes of Boutcher protocol twice this week! People at the gym are starting to look at me funny.
janeg wrote: How are we all doing fellow HIITers?
I'm kind of on track this week, managed my third fight with Madmax this morning despite having to clear space around him where all the tools and packing detritus was. I think that counts as dedication! Off working again this week so might be pushed to get three sessions in , but, I am much more active at the moment, so maybe that'll help.
Loving kencc's phrase of yo-yo exercising! I confess to being a yo-yo-er. Incidental/NEAT is difficult here- not set up for walking, few accessible stairs , too flamin' hot to do stuff outside. And I do tend to assosciate incidental exercise with being outside. Maybe needing to do some cognitive work on me to change my perceptions...hmmmm

I liked the phrase by @kencctoo, @janeg
MaryAnn wrote: I finally managed to go the full 20 minutes of Boutcher protocol twice this week! People at the gym are starting to look at me funny.

Well done!

Ive got house/kitchen renovations underway and thats my excuse for not H-I-Ting. my arm is getting better. suspect ive been digging in garden too much and put up a tall post with a mallet some months back and thats what it is.

not sure if i should rest it or exercise it.

what do you think?
Another good article from Marks Daily apple

Low Level Aerobic Activity ... z2wladrKrj

if you cant do the HIT program its a good alternative
Is anyone mixing their HIIT protocols, or do you basically do the same thing every time? I'm sure I read somewhere that it's good to mix it up, but I can't remember where...
#17 here, getting myself back on track over my spring break. Did a 25 min HIT walk/run this morning.3x/a week, M/W/F. Slowly is holy :)
I think your right @MaryAnn but can't for the life of me remember where I read it. I suppose following on from the usual advice to mix exercise up- muscle groups, strength, resistance, aerobic stuff it kind of makes sense...
Not doing very well myself, knee isn't playing nice, back :O began to play up + travelling is not conducive to Madmax or anything. Will attempt tomorrow again.
Liking 'slowly is holy' @MLCDz :)
No HIT for me whilst in Germany but we did walk back from the town today-an hour uphill walk because the trams weren't running! Back to the rowing next week!
I'm probably only going to do one HIIT workout in this week. I think I might be overdoing things a bit with two 'real' runs (including a long run (15-20k) and either a hill run, or a shorter run at/above pace), three resistance training sessions, and two HIIT. I always take a day off after the long run. I inadvertently had a second day off this week. I should plan a bit more carefully, but still, it's a bit OTT perhaps.
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