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Re: Are there any runners here?
11 Aug 2014, 04:31
Saturday morning marked completing my second of two half marathons in the last 6 weeks. Got the T-shirt and beat my previous PB by another 2 minutes and some seconds. I was aiming to better it by 5 to 7 minutes but a run of carby meals in the last two weeks, a tweaked knee (thankfully better by mile 3; long story) and some intestinal cramping around mile 9 scuttled those plans.

Longest stretch of non-stop running so far: 45 minutes. Had seriously considered going much longer but the hill looming just ahead laughed at me.

Curious to again notice that faster runners' foot falls are so quiet. And nearer the start, the noisy ones that seem to be running their shoes through a dull stump grinder calibrated to a Richter scale. Mine? Somewhere in between. Honest. Really.

And is there anything more depressing during a race than to be passed by three different pace groups? A couple of times each? As they talk in full sentences? It should be very motivating recalling those @#$ moments during training runs for the next race. (By my chip time at least, I did beat that third group by one minute, but who's counting?) One memorable highlight was a stride-for-stride sprint down part of the last quarter mile to the finish line. What a fun way to spike the heart rate monitor at the end of the race. And it was the safest place to do it too! Right before the well-staffed ambulance at the corner.

Silly as it may seem after a quite a few races, I realized that beating one's PB in close succession could be considered a rather masochistic activity. Doing so makes the next attempt that much harder. Duh! So I am considering adding a cat-o-nine-tails to cross-training to toughen up. I'll start with puffed wheat glued to soft yarn then graduate to lead shot, broken glass and braided wet leather as I get better. Seems like a plan.
Re: Are there any runners here?
13 Aug 2014, 18:02
Big grats @ADFnFuel!
Isn't it funny how we notice others in a big run? Overtaking some other anonymous person can be quite satisfying and vice versa. It shouldn't really matter because none of them are specifically you or me so any comparison gets kinda lost anyway. I too like to try and get a new Personal Best and that will of course get harder and harder, mind you, unless you stumble across the fountain of youth! But somehow we like that whip and return to see if we can make it just a wee bit better.
Cheers for this one ADFnFuel!
Re: Are there any runners here?
13 Aug 2014, 19:37
ADFnFuel wrote: .. So I am considering adding a cat-o-nine-tails to cross-training to toughen up. I'll start with puffed wheat glued to soft yarn then graduate to lead shot, broken glass and braided wet leather as I get better. Seems like a plan.

RunningOlsen wrote: ..But somehow we like that whip and return to see if we can make it just a wee bit better.

Oh my @adfnfuel and @RunningOlsen, you sure know how to start fantasies! Can you run on all fours! :grin:
Re: Are there any runners here?
13 Aug 2014, 20:21
darn.. busted... say no more!
Re: Are there any runners here?
13 Aug 2014, 21:50
Pace yourself RO, P-a-c-e y-o-u-r-s-e-l-f !!!

As I usually start on my knees... and can make it to all fours for a few minutes before collapsing to recover in a hard-breathing heap*.

*= ...finishing that pre-run, warm up plank.


Re: Are there any runners here?
13 Aug 2014, 22:09
ADFnFuel wrote: .. warm up plank... that an order? Am I on the wrong forum...! Okay, I shall take my head out of the gutter now. Perhaps I should run off the fustrations!
Re: Are there any runners here?
13 Aug 2014, 22:38
scubachick wrote: that an order? Am I on the wrong forum...! Okay, I shall take my head out of the gutter now. Perhaps I should run off the fustrations!

I first read that first sentence as "In that order?", so I'll reply that way.

Smiles are always appreciated.
Do you want a head start?

Re: Are there any runners here?
13 Aug 2014, 23:34
Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Aug 2014, 16:50
Now, I'd like a bit of advice please from all you knowledgeable experts ! I'm just finishing week 5 of the Nhs couch 2 to 5k programme. (Just ran 20 mins) I have 4 weeks to go. It's gone well so far, but I do it on a treadmill, not in the great outdoors. I have registered for parkrun, but my nearest is about 30 mins drive away. I am wondering whether I should go this weekend and do my hilarious "fast walking". I've been doing laps of my garden on a hill. I know I can cover 3 miles in about half an hour. Would it be frowned on do you think ? It seems a bit of a waste of diesel to just go and watch ! I'd quite like to have a go outdoors, and it is flatter at the venue than at home. Or do you think it would be better to wait until I've finished the c25k programme ? I've never done anything like this before ..... Marathons make me think of chocolate bars ! Thanks folks :smile:
Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Aug 2014, 22:53
Treadmills are convenient and weatherproof. But they can't be trusted about distance, speed, calories burned nor slope measurement.

Best to move outside for your remaining training weeks to avoid uncomfortable surprises. Set up a measured distance if possible and time it. Start slow. Outside running can be very different.

Correct. Being a race bandit is frowned upon.

5K's are great fun, not nearly as scary (or potentially embarrassing) as most first timers think. (Of course, no one believes any of this until after they've crossed their first finish line.)
Re: Are there any runners here?
15 Aug 2014, 07:10
Most Parkrun's are happy for you to run/walk... you can check the times of the finishers at your nearest one and see where you'll lie in the field. If you're walking 3 miles in 30 mins you're walking faster than I can run!

Outdoors running is different, but I find it easier. However you don't get wind resistance, hills or bumps etc on a treadmill. So it may be more difficult than you expect. However, it may also be easier, i'd say to give it a go! They're always very supportive
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Aug 2014, 14:21
I'm a happy bunny I did my 5 K colour run this morning and my calf injuries held out. Had great fun getting powder paint thrown all over me. Fun all round, and I raised money for the Highland Hospice so a win win situation. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :like:
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Aug 2014, 15:18
Glad you were well enough to do your run @nessie and hope your calf gives you no more trouble.

I was doing my round this morning and encountered a herd of youngish coast-to-coasters struggling up from Little Salkeld on their bikes. The leader called out behind him "runner!" Whoo hoo. Still working, in my laid back fashion, on getting below 35 minutes.
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Aug 2014, 17:36
@barbarita it is very uplifting when somebody calls you a runner isn't it. I tend to look around to see who they are talking about. :lol:
Re: Are there any runners here?
17 Aug 2014, 11:33
Well, no wonder I am still struggling with my time on my little 5k circuit. It isn't 5k! Happened to drive my husband's car round it and it said 3.8 miles. Not believing it I investigated and found I had my stride set wrong on my pedometer, 27" instead of 32.25". As it is perfectly accurate as a step counter, I reset it and walked my route to discover where the 3.2 mile point was and was delighted to discover it was at the bottom of a hill just before the second long incline which I always have to psych myself up so as not to walk it. I will still run the full route as I am sure the last stretch is good for me, but I now know where to press stop on the timer. If I am really sad I will walk round again with my pedometer set to 82 cm stride and distance in kilometres, and maybe I can shave off a few metres of up at the beginning.
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