Hi,well done creakypete,that's fantastic,hope you recovery quickly
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Hey where is everyone. Haven't been running much lately due to a great holiday in SA.

Hi Brian, still here but little to report recently - took long time to recover from my 10k race then got a problem of a gastrointestinal nature that lost me six pounds in a week (and gave me some unplanned fasting practice). Missed a couple of parkruns due to this, last couple have been slow due to missed training.. Getting back into it now, still looking to break 23 mins this year - before my natural hip gives out!
Altitude training in S. A. perchance?
Altitude training in S. A. perchance?

CreakyPete wrote: Hi Brian, still here but little to report recently - took long time to recover from my 10k race then got a problem of a gastrointestinal nature that lost me six pounds in a week (and gave me some unplanned fasting practice). Missed a couple of parkruns due to this, last couple have been slow due to missed training.. Getting back into it now, still looking to break 23 mins this year - before my natural hip gives out!
Altitude training in S. A. perchance?
Hahaha, no none of that, just holiday and too much red meat.

Hi @brian1 - what happened to you today? Mrs Pete beat you by a few seconds! I had a half-decent run at a very consistent pace that saw me knock 16 seconds off my V65 record at Victoria park but got beaten by a 67 year old, who has taken my title from me! Felt a bit empty, lost speed recently, but I have had an active week on the bike and in the gym so must not complain (too much...)

Something went pop in my right calf, suspecting a calf attack.☺
last km took more than 10 minutes to hobble home, iced and elevated and feeling a bit better already.
Guess I will be volunteering for a couple of weeks.
last km took more than 10 minutes to hobble home, iced and elevated and feeling a bit better already.
Guess I will be volunteering for a couple of weeks.

Sorry to hear this, Brian, get well soon!

It was hot on my last run (not too hot to run safely, but definitely warm) and I tied a wet bandana round my neck. This helped to keep me cool, as I could also wipe my forehead with it.
This seemed to me, a new runner, a great idea, but am interested to see what those with more experiece have to say!
This seemed to me, a new runner, a great idea, but am interested to see what those with more experiece have to say!

Hi @Annurca! Glad to see you are getting out running despite the heat - what you did sounds eminently sensible, I sometimes wear a wetted cap to keep my head cool (and the sun off my scalp)...
Keep up the good work!
Keep up the good work!

Hello fastday runners! I'm back at it! I bought a place recently in the northernmost tip of Manhattan, which has a wonderful park, Inwood Hill, that has old-growth forest. It's hard work getting up that hill but I've done it a couple of times now. The whole run is only about 7K, but it's a good work out with the hill. So far, the pf isn't too bad. I just have to remember to stretch a lot...

Good for you @MaryAnn!
Having a local park is very handy and should help with the motivation, and having a hill to run up will really help with fitness. If you run the 7km most days, that should be of great benefit. Do watch those knees though and I am sure you would have good shoes to help cushion the impact.
Running is not on my agenda due to knee problems (the orthopedic surgeon told me no more running after I aggravated my post-surgery knee...) but I love the cycling, swimming and hill walks as alternatives.
Enjoy the running, especially on those cold mornings! Best wishes.
Having a local park is very handy and should help with the motivation, and having a hill to run up will really help with fitness. If you run the 7km most days, that should be of great benefit. Do watch those knees though and I am sure you would have good shoes to help cushion the impact.
Running is not on my agenda due to knee problems (the orthopedic surgeon told me no more running after I aggravated my post-surgery knee...) but I love the cycling, swimming and hill walks as alternatives.
Enjoy the running, especially on those cold mornings! Best wishes.

I managed to get out for a slow 5K this morning after what seems like a month. Feels great to blow out the cobwebs.

Sassy1 wrote: Good for you @MaryAnn!
Having a local park is very handy and should help with the motivation, and having a hill to run up will really help with fitness. If you run the 7km most days, that should be of great benefit. Do watch those knees though and I am sure you would have good shoes to help cushion the impact.
I still have my custom made insoles from Japan, but since they're about 2 years old, some new shoes may be in order. I don't do the 7K every day. I hope to get out 3 times a week, doing probably shorter runs on weekdays. There was a murder in the park in 2004, so I only go on weekends in the middle of the day, when there are plenty of people out and about. On weekdays, I run along the edge of the park instead - fewer hills, but more people in traffic. I hate that I live in a place where I have to worry about stuff like this, but there you have it.

Hello Runners, December has been a total blowout here in Michigan. My running normally slacks off as the weather changes but it's been really bad with no occasional mild days until today. I go to the Gym more to compensate but somehow it's not the same ! But this morning it's in the high 30's F and I did a few miles at a relaxed pace. My primary care Doc say's a lot of knee issues can be avoided by keeping the supporting tissues strong with regular strength training, and so far I'm ok with just occasional twinges that dissipate with rest. Will be looking at new shoes and gear for 2017 shortly, what's in your closet ?

Hi runners - it has been over a year since my last visit and I find nobody else has posted since! Hope some of you are still around and remember me...
Weightwise, still the same as summer 2013 and no need to fast, although prepared to go without food for prolonged periods. Minimal snacking. Running-wise I am recovering from another hip operation (last May) but I have continued doing parkruns and intend to build up to much longer runs as I no longer have to worry about wearing my joints out, being fully Bionic (one metal, one ceramic). Currently aiming to get under 24 mins but been set-back a bit by getting a cold immediately after running 24:09 last month.
Been doing lots of cycling, up to 70 miles, but the weather has put a stop to that for a while. I did get a Wattbike for indoor exercise, though, so I can stay fit during the winter.
Cheers for now, hope this reaches some of my old pals!
Weightwise, still the same as summer 2013 and no need to fast, although prepared to go without food for prolonged periods. Minimal snacking. Running-wise I am recovering from another hip operation (last May) but I have continued doing parkruns and intend to build up to much longer runs as I no longer have to worry about wearing my joints out, being fully Bionic (one metal, one ceramic). Currently aiming to get under 24 mins but been set-back a bit by getting a cold immediately after running 24:09 last month.
Been doing lots of cycling, up to 70 miles, but the weather has put a stop to that for a while. I did get a Wattbike for indoor exercise, though, so I can stay fit during the winter.
Cheers for now, hope this reaches some of my old pals!
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