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Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Mar 2016, 15:54
Gotta luv it here. Donkey. Carrot. Stick. It keeps moving and I'm intrigued just enough to keep following it.
Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Mar 2016, 17:30
Think I may need to virtual park run with @Wendy Darling
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Mar 2016, 15:46
Back in parkrun harness after a week of man-flu and a week in Tenerife, convalescing. Still coughing a lot and feeling tired so chose to run the alternative local run because it is slightly short and my PB was only 24:34, which I suspected I could beat. Got round in 24:00, nearly caught my son who had set off too fast. I now have the best VM65 at this run! That won't last long but it is nice to have for a while...
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Mar 2016, 19:58
Well done, @CreakyPete!

I ran a whole 11 minutes on my Mom's treadmill. It's the only running I've done since the semester started. Pathetic showing really. :-(
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Mar 2016, 23:09
Well done Pete,
I went to Oxford today and had a storming run.
23.03 is by far my best yet.
Then I attended my very first English football match this afternoon, Barnet vs Oxford United in the standing section, great fun.
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Mar 2016, 23:17
Ahhh, now I see the problem. I can't use Big Ben for a stopwatch. It's too darned far away.

:like: :like:
Re: Are there any runners here?
20 Mar 2016, 13:26
I did my first "run" of the year this morning. Decided to play safe and go back to square one. 10k of walk 200 steps/run 200 steps. No aches, no tiredness, no fast heart beat, no effect on breathing. Next time 200/400.
Re: Are there any runners here?
26 Mar 2016, 13:24
Well @brian1, it looks like last week was not a fluke - very consistent running indeed!
I am being consistent too, just a minute slower...

Re: Are there any runners here?
01 Apr 2016, 13:49
Just checking in again. I've had to defer my Brighton marathon entry until next year after I fell and injured myself at parkrun. Happily, up and running gently again, am contemplating an autumn marathon (Chester?) but will see how things go.

Good luck to everyone who has races coming up soon :clover:
Re: Are there any runners here?
02 Apr 2016, 13:52
Nice time today Pete, I see you were back at Braunstone.
I got a frantic call from work this morning, the FMS is not communicating with IPSQ -help. So I had to abandon parkrun today. Well, next week.
Re: Are there any runners here?
02 Apr 2016, 15:10
Hi @brian1, I was just sitting down with a cup of tea to check your progress - sorry you missed out today but glad I don't have to aim for 22:40 next week! Felt OK today, seem to have shaken off the effects of man-flu at last and only wilted slightly in the last km. I reckon sub-23 will be possible this summer, need to focus on getting round 10k on May 15th as my main priority. Last couple of years the V65 trophy has gone to 52+ minutes so it should be mine - except someone who hasn't run for 3 years has entered and he did 41 mins in 2013...

@Egduf - sorry to hear of your tribulations, good luck with your Autumn plans!

Re: Are there any runners here?
09 Apr 2016, 15:51
Hi @brian1: you had another good run despite missing a week - beat me by 13 seconds. Managed a 4:20 first km but there is a fair bit of downhill included, very slow on the uphill bit though...
Re: Are there any runners here?
09 Apr 2016, 16:47
Cheers Pete, I better pull up my socks.
Good run.
Re: Are there any runners here?
10 Apr 2016, 20:18
27:02 this morning at a local, last-minute-signup 5K on a flat course with many sharp turns. Third in age group, 40th out of 350-plus. Not yet in the realm of the speedy ones here but I am thorougly enjoying the chase.

The 'fossil' that won the division did the certified course in just over 21 minutes !! Absolutely amazing!! Despite appearances, apparently you're not actually dead until you wake up one day with an unexplained bag of flower seeds in one hand and a trowel in the other.

Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Apr 2016, 13:05
Hey Pete, was it as wet in Leicester as it was in Oxford?
Times a bit off but a nice run anyway, it was even snowing a bit cycling to the park.
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