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Re: Are there any runners here?
13 Feb 2016, 12:04
Yet again, @brian1, you have excelled yourself - what is your secret? I thought I might have beaten you today with 24:02 but it was not to be...
Disappointed to not get under 24:00 but nothing I could do about it, despite a proper sprint finish and perfect conditions.
I can only conclude that Oxford and Buckingham courses are BOTH short!
Re: Are there any runners here?
13 Feb 2016, 12:41
Thanks Pete, I was as surprised as anyone, almost didn't get there though.
Wife and daughter left early to London for the day and I was so comfy under the duvet. ☺
You may be right about the course length. wink.
Have a great day.
Re: Are there any runners here?
20 Feb 2016, 13:23
Hey Pete, good run, looks like you are now consistently under 24 minutes.
I admit I needed to look on the map where Ipswitch was.
I went up to Buckingham today with wifey and my brother came along as a first timer, lots of fun all round.
Re: Are there any runners here?
20 Feb 2016, 20:40
Hi @brian1: yes, a nice short course for me this week - and sneaked under my 2 year old PB by a second... Main thing is to get back to 70% on age Grading - missed out by a second three times last year, it's easier now I am older!
Well done again on your new PB, definitely becoming a habit!
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Feb 2016, 19:19
Right then, @brian1: this morning I put on my racing shoes and ran as fast as I could around my local parkrun (a full 5km, mind) in 23:23 and 71.70%. How do you like them apples???!

Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Feb 2016, 23:55
Wow, good job Pete.
I was at a church breakfast enjoying a full fry up this morning.
I will have to really cut a few corners to get anywhere near that next week.
Re: Are there any runners here?
28 Feb 2016, 09:06
It's like the glory days of Cram v Ovett on this thread at the moment ...
Re: Are there any runners here?
28 Feb 2016, 15:52
Truth be told Pete is in a different league, on the age rated system he is at least 10% better than the rest of us chasers Barbarita.
Re: Are there any runners here?
28 Feb 2016, 18:15
itadakimasu wrote: I got into running recently. I started a couple of years ago just running on my own then I discovered something called PARKRUN. Parkrun in the UK is a timed run over a distance of 5k ( 3.1 miles) It starts at 09:00 every Saturday morning. To join all you need to do is visit the website

sign up and download a barcode.
print the barcode and take it along to your local parkrun at 09:00 on a Saturday morning and just join in.

At the end of the run you get given a token that corresponds to your position in the run and hand it in with your barcode.

They then publish your time on their results page and they send you a text and/or Email.

I think it's great and you can measure any improvement against your personal best.

Hey I run every day, one day 20 min and after some weights, the next day 40 mins of running and then stretches. I also know that is good but I still haven't tried it.
Re: Are there any runners here?
29 Feb 2016, 08:13
Hi @DanielBox, welcome to the forum! There is a section somewhere about High Intensity Interval Training, I think it works well for some people and is very time-efficient. I try to do some sort of intervals each week whether on bike, rower or treadmill and can definitely feel the benefit afterwards (despite hating it during)!
You might want to check your details - currently you are showing as a female (the default state for this forum, I'm afraid...)

@brian1, @barbarita: age-grading is some consolation to the old folk, but there is no substitute for a proper head-to-head showdown! Also, it works in favour of ten year old rugrats who get under your feet and score massively better in percentage terms...
Hoping that Saturday was not just a last gasp, spent yesterday afternoon in the cold garden and now have a cough - sunshine in Tenerife can not come quick enough!

Cheers, Pete
Re: Are there any runners here?
06 Mar 2016, 22:31
I'm here at last!!!! I honestly never thought I would be a runner, it's not my thing at all but I was challenged by @carieoates at new year to do c25k. 'You can do it' she said. 'Yeah right' I said. So I did, just to prove her wrong. Started on New Year's Day in an old pair of trainers and yoga pants. After a few weeks I complained that my legs ached. 'Your shoes are c£@p' she said. I splashed out on some half price shoes (pink) and some cheap running gear and errrrr finished last Friday. 3.5k in 30 minutes. I was well pleased. Went out again today and used a 10k trainer. Didn't like the coach as much as the lovely Laura on the NHS c25k, she was a bit bossy. Was absolutely amazed when I got home. I had run 5.3k at a pace of 7.48 per k. My fastest.
@creakypete I thought of you on every run and couldn't wait to come out and tell you. Look out you and @loulou51 I'm behind you :victory:
Re: Are there any runners here?
07 Mar 2016, 08:14
Well Done @Wendy Darling, but with that time you would be in front of me today!
My last run was my best for years, my next one may not be for a while as I have severe man-flu which has settled in my chest and does not want to shift. Exercise is walking while MrsPete runs!
Keep up the good work, Pete
Re: Are there any runners here?
07 Mar 2016, 13:45
Well done Wendy, get better soon Pete.
Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Mar 2016, 14:45
Great Parkrun banter and you have run some really good times. Is @CreakyPete the fastest Parkrunner on the forum?
Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Mar 2016, 15:40
@Simon Egan: I think so, but only by a second! Probably the oldest as well...
Looking to get a good season of running before my natural hip gets too bad - things look OK at the moment, exercise really does seem to help osteoarthritic joints rather than wear them out faster. Got a 10k lined up for May, might be tempted to race a half later in the year.
How is your parkrun sub-25 target going?
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