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Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
19 May 2013, 16:10
Well, I have developed a comedy walk because my calves keep seizing up, but day 4 is definitely feeling easier than day 1 did. One small change, I had been using 400g cans of beans as weights but I have bought proper hand weights now. DH (freakily keen on being active) came with me and persuaded me to get 1.5 kg rather than 1, I am really noticing the difference there.

Loving it though :grin:
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
20 May 2013, 09:17
I have 1kg5 weights too, was thinking yesterday that the ones they use in the video look smaller LOL, was thinking about buying lighter ones!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
20 May 2013, 11:09
I'm still using tins of soup for weights! Can't afford to buy proper ones but they still give me some resistance :) Well done to all of you getting proper (heavy!) weights.

Day 8 completed today... the end of Level 1 is in sight and I'm scared for Level 2!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
20 May 2013, 11:12
Oh Beth, be afraid, be very afraid for level 2! Did it this morning and it is a killer. The cardio really ramps up and those strength exercises don't look too difficult until you try them. Not trying to put you off, just warn you! Don't think I'm going to be able to move tomorrow, or the next day...
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
20 May 2013, 12:08
I'd never heard of the 30 Day Shred so thanks for this post! I'm definitely going to give it a go and maybe finally get rid of the dreaded flab LOL :)
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
20 May 2013, 12:38
So far I am a big fan too - I did Day 4 yesterday. I too had a "comedy walk" for most of the weekend (especially walking downstairs) but it's getting better now, and I too have switched my cans of coconut milk for 1.5kg weights (got 'em pretty cheap at Sports Direct - about £3.99 each).

Not even thinking yet about Level 2...
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
20 May 2013, 13:15
janeg wrote: Oh Beth, be afraid, be very afraid for level 2! Did it this morning and it is a killer. The cardio really ramps up and those strength exercises don't look too difficult until you try them. Not trying to put you off, just warn you! Don't think I'm going to be able to move tomorrow, or the next day...

Haha oh god... I am both scared and excited!

Good luck, BurraGirl! The dreaded flab, haha, I know it all too well.

And mummybunny2005, sounds like you're doing well. Day 4 does seem to be the tipping point, my body stopped aching as much although the workout is still tough. I'm really going to try and push it in the next couple of days so that Level 2 doesn't obliterate me too much...
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
20 May 2013, 15:23
Have read this thread... And the reviews on Amazon... 30 day shred currently winging its way to me!!... I am scared!!!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
20 May 2013, 15:46
Ooooops! I tried to fit the shred in early this morning. I set the alarm for 5:40 but by the time I actually got started it was ten to six. I was worried that I was running late so I thought I'd miss out the cool down and jump in the shower instead ......... I know better now, a muscle in my back has been twinging all day. I'll try to get to get some stretches in this evening.

On a happier note, I just tried to rub my sore back and felt ribs!!! :like:
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
20 May 2013, 19:17
Day 1 of the shred for me - I couldnt wait to start after reading the reviews on Amazon. Can't wait for day 30 - just hope I can stick with it;). I picked up the weights from Argos (£15 for 3 sets)
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
21 May 2013, 01:06
I've just done day 1 too. I had to use 1kg bags of flour for weights and had visions of flour being flung across the room but luckily no disasters. It was actually easier than I thought it would be, but still a tough 20 mins. Looking forward to tomorrow... and the "comedy walk" LOL.
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
21 May 2013, 08:21
So good to see more people trying this! I love having a community of people to talk to about it, my house mates are getting sick of my health kick chat already.

Careful, Effie, you don't want to hurt yourself long-term! I've hurt my knee :( Can't do jumping jacks at the moment as they hurt and I don't want to push it, so I did jump rope jumps with jumping jack arms. Felt very strange but helped my knee!

I've worked out that I'll have to finish the shred on holiday but I shall bring my camera and hopefully post some 'After' pictures from holiday! I am very very excited :) Even if I don't lose all the weight I want to, I feel much better in my own skin at the moment.
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
21 May 2013, 09:01
After only 5 days of shredding my DH has definitely noticed a change in my shape. I'm also fairly comfortable in a skirt that was way too tight for me 2 weeks ago.

I'm weighing tomorrow and slightly dreading it - everyone seems to say they put on weight in the first couple of weeks. Shred veterans, please tell me it will come off!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
21 May 2013, 10:02
mummybunny2005 wrote: After only 5 days of shredding my DH has definitely noticed a change in my shape. I'm also fairly comfortable in a skirt that was way too tight for me 2 weeks ago.

I'm weighing tomorrow and slightly dreading it - everyone seems to say they put on weight in the first couple of weeks. Shred veterans, please tell me it will come off!

I'm weighing/measuring tomorrow too. Good luck but don't pay too much attention to the scales! Fitting into that skirt and receiving compliments is the boost you should need :) I'm not expecting major changes until the 30 days are up.
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
21 May 2013, 22:16
BethP wrote: Careful, Effie, you don't want to hurt yourself long-term!

Aw, thanks Beth. I'm fine now, it was a recurring problem from a couple of weeks ago. I massaged it out and have been fine today.

Dare I say, I really can feel a difference on day 6. Getting through the routine quite easily, although I will never manage a full push up so I do girl ones.

Sadly, no amazing physical transformation yet; I have a pair of 'target trousers' which are still way too tight and the scales are not giving me any better news!

Still, enjoying it :razz:
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