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Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
22 May 2013, 07:47
I know what you mean! Days 6-9 were just kind of routine :)

Day 10 down and I'm still awaiting my magical transformation too :P However I have dropped 3lbs since last week and 1/2 inches in certain places so definitely on the right track.

I have a pair of 'target trousers' too! Well, actually, I have a short-term-target high-waisted skirt (need to lose an inch or so more off my natural waist to fit it) and a long-term goal of some red jeans which fit, but not very comfortably. According to the label I'm 4 1/2 inches off fitting properly into them just yet!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
22 May 2013, 09:46
I did Day 6 last night and I too am starting to find it routine, but in some ways it's weirdly a little harder - maybe because I know what's coming? I don't think I'll ever move up from girly push-ups. The anterior plunges are starting to kill me - when those are over I feel like I am on the home stretch, even with the 1 minute slow bicycles coming up.

Weight stayed the same today from last week, which considering I was expecting a gain I will be happy with. Clothes are definitely fitting better and I will be measuring tomorrow, just as I finish my first week of Shredding.
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
23 May 2013, 08:24
I know what you mean, I was ready to move on this morning to Level 2 but a bit scared! I thought it would crazy and impossible, but it wasn't. Had to do Anita's versions of some of the moves but kept up with the rest of it, so that bodes well for the next nine days!

Well done for maintaining weight. I'm sure you'll see some loss around day 10, but it might spike up again when you go up a level. I've worked out a whole new level of muscles today!

I'm so glad to hear your clothes are fitting better! I hope the measurements give you a boost, sounds as if they will. I'm feeling much better and slimmer and hoping I start to shrink out of my clothes anytime now :)
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
23 May 2013, 11:14
Hmmm...measurements didn't give me a boost - they stayed exactly the same! :confused:

But I can see the difference in the mirror and my clothes, and so can my husband and people I work with. I won't let it get me down (at least not for now :wink: ).

Well done for starting Level 2 - I have a feeling it will be like Level 1 - dreading starting it, wondering what all the fuss was about the first couple of days and then realising "OH THAT'S WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT!! I'M DYING!" 3 days in but being too hooked to give it up, then by day 6-7 starting to get bored but figuring "it's only 30 days - I can get through this!" At least I'm hoping?
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
23 May 2013, 12:22
Hahah that is the most accurate description of the 30 Day Shred I have ever read :P

Annoying to hear that your measurements stayed the same, but to be honest mine didn't change too much! You're right, don't let it get you down, especially if people are noticing a difference! That's the best thing. It's about how you feel, not necessarily how you look :)
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
23 May 2013, 18:12
BethP wrote: Careful, Effie, you don't want to hurt yourself long-term! I've hurt my knee :( Can't do jumping jacks at the moment as they hurt and I don't want to push it, so I did jump rope jumps with jumping jack arms. Felt very strange but helped my knee!

Hi BethP, I hurt my knee as well. For me it helped to wear trainers instead of doing the exercises on bare feet. Or maybe you are already doing that.

I think it is so creative what everybody is using in stead of dumbells :-)
I was using water bottles, but yesterday I bought weights of 1,5 kilo's.
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
23 May 2013, 19:11
I'm using cans of soup, Eep! That should give you a laugh. I wish I'd bought weights but I can't justify it right now. At least I've got some sort of resistance.

My knee is better :) Jumping jacks no longer a problem. Going easier on my knees for a couple of days did them good, didn't have to take a full rest day which is good. I hope your knee is better soon! (I've been using trainers from the start)
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
23 May 2013, 19:41
I don't think you're missing out, I had to keep putting my weights down today (day 4) because they are too heavy...I tried to find some cans in the cupboard but I could only find different sized ones and I don't want different size arms at the end LOL!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
24 May 2013, 08:22
Day 14 - level 2 , day 4 . Misses a day yesterday and it is now official- she has killed me. Managed nearly all of the cardio ( kept going even if it was modified) and all of the strength and I am dead...
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
24 May 2013, 11:45
Well done for keeping going! I was just thinking I might give it a miss today as I didn't have time to workout this morning, but you've just inspired me to just get on with it!!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
24 May 2013, 11:48
I think physically a day off is good news but it is really hard afterwards to do it again. I felt as though my body had completely forgotten how to do everything. Pschologically , it would have been so easy just not to do it- I got a load of stuff done while I procrastinated. I'm just going to DO IT for the next spell. Even though I am officially dead :D
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
25 May 2013, 07:04
In order to fit a shred in every day, I sometimes get up and do one at 5:30, sometimes it is 7 in the evening. I find the gap, morning to evening the day after, feels like I have had a day off. Whereas, evening to less than twelve hours later feels really intense.

I'm enjoying the difference, I think it stops things feeling too routine. I do wonder if this variation has an effect on results.

I have not lost any weight since starting the shred, but bits of me are less wobbly, so I'm keeping going. Two more days before I move on to level 2 - help! I'm scared :starving:
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
25 May 2013, 09:15
I get up early to do the shred too, although 8am is as far as I can push it :P

I did watch an interview with Jillian Michaels where she says that the best time to exercise is the same time every day, if that helps Effie? I'm sure it still does good to do the exercise at different times but apparently consistency gets you the best results.

Level 2 is much harder than Level 1 but also much more interesting :) I've started off with Anita moves and slowly moving onto Nathalie ones!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
27 May 2013, 08:03
Broken the half way barrier! But not before she broke me first!
Honestly, I'm finding this really tough. I can do the stuff, it just kills me. Did it yesterday on a fast day and was completely wiped. It's like starting fasting all over again- and I'm into over 40 fasts. Please let it be worth it..
I've increase by 1kg too- can that all be muscle?
Needing a stiff talking to I think.
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
27 May 2013, 08:18
Hi all, where can I find information about the 30 day shred? It's not in my 5:2 diet book.


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