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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Re: Get off your butt! NEAT!
02 Jun 2015, 19:36
Just seen this article on the BBC about standing desks.
Re: Get off your butt! NEAT!
21 Jun 2015, 01:26
And then there's this: ... ipad-share

I stopped standing because I was having trouble concentrating.
Re: Get off your butt! NEAT!
21 Jun 2015, 07:52
It seems walking clears your head ready to concentrate when still.
Standing still working works well but if done continuously for hours gave me varicose veins (owned a health food shop in my 20s, much counter-standing and varied movement, no time to sit).
Surely a mix of standing and sitting and moving on a more equal basis would be preferable, though it's very dependant on what work you are required to do.
I know I feel better if I remember to start the day with standing for a while (while reading the forum :0)), move around a while (getting up and sorting the house, cleaning etc) and sit for my coffee/brunch break. But I'm luckily retired. When I was office-bound the photocopier was situated at the other end of a large Victorian building so it gave regular chances to move around, and taking a walking lunch break was vital.
Trouble is my cat wants to cuddle on my lap now ...
Re: Get off your butt! NEAT!
07 Jul 2015, 05:52
Sitting continuously on desk is not good for your health. Doc suggest to do little desk exercises or body stretches. I used to stretch my body every hour.
Re: Get off your butt! NEAT!
07 Jul 2015, 21:38
Welcome to the forum @sumitasofat1!
Why not go here
and introduce yrself and tell us a little about other members a chance to welcome you x
Re: Get off your butt! NEAT!
07 Jul 2015, 22:01
carorees wrote: Just seen this article on the BBC about standing desks.

10 years ago we were told we would all be standing within the decade, we are buying standing desks (electronic up and down desks) every month as that is what our colleagues are asking for.
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