The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

80 posts Page 4 of 6
I'm in! Hoping its a good one. I've been struggling since before Christmas
Im in today for my 4th fast of the year.

Tomorrow is my first weigh in and measure up.

Fingers crossed ive lost something!
Count me in today for my first fast of the week. :smile: Good Luck Everyone! :clover:
Fasting here! No heat wave problems in the UK! Working from home in my duvet today! Lots of lemon and ginger tea for me! #fastingday3
First fast of the week for my OH & I & I am pleased to say that I have just completed exercising to my Jane Fonda low impact walking DVD, I am hoping to do that each fast day. I am continuing to try 4:3ing after losing 2lbs 2oz last week. I usually only manage to lose 1/2-1 lb so I am encouraged by that. Only water & coffee until eating a supper from the M&S Fuller longer range, they are well balanced meals & it's so easy just microwaving them & staying out of the kitchen.
Whilst we don't have the heat of down under the sun is shining this morning in a Sussex!
I hope everyone has a good fast day :clover:
This is the start of my second week fasting... I've yet to decide if I'm doing 5:2 or 4:3 yet this week, but today I'll be fasting with lots of lemon and ginger tea... And if I feel I need it later a pan of tomato soup :)
I'm in

Today i'm having homemade chicken and rice soup for lunch and homemade chorizo and butterbean stew with a load of veggies all for 350 kcals - its amazing how creative you can get when you have a low amount of calories to play with.

Have a good one everyone
I'm in - usual Monday fast but came back from 4 days in Athens last night and found I have put on 2kg - but am assuming a lot of that is because of the difficulty I find in avoiding carbs whilst away so I know it will disappear again - and it could have been worse. And Athens was fantastic - sunny and warm (and I live in the UK where it's just wet) :-)
My fast day is over. I made it right through til dinner this evening on water and green tea. Great day! Felt really good.
Hope everyone else is having a good day :)
I'm in today! Good luck to everyone! Looking forward to a rest for my stomach as it's been busy all weekend. I'm thinking a small frozen fish entree from trader joes for lunch and a stir fry for dinner.
I'm in. The scale was up this morning, but I'm trying not to freak out about it and just keep going. I'll peek again tomorrow to see if it's down after fasting! :)
Hurrah for the Monday fast (and fasters too of course!)

Still haven't weighed myself since before Xmas but was in the gym this morning in my brand new M & S exercise leggings and actuallly had to admit to myself that I'm looking slimmer. :shock: I'd still like to lose the fatty rubbish around my upper arms/ back though :( there's no pleasing some people :confused:

Good luck everyone and as someone's signature says, 'if in doubt, brew up!'
:clover: :clover: :clover:
I'm in today. Only black tea until dinner this evening. Having managed to regain nearly a stone (13.5 lb)since October, I have taken myself in hand and am back to proper 5:2. Since last Sunday I have lost 5.5 lb, so I must have been eating a very carb-heavy diet over Christmas! Now the hard work begins because I have got rid of the retained fluid and now the remaining fat has to go!

Good luck to all those fasting today! Keep busy, keep hydrated and keep focused! Onwards and downwards!
I'm in, first fast day in about 3 months!

I stopped after my wedding, and what with honeymoon and then christmas I've put on about 9lbs :(

aiming to lose a is the fresh start.

Struggling. but I WILL DO IT
I'm in today too. This will be my third fast day of the year. I've been sick with a bad cold and didn't find last week's fast day too hard. The scale still has a few Christmas pounds to shed though so I'd like to see those gone ASAP. Unfortunately now that I'm starting to feel better, my appetite is returning and I woke up this morning starving. Not a good start to my fast day. But I'm sticking with it. Onward!
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