The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

82 posts Page 1 of 6
Good Morning fellow fasters. Beautiful day here. Im at work at the base of the Blue Mountains, bit smokey due to back burning the bush but sunny and warm. :cool:
Having a coffee to jump start the day then lots of water until about 6.00.
Have a great day everyone. :grin:
Hello, I feel as if I've been away on a long holiday. I have been really busy with the Australian Federal election. It's all over now. Just the thank yous and the bits and pieces to collect. From my point of view it was a pretty disastrous result. Life goes on.

Last Thursday I didn't fast because it was my birthday and I thought fasting on your birthday was too extreme.

But here it is, another rainy Monday and I'm in again. Coffee at my side; that's breakfast. Miso soup for lunch and I think we'll have an Asian style soup with prawns and soba noodles for dinner. Don't know what the calories in soba noodles are, but I'll check that out before locking in that menu.

Go well, fellow fasters.
Woops, I was one minute after you! I don't know how to meld our two starts, but some one will, I guess. Happy fasting Wine O'Clock
No idea how to meld them together either. Have a great fast too Sallyo
I'm in today, up on the Gold Coast (for now!), going to make the cauliflower soup for this evening - totally delicious
I'm in too, after my lovely four days of indulgence am really looking forward to it! :smile: Wishing everyone a successful day in all possible ways. :clover:
Yes, I'm in today as well. Might liquid fast today, if it gets too hard I can always eat a meal tonight. :smile:

Quite cold down here, wet and gray. Yes Sallyo, referring to your own thread, it was a sadness, I'm in Lyons.

Best wishes and encouragement to all Monday fasters,
Cheers :geek:
Fasting on Monday. We are still Sunday right now but it will do a world of good after this week end a bit festive.
I'm in today after another awful three days of food, food, food, drink, drink, drink.
Feeling a bit fed up to be honest, my weight loss has totally stalled. If I'm honest I've barely lost anything and this is my 9th week of this WOL. I'm still giving it a try but I think overeating on feast days is stopping me from losing, I'm between 11st1 and 11st5 all the time depending on how I've eaten the couple of days before a weigh in.
I am 24, female and 5'8. I do my two fast days every week and I never go over 500, most of the time I have about 350. These are normally a Monday and a Wednesday/Thursday.
Feast days during the week are fine but Fri/Sat and Sunday are awful. The calories are probably 1800-2000 a day from food and then drink on top of that so it makes sense for me not to be losing. I tried 4:3 this week but just found it impossible to fast on a Sunday and I don't want to do consecutive days during the week as I don't know if this is beneficial or if I could manage it to be honest.
Any ideas anyone?
Sorry to rant.
Lil :heart:
No worries - I took care of the merge!

I will be fasting on Monday, when Monday comes to my part of the world :grin:
Im in. I had a fairly indulgent weekend for me.

LilSmiler, the only advice I can think of is to throw something else into the mix on feast days for awhile--a few low carb days, alcohol free days, etc.
Hi Lilsmiler. From your stats you are in the healthy BMI range, is that correct? If so then it can be harder to lose weight as you have less to lose. Sounds like your not putting on weight even with the overeating and drinking so take that as a bonus. Im doing similar but its the first time I have been able to indulge and keep my weight stable.
I would suggest you just chill out for a bit and I bet once you relax about it things will start moving down again, even if its very slow. Just think how lucky you are to have discovered this WOE at 24 and not 50, wish I knew about it back then :grin:
I'll be fasting when it's Monday here! Very busy day, hope that helps. I've been telling more and more people about this WOL. I'm surprised, as it seems as if no one has heard of it! A few friends and family members are thinking about starting! Well, good luck to all the Fasters!
Thanks Wineoclock. Yes that is true I am enjoying myself most of the time and not putting on at least.
I think I'm at the top end of average so not classed as overweight but I just feel heavier and look bigger than I ought to. Depressing!
I am going to start weight training though as of tomorrow when they get delivered to me. Hopefully that will kick-start things again.
Lil :heart:
I'm fasting today. It's my first day fasting. I've made it to 3 pm with a coffee for breakfast and a protein shake about 1 hour ago.
I'm feeling like caving in, then feeling like I can do this! Sipping on water to help pass time.
Planned dinner for the rest of my family - something they love but I don't like much, so hopefully that will make my evening easier.
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