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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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So I'm fasting today too - only my second day so far. It's quite a bit harder than my first fast day which happened on a work day and it was very easy for me to avoid seeing people eat!

Today is very different - I've had to come home and get my little boy's lunch ready and will be cooking for three children tonight - it's oven food for my kids tonight as we have to be in and out and it's usually so easy for me just to cook an extra nugget or potato smile so one or two can fall into my mouth! Not looking forward to it much. :neutral:

Anyway, it is a busy day so hopefully that'll keep me going....

Good luck to us all! x
My 4th fast today. I'm in the South of France where it's very wet and unseasonally cold. A real duvet day but actually I'm not doing that as I find it far easier to fast if I'm busy. Another beneficial side effect of this fasting is getting a clean, tidy house and doing all those nif naf jobs I keep putting off - I bathed the dog on my last fast day, maybe I'll do the other one today to keep me busy! I'm trying to hold out a bit longer before having an apple, so far I've just had black coffee and herbal tea. I'm planning to save most of my calories for some lovely slow cooked beef tonight with lots of carrots and broccoli. Happy fasting to all the Monday fasters out there.
So much fun looking at posts from Aus, US and UK. Here I am in Ontario, Canada and doing a fast today too. Writing this at 8:15 local time and will have a busy day. most of my food will be at dinner. veggies and salmon, banana for breakfast and lots of water and red tea. Good luck to all, where ever you are
I suggest every Monday be declared "International Fasting Day". :wink:

Today's the first day of 3 fasting days for me this week, in anticipation of the Palm Sunday/Easter holiday feasting.

Best wishes to you all on your continued progress! :like:
Well, this is my first post. I join the rest of you fasting today. This will be my second fast day. I actually have found myself looking forward to this way of eating. I really enjoy NOT carrying around guilt on my non-fast days. We have a little snow flurry here on the Mid-Atlantic coast in the US and I am off to do barn chores!
Hi! Reporting in from Helsinki, Finland, at 15.40 local time :grin:

I've been at home with a sick daughter today. Working too, when daughter doesn't need me. Busy is good.

I've found that fast day mornings are the worst for me. This morning especially, after a bad night (daughter; cough) and a weigh-in that showed weight gain, I was really struggling. But then, after fasting all morning and after my smoothie-lunch, I started to feel much better about things. Maybe I will not give up after all. Obviously it helps that dinnertime gets closer with each minute that passes...!
Here I am..this is my 17th Fasting day..I love Mondays now..I can be normal and eat and drink myself to death all week-end with no guilt at all as then on Monday I keep soo busy I dont have time to think about what I might be missing. I have been cooking all morning making sweet potato soup for 20 for a lent lunch in church on wednesday..then I bought a whole still in its shell crab at the farmers market yesterday..It took me an hour to get out less than 300gms and at 81 calories per 100 grams..yeah!! I can scoff the whole lot later with some lite mayo and even have a small glass of wine..NO GUILT AT ALL here...feeling is soo clean it could go on show and dog looks divine..KEEPING BUSY ON FASTING DAYS IS me... !!
A US Monday faster here! Just beginning the day. Envy those of you at the end of your fast day! :/ This is my 3rd week, 5th fast. I've lost 7 lbs. I'm really enjoying this way of eating. The best I've ever tried! And I've tried many! Good luck to everyone.
Week 7, fast day 14 for me. It's weigh in day tomorrow for me and to be honest, if the scales aren't kind to me, I may have to give this WOL a re-think. Losses on only 2 weeks out of 7 doesn't feel very successful to me, and doing 5:2 just to maintain feels harsh :-(
I'm in too! I am home with a sick son, so hopefully I won't be too tempted to snack as I make things for him.
MissKC wrote: Week 7, fast day 14 for me. It's weigh in day tomorrow for me and to be honest, if the scales aren't kind to me, I may have to give this WOL a re-think. Losses on only 2 weeks out of 7 doesn't feel very successful to me, and doing 5:2 just to maintain feels harsh :-(

Hope you get a good result tomorrow MissKC. Are you tracking your body fat too, or just weight? I've found that even on weeks my weight hasn't changed, body fat is dropping and waist, belly and hip measurements are going down too. Always good to try and see as big a picture as possible. Don't give up yet :-)
Wow, we are such an international group now! How great is that!

Makes Burton on Trent see very un-exciting!!

Fasting today with a stinking cold so most of my calories will be in the form of lemsips!!

Veg chilli for tea - hopefully the chilli will help kill off my cold!

Hope everyone is having good days!
Add one more to today's group. I'm in usually sunny Florida- although it's a bit cloudy today. So far I've dropped my boys at preschool, gone for a walk and grocery shopped. I'm catching up on the computer now and then I have to pick my little guys up and take them to swimming. Busy is definitely helpful to me on a fasting day. I haven't done measurements or even done a good job weighing myself. I know I lost a little weight the first week but I think last week was flat. My goal for this week is to complete my 2 two fasts and get better at measuring my results. Hope everybody's doing well!
Another Monday faster from France signing in...I've been working at a Language School today, so I had a good brekkie (at 6.00) of porridge & agave syrup (130 cals) I had a 40 cal CuppaSoup at lunch but am REALLY looking forward to my Spinach & Feta parcels with lots of salad tonight. Today I've felt very hungry, but it has come in waves, so we just wait for the next one! Won't get to eat before 7.00 tonight though - it seems a long way away!
Fast number 6 for me today.
I'm feeling quite irritable this afternoon but I think it's more to do with pain from a cracked tooth (my hot miso soup and cold 10 cal jelly lunch seemed to have aggravated it!).
Will be having smoked haddock with a big load of stir fry later this evening.
Good luck everyone :smile:
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