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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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Nearly 4pm, stomach feeling very empty. For the first time I am going without anything except water until dinner. On the upside, I didn't have to prepare anything to take to work for lunch and I get a decent meal later.
My job throws me constant temptation every day all through the day. Certainly doesn't help getting through the fasting days!

This is what I had put in front of me just now:

m.m.leach wrote: My job throws me constant temptation every day all through the day. Certainly doesn't help getting through the fasting days!

This is what I had put in front of me just now:


I really dont envy you, what a challenge your facing! thumbs up for sticking to the diet! :like:
Third fast day and it is 5:00 pm and have been filling up on water and coffee all day looking forward to my tea and changing the mozzerella to the reduced fat stuff and taking away the oil maes it even less going to have some mango and strawberries afterwards with yogurt:) yum yum.
This is the first time I have gone all day without eating and I am still alive! Well actually I have starved before for surgery but that is different, at least then I wasn't hungry! Have kept busy all day. This morning I made a ton of flap jacks for the week and this afternoon I shoveled a ton of gravel in front of the Gites! Just having a black coffee before I start cooking dinner that I am really looking forward to. I have surprised myself today, I always thought I could not survive without breakfast! I will enjoy my breakie all the more tomorrow.
I've just been sat in a creperie in South Kensington watching a bunch of vultures (my family, who are fully behind me when it comes to fasting) scoff some delicious looking crepes and drink rich lattes while I sipped on a glass of Perrier. Quite possibly the hardest moment in my short fasting history so far! Luckily I had the support of my wife, who's basically doing Atkins, and so had no options available to her anyway! Looking forward to tea time.
I'm fasting today (third one so far) and because I was in and out of the house a lot this morning I decided to skip breakfast and go through until dinner time. So far so good, I've had hunger pangs, but nothing I can't handle but have been surprised at how much energy I've had. I think I'll try and do it this way in future (not least because it means you can have something substantial for dinner) but one thing I've already found from this WOE is that you learn to listen to your body very quickly.
On my way home. Not much hunger today - plenty of energy and I really enjoyed my lunchtime wander. Its definately getting easier.

Only an hour till I get back, and get my bowl of cassoulet. Yum.

I want to get in some exercise tomorrow before breakfast - I long for it to warm up so I can face running again.
It's my 7th fast day and really the hardest yet I just feel light headed and cranky. Usually it's fine and I feel great. I had my 500 calories for lunch as usual (actually slightly more than usual have been averaging 400) and breakfast tomorrow seems a long way off :-(

Oh well I won't crack 2 hours of karate tonight should sort me out and forget about it (I hope!)

Hope everyone else is having a better day :-)
Well, that's it I made it to dinner. I've just finished eating a small portion of beef and carrots with lovely gravy and a small piece of bread. Cooked the food in the slow cooker so very quick to get on the table when it was finally time. I now feel quite full and won't eat anymore today. I've added up that I've had just over 400 calories I think so very pleased. I was tortured by my son eating bread and suacisson in front of me this afternoon. I couldn't take my eyes off it so I chopped up an apple and had that instead and he saved me some suacisson for tomorrow - how kind! Roll on weigh in tomorrow and the fast no5 on Thursday. It seems much easier now it's over!
hannah21 wrote: Third fast day and it is 5:00 pm and have been filling up on water and coffee all day looking forward to my tea and changing the mozzerella to the reduced fat stuff and taking away the oil maes it even less going to have some mango and strawberries afterwards with yogurt:) yum yum.

Leave some fats in there somewhere, it helps for some reason that someone will have to explain but it's good for you to have balance.

Aubergine won't cook properly without at least a brush of oil. Maybe sear them? I'm going to give that a go sometime, looks lovely.

Anyway, I was popping in to say I've had my tuna bake, courgettes and spinach and now I'm happy. :wink:
Oops, I had a minor slip up today. A student brought some chocolates in (Quality Streets) in to share because his wife has just had a baby. I momentarily forgot I was fasting today :oops: :shame: and had one. It might be 50 cals? It would've been rude to refuse it! I've had a boiled egg and a tomato for breakfast, so I'll just have to have slightly less than planned tonight.. bit annoyed I forgot what the empty feeling in my stomach meant...
Just had my dinner, 245kcal dived in 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, 5 mushrooms, ½ small zucchini and two eggs.. I use an app on my phone to calculate, and was weighing it all. still feel hungry right now, however, I left room in the calories, so I can have a hot chocolate later, and if im starving ill have an egg or two more with maybe some lean ham.
Evening meal was very welcome today and delicious. We had roast veg including my favourite parsnips, broccoli and baked salmon. Yum! That's it till breakfast now, the best meal of all after a fast day.
Gillb wrote: Yum! That's it till breakfast now, the best meal of all after a fast day.

I agree, I LOVE my toasted baguette after a fast day!
Today has been really hard, a 5km run followed by lots of housework and physical DIY stuff. Plus it has been cold...yet again. My supper was much appreciated and I'm looking forward to a cup of tea and a square of dark chocolate after the children are in bed and the ironing is done.
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