The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

86 posts Page 4 of 6
Hi everyone fasting today I am attempting to just have water until my evening meal ,I usually just skip breakfast , so far so good ,I have not really felt that hungry yet
Fasting today with all of you which is a relief from the Easter feast yesterday ! QueenB I am also a nurse and work in the NICU mainly in the OR. I know what you mean about people bringing treats to work. Hang in there everybody and let's do this together :)
The Fishbaum wrote: After a horrible weekend of unusual indulgence, I am back to fasting today.

This pretty much sums up my Easter weekend :oops:

Fasting today and thinking about doing 4:3 this week to counter Easter, then back to 5:2 next week. Hmmmm... decisions...decisions.
Fast number 4 for me today, was going to do it tomorrow when I am back at work but have eaten out all weekend and had loads of chocolate yesterday so felt in need of a fast today! Going for an all day fast and one main meal today as am at home! Not feeling hungry yet thankfully....
My husband and I are both feeling wretched this morning. We didn't think we overdid it yesterday, but our bodies are telling a different story this morning. He's not a faster, but he's joining me today to reset his system. :) So grateful for this normal, Monday fast (and not having to look at food until tonight). :-P
gigi55 wrote: Good luck QueenB, and good on you for being so strong!
I used to be a RN and know the temptations when you are feeling tired.
Let us know how you go.
It's nearly dinner time here so soon I'll have mt plate of veges and some fruit- my cleansing day.
I've been hungrier today, don't know why, unless its Easter Bun withdrawal!

Thanks Gigi. On lunch now :) work collgues being very supportive Choclate is here but it's being kept out of my eye line :lol:

Only 6 and 1/2 hours till home time.
Fasting today too, in Canada. Chocolate happened to pop into my mouth yesterday. Oh well! I intend to do this WOE for a while. Holiday chocolate, so other goodies will be part of life. Good to indulge from time to time and then get back to regular fare, or the lack of it.
So interesting that this site has folks from around the world. The Aussies are almost done their day and mine is just starting, as I write this.
Easter Monday is a bank, school and government holiday here. I am working for a few hours.
This s my 3rd fast and one complete week of 5:2. I was hoping for more but am happy with a 1.6 weight loss because I feel like I had a week of self sabotage and was maybe even testing this WOE a bit.

I especially over indulged this weekend with eating out, a big turkey dinner, lots of chocolate, wine, etc so a day of fasting is welcome.

I look forward to a new week and hopefully a new attitude

Good luck everyone! :smile:
Fast #8 for me today. As with many of the rest of you, I had a weekend of way too much candy & food so I'm looking forward to today.
Easter is my first 'holiday' while fasting as I started after Christmas. I'm out with friends nearly every night this week and I will be drinking alcohol most nights. I'm doing a 24 hour fast today which I'll break with a 500 cal meal later before I hit the pub. It will be interesting so see if I can manage food and booze enough this week to register a loss on Friday, but without spoiling my week off work by denying myself too much.

As lots of people have said, the great thing about 5:2 is being able to still socialise normally (by normally in Ireland, I mean booze a fair bit) and resume the 5:2 afterwards with minimum guilt and impact on weight loss/ overall health.
Hi Fellow Fasters,

Today is my 8th fasting day and I still don't know which meal times are most effective: checked the book again and two facts stick out: prob. best to extend the fasting hours i.e. don't eat til dinner, and results were good for a researcher who ate about 11:00 and 7:00. So far I've tried early a.m and 5:00 p.m., also tried noon and 6:00 pm. which do people think is most effective method in your experience?

So far I've lost 5 pounds and 1 inch from waist, started March 8th.

I have been drinking green juice , a combo of kale, parsley, celery, cucumber, ginger, 1/2 lemon and 1 small apple once a day. Wondering if that is an allowed liquid for fast days, or if I need to calculate the calories as we do with meals.....comments would be appreciated.

Good luck and carry on!!! I'm enjoying all the posts....

Hi bocamocha I think you would have to count all calories on fast day but I don't think they would account to that many, I sometimes go slightly over the 500 allowance
We're fasting today. May do 3 this week. Yesterday was not bad. But had to have to die for homemade cinnamon rolls and cheesey grits.
We did have the most wonderful weekend with our kids giving their dad a surprise retirement party at a lovely restaurant. Such a blessing.
If it's Monday, it must be a fast day. Still trying to get out of bed since I'm on holiday. So far, has been water but will try a bit of gruel in a bit with genmai-cha. Later black coffee, kombucha, and a soup for dinner. Have been buying small containers of organic prepared soups since it's easy to see a calorie count but may roll up my sleeves and try an onion soup recipe from one of the super chefs from this board .
rachelb1968 wrote: Was planning on changing my usual Monday fast to Tuesday this week as today is bank holiday and we still have Easter eggs in the house.

However it is now quarter to 12 and I have only had a couple of black coffees so far and am not really feeling that hungry. Am popping into town now so will see how it goes - maybe a mini fast today and then proper fast tomorrow - we will see!

Well so much for fasting today - I was tempted by a stray hot cross bun and then persuaded to go out for lunch! I did go for a light veggie option and only a small glass of wine though so could have been worse!

Will be joining the Tuesday fasters tomorrow!
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