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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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Just put my electric blanket on - really appreciate it on a fast day (well any day really)

And Secret Eaters is the perfect end to the day :grin:
First fast day where I waiting until dinner time to eat. Had a large portion of stir fry chicken and veg and am hoping there might be a few calories left for a snack. Alread feel peckish 1.5 hours after but I would have done if I'd had lunch as well, so it's not surprising. Maybe a small slice of bread before bed? Ahhhhh...
I was going to fast tomorrow... but then ended up using up some egg whites and some coconut last night by making macaroons. Which I then ate. I still felt so 'loaded' this morning that I figured I might as well fast today instead so I have.

It is definitely getting easier; the hunger pangs don't appear with nearly as much frequency.
QueenB wrote: Started my run training yesterday and went out again today :victory: , this time with my sisters dog. Running is hard work, running with a poo sack is very unpleasant :curse:

Oh this made me lol! Yes! Not a good experience!
This morning was a tough one for me. I felt woozy headed and found it hard to work so scratched my plan fast until dinner. I had some sliced turkey and half an apple around noon and felt much better much more energy and focus and no cravings. Having a nice raspberry green tea with lemon before heading home.

I think I had way too much candy over the last week.I had been on Atkins since the New Year and then 5:2 for the last month. I guess I went through carb withdrawal this morning after the jelly bean chocolate bunny/egg overload. Feeling good now and able to make it to dinner and Zumba. I am glad I didn't ditch the fast and made do with the light lunch.
Fast day today.....i had Risotto for tea...chicken and mushroom.

My mums fasting with me so had it and my dad likes risotto so also had it
HelenHighwater wrote: Do you have as much caffeine as you do on normal days?

Noooooooooo I have A LOT of caffeine on fast days :neutral:
Fasted today too.

Thought it might only be a half-fast as I was going out with some of the guys from work tonight but we didn't eat in the end and I got away with having only a diet coke.

Didn't get dinner till 9:30 though so I was definitely ready for it by then!

Tesco veggie lasagne followed by a 10kcal jelly - yum, yum!
Nothing to eat all day until 7pm when I had a small, baked, bacon-wrapped chicken breast with new potatoes, cooked in their skins, and half a plateful of braised vegetables (carrot, celery, leeks, onion, sweet pepper, cauliflower, butternut squash, mushrooms).

I spent the evening cooking main courses for the freezer and since then have had an apple and an Options drinking chocolate. I haven't counted calories but my many years of dieting lead me to believe that this comes in under my 500c target and, if it doesn't, then that's fine. I am determined never to obsessively count and record calories again - and I never thought that I would be able to say that!

Good luck to those of you whose time zones mean that you are still only part way through your day. Happy fasting!
My fast day (tea, coffee and kombucha during the day) ended with a homemade soup. I discovered that a kabocha pumpkin I had hanging around was starting to lose its distinctive green color so I felt motivated to cook it. I pressured the squash for about 10 min, then added some organic veggies (red onion, celery, garlic, carrot) added a bit of water and some veggie stock and let it simmer away. Served with white miso and rice vinegar and black pepper...I am not sure if I went over my daily allotment of calories since I had two servings and have no idea how much one bowl might have been. I did feel full enough to think that it must have been near 500 cal. Kabocha squash are super sweet so it balances out a bit with the miso and vinegar.
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