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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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Thanks for editing my original post Carorees I forgot about the different time zones.
Nearly done, have cut up lots of veggies for chicken and veggie stir fry. Can't believe I made it through today.
Good luck to all who have a fast day starting.
I'm in.... Although full of a cold so not really looking forward to today as usually turn to food for a bit of comfort! :cry:
My fourth today, still feeling really bloated from the banana custard I had for supper last night. Not found any of the days too tricky so far,hope it keeps up. Good luck everyone.
I'm in
I'm fasting today too. I usually do Monday and Wednesday, but I have decided to try Thursday instead. My meal yesterday evening had more fat in it than I normally eat, and this morning I am not hungry at all, which is a good start.
Count me in, not sure how it will go though as this is the first time I've had to have lunch at work on a fasting day. Usually save calories for evening but to avoid all the negative comments might give in & have mid day meal today & see how it goes.
I am in too! I have a cold which has been getting worse since monday - I am just in work and kicking my day off with a lemsip. I agree with you Loubs1974 as i normally turn to food to cheer me up when i am unwell. Well nice to know i am not alone. I hope we feel better soon.
Happy fasting everyone!
Yep me too - have to say dreading it as Tuesday was really hard! So far so good but only been up an hour! Fingers crossed I can make it through to evening meal...
I am today too, would normally do tomorrow but am taking the children to a play and lunch out tomorrow so don't want to try tomorrow. Struggled on Tuesday fast so hoping today isn't too tough...
I'm in :)
Second fast today. Feeling good so far but got a busy day compared to Monday.
Good luck everyone :)
Looks like I'm in good company here, all fasting today!
Me too - also my second fast kristypants :-)

I'm feeling pretty good so far - felt really sluggish yesterday on my feast day - weird!!

Good luck all :-)
I'm Fasting today too, number 18 I think. Tricky one today as I am staying at my Mother's and don't really want to explain it, luckily I do the cooking when I'm here.
I was planning to go for a run, but it is pouring down here (Wales !!!)
A more ad hoc Fast day than usual for me so fingers crosses :clover:
Fifth day of fasting today and have a 90 minute training session this evening. Have avoided exercise on fast days so far so it will be interesting.
I'm new to the forum bu have been on the 5:2 diet since 21st Jan 2013, Wish I had found this diet years ago. :smile:
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