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Fasting today?

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Hi everyone .I'm fasting today. I have to say that since my last fast on mon. I have been feeling rotton. Bloated , full of wind tired and lathargic. :frown: I usually feel good but not this week. Is it my body trying to get used to this new way of eatig? I started on 6th March and at 68 it can't be hormonal! My clothes feel tighter again as well. Still I will carry on. :neutral:
I am all over the place this morning. I woke up ready to fast, then had a friend call who wanted to go to lunch, so I changed my fast to tomorrow to accomodate and had a yogurt for breakfast. An hour later she sent me a note that her daughter is sick and needs to be picked up from school so she can't make it. I have reverted back to fasting today to get it over with. Now I have 300 calories for dinner. Normally I do not eat breakfast when fasting. Grrrr. Not the start I wanted to the day, but I will persevere.
I'm in too. Week 5, fast 2. So far I seem to be achieving the 'typical' steady 1lb a week on average, and I'm hoping that will continue!

For my last few fasts I've converted to the technique of having nothing at all during the day (except water & black coffee) and 500kcal dinner. It's working really well for me, and I couldn't be more surprised about that as I always thought I was a 'breakfast person' - always wake up hungry, ready for breakfast. But I discovered if I just ignore it and get on with my day, the hunger fades away...

So, I'm looking forward to dinner of home-made Italian-style beef stew (a BBC Good Food recipe: ... -beef-stew - and they have tonnes more <500kcal recipes for free on the website!) with a big pile of green veggies. I'll make the full amount - four servings - and split it 1/3rd and 2/3rds with my boyfriend, with a few new potatoes added for him. Easy! :smile:
Count me in! Also have a beef stew and veggies to look forward to for tea :)
Tomorrow is Chinese and wine night - yay come to me special chowmein and get in me tum!
Morning from London!

I am in too. My second fast only, as I started this week. But I am already looking forward to it. I think it's thanks to all of you!

Keep it up!
I'm fasting today, it's weird I felt really really hungry yesterday, and not so today or Tuesday. Not had anything today just seeing how long I can last before my 100 cal rice pud.

Hubby is also joining me.
I'm joining you guys today.
I didn't find my last fast easy like I usually do and I realised that was because I hadn't eaten well the previous day!
But I'm ready today as I ate my recommended TDEE yesterday, so today's fast should be much easier :)
But I have an hour of cardio and strength planned today so fingers crossed! :geek:
i'm in for fast today! Super stressed last night so fingers crossed this is a good one.
Just updated my avatar. Will replace it with a skinny wonder woman when I start to feel like one.

I have had a great start and i know results can be really good at first but it sure is motivating and I can already feel a difference with some clothes.

I should take my before picture but I absolutely hate photographs at the best of times!!
I'm in, second fast day for me. get up late so skip breakfast, drink plenty of tea and look forward to my apple and orange for lunch. Roll on veg soup oclock at 7pm.
I'm in, fasting for 12th time. Hairy Bikers Cajun chicken and salad for evening meal. Working from home today so must get on with it and stop reading the forum.
I am fasting too and my tummy is already rumbling! Coming up to mid day in France. Didn't fast Tuesday as head not right so really must succeed today. Will have a veggie burger and roasted veg this evening and a yogurt for pud. Have found this works best for me. Am home all day as retired but trying to be self sufficient makes lots of work. Plenty to keep me busy if I can get my head round it. Friend coming over later but she knows I am fasting and will be happy for just coffee and chat.
Just returned from kettlercise class, very thirsty so thats good, keep on going everyone.
Fast no 2 of the week for me and due to a busy schedule I have had to fast for 2 days in a row. This is the first time I have done this so hopefully I will manage!

No breakfast for me, chicken salad for lunch and I am trying an M and S fuller longer meal for dinner, (heard a lot of good things about them) Cod Balti with Onion Bhaji Topping.

I am six weeks in and this will be my 12th fast in total. As I mentioned in another thread, I am a type 1 diabetic and it seems to be working fine for me so far! Lost 6 pounds so far.
Hep, fasting day here too. I had porridge for breakfast, for lunch vegetable soup and rye bread slice with butter cheese and tomato, and then I´ll eat for dinner an apple and natural yoghurt. I have been feeling cold, well it´s not warm outside either. :shock: Wondering where is the spring! I´m going swimming with my baby boy in the evening, takes my mind off from food. I have found out too, that drinking green tee helps for the stomach growling. :grin:
Hello All! Starting the 5:2 Fast Diet today. Wish me luck!
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