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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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I'm here too, as usual! Getting through the day with water and black coffee. Finally got the Hairy Dieters cookbook the other day so might have something from there for dinner, lots of yummy options!
Im in too and i'm doing ok so far :)
Good stuff Aussie Kaz. At this rate you are going to catch up and pass me!
Must stop thinking of food, must stop thinking of food!!!
Me too Wineoclock! Only my 4th fast and doing it a bit tough at the moment. Have made a cup of green tea and am now soaking up all the advice. I know I can do this!!!
Yes you can do it Tracy49. I've been fasting since the begining of February and it does get easier, I'm just having a hungry week this week and a boring day today so not much to distract except this forum.
I keep going by thinking that when I was on a low cal diet everyday then everyday was hard. At least I can eat tomorrow.
07h40 here so only just woken up to my fast day. Unfortunately have woken up hungry :confused:

Hey ho, I know I can do it, I've done it often enough now! Lots of water will be drunk.

Hang on in there everyone :clover:
I'm fasting today! This is my 6th fast day altogether :) Pretty happy with myself, though I haven't really been losing any weight yet.. Hopefully this week is good for me!
It's only 6.45 here... Isn't it irritating when you wake up early on a fast day?! Much easier to sleep it away!
Good luck!
Me too - and I'm really hoping to have lost my usual 1lb or thereabouts this week. 2nd fast of the week and I'm feeling rather bloated TBH !!! Weightloss is quite slow (but at least it's a loss) - long walk to work and back again today, so that'll help! Good luck everyone fasting today
Yep I am in today too.

2nd fast of 2nd phase!

Feeling better than I did Tuesday!

I too awoke at 5a.m. which makes it a long time till Dinner!

Good luck one and all.
Count me in. First fast of fourth week.
Very wet here in SW France.
Insomnia has me up since 04:30 this morning, so its going to be a loooong day...
Good luck!
I'm in. On the train now, busy day at work planned, so all should be fine.

Chicken, peppers and mushrooms in white sauce with cauli and cabbage tonight. I'm saving the plastic split containers from the Waitrose Indian meals for one to freeze my batch cooked fast meals. They seem to be surviving the dishwasher.
Me too!

I need it today, had a bad feed-day yesterday :-(
After the evening meal, found myself chain dunking M&S walnut whips into thick creamy coffee and from there it got worse and worse. Feel wrecked this morning!!!!
Fast Day No 2 for me ! Off to the market here in Spain to buy lots of fresh seasonal veggies to make a Caponata for supper tonight, I will snack on Celery, Cucumber & Carrotts for lunch, Can't make it through to Supper ! Will weigh in tomorrow ! Have a great day everyone - Hasta Luego.
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