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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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83 posts Page 4 of 6
Emerald17 wrote: Redhead, well done on your booze fast.
Was it hard?
Did you feel better for it?

Thanks. It was hard. I had a number of waves of desire for a drink come over me at work at random times during the week. Obviously I don't drink during the day so it was quite odd to suddenly have a double vodka pop into my mind while having a conversation about a budget or somesuch. Clearly I am a functioning alcoholic. I realise most people will find this a shocking admission, but in Ireland, it's the norm. 'Functioning' is the key.

What I'm hoping for is a move towards being able to have a drink and leave it at that rather than having a skinful every time I'm in the bar or at a do. It's worked for me food wise - abstaining regularly to learn that not having food/ drink is not going to kill me, so that when I do have something I have some semblance of control.

I can't say I feel better for it really. But it was nice not to have a hangover for nearly 2 weeks! I'm out tomorrow night and will have wine and more, but we'll see if I rein it in a bit after the 'booze fast'! I'll probably do another booze fast next month.
I'm really jealous of you lot - you've jot sunshine. It's been very cold and wet here today, 6 degrees! Thank goodness I'm going to Worcestershire tomorrow.

Had a boring day a work today and this afternoon I slumped, I just felt tired and fed up. When I got home I put the family's tea on and thoroughly cleaned my smelly teenage daughter's bedroom. Just having a cup of buttermint tea and then will do some ironing, pack my suitcase and have a bath.

It is surprising how I can be in the same room as everyone else while they are eating.

I gave my OH his tea tonight and he looked at me with a petted lip and asked if he had the wrong plate! He had completely forgotten that he was on a fast day! He says he will fast tomorrow but I won't be there to check up on him.

A few weeks ago I decided to make my own breakfast cereal as despite having a sweet tooth I don't like a sweet breakfast. So I mixed up dried fruit, seeds, chopped nuts and organic puffed rice. I make a different variety when I finish one and it's yummy and probably really good to break a fast. I've just made up an apricot and coconut one. I'll either have that tomorrow for breakfast or scrambled eggs. After that I'll be at the airport for lunch time and will have a sandwich for lunch there.

I will no doubt have redhead's problem this weekend - a months worth of alcohol in one long weekend. Thankfully my friend is a wonderful cook and cooks healthily.
Still going strong here. Just made tea for the 'other half' which didn't bother me too much (made sure I made him something that I'm not keen on!!)
Just about to go for a walk then I shall maybe start my holiday packing or paint my toes ready for my hols to keep me occupied until bedtime!
Keep going everyone, we're almost there.
Hi gang - sorry for the late input but I don't have internet access at my job on a Thurs/Fri. Anyway, home now !! And I'm feeling really peckish :starving: and sooooooo nearly headed for the fridge but came on here first. Pleased I did, having read through the thread I'd feel I was really letting the side down if I caved in now, so will hang on in here. Maybe a sneaky cup of tea with a dash of milk will sort me out. Not strictly a water fast but thankfully redhead's put the subject heading of Liquid Fasting - so that'll still fit!!! Glad you decided to join us Wildmissus before your wild weekend away :smile: .. off to put the kettle on and see if it helps :bugeyes: Thanks for all the encouraging bits and pieces redhead - you've kept me away from the fridge door :like:
Veggie stock drink, that was the answer - shout louder at me next time gang, I nearly fell overboard :oops:
Suchard how many calories in a veggie stock drink?

Well, I seem to be fine. Got a bit stressed putting my 4yo to bed and thinking "Oh forget this, I deserve some grub!" but managed to rein my feelings in as I wasn't actually physically hungry. She actually settled within ten minutes and the moment passed.

Funnily enough, what's now keeping me focussed on the full 36 hours is flicking through recipes wondering what I fancy eating tomorrow.
Still at it; its 8:30pm now so on the last leg. No real hunger but slight discomfort in the belly.
I admire all you who have to be around the family eating and even cooking for them. I don't know if I could do it.
My partner works away during the week; so I only have to feed myself weekdays; which was one of the reasons my fasting days are Mondays and Thursday.
Bssh, I take about .25 of a knorr stockpot and dilute in a v.large mug - reckon it's about 12 cals worth. So - what's on the menu tomorrow then? It'll be Friday and I fancy fish and chips, but must restrain as it's Caroline's weigh day on Saturday :grin:
Made it past the key danger points, plain sailing now. I've broken the habit of having food on a fast day I think, so its been a physical challenge today, not the mental one. Very pleased with the way I dealt with all the kids stressy problems when I got in, being hungry didnt stop me staying calm.

Had a strange time on the journey home, sort of twitchyness all over - horrible. Its passed now. I should have a bovril or similar, in case its a salt issue, but I havent got any in - I'll get organised for next week.

Just put my electric blanket on, despite the lovely weather today, I've been cold, my hands are not fully functioning tonight. Hoping to move on from this, as I get used to liquid only, and the weather improves.

Really looking forward to tomorrow, meeting friends, and being able to eat and drink with them ! Not sure if I'll go for a run first thing before breakfast (read about how effective it is at fat-burning), or eat first, then go to the gym - see how I feel in the morning.

We've all done great, havent we :smile:
You guys are amazing!
I've been doing 5:2/4:3 for 8 weeks now but still haven't had the courage to do a 0cal day!
I've done my fasts for this week but I'm gonna try a water fast next week!
I'm gonna go to the stores after work to try on clothes (and buy new pants!) to distract myself :)
Bssh, I often find thinking about what I'm going to eat the next day gets me through fasts. The funny thing is I rarely actually wind up eating what I've fantasised about, but it seems that just the thought that I could eat it the next days helps me jump any hurdle.

Well done on your alcohol fast Redhead. I've only just broken my everyday drinking habit this year. I just always had a couple in the late arvo/evening (and my arm was alarming easy to twist to have another and another if whoever was with me suggested it). I sleep so much better now. I sav drinking for an occasion now. I always joked that I like alcohol too much to become an alcoholic, because tat would mean I'd have to give it up entirely. It seem I may have finally found the right balance.

I've just had a cup of tea with milk - 36 hours done! Thanks fo the support here, it's helped hugely to know I'm not doing it alone.
I did it! Second fast day and zero calories!
Now one last "good night"-cup of tea, and then, it's done :)
Looking forward to tomorrow's breakfast. Hooray!!
Well done finishers! Definitely see you both next week then :-)

Oh I've been having a lovely time-passing browse through the magazines and books. I think I fancy Dorset spelt museli with milk for my "break fast" tomorrow morning (I only ever have breakfast after a 36er) then sushi/sashimi for lunch then linguine with chilli, crab and courgette (or a similar pasta dish) for dinner. Also, a big slab of cake somewhere in between all that :-)
Well I've managed to keep myself busy this evening :grin:
Its now almost 9.30pm & I'm just having my last cup of black tea for the day before heading off to bed :coffee: dreaming of the :cake: I can have tomorrow :like:

Its fabulous reading about everyones day on this thread-its very inspiring & coming & reading it is what keeps me on track so thanks everyone :like:
Hi Guys

Well done to you all!

Is it ok to have Marigold Vegetable Stock or a stock cube on a water fast do you think? There have been times in my life when i've gone without food because i've been unhappy for a short period of time (ie relationship breakdown) but I don't think i'm quite ready to follow a water fast only at the moment.

I also work in an office and if you don't eat lunch you find yourself being criticised and scrutinised! I don't know if it's a woman thing or jealousy! So far i've hidden my fasting by eating my calories at lunchtime, it works better for me that way anyway because I exercise fairly heavily after work every day.

I'd like to try the "water" fast just to have a sense of emptiness. I know from experience that I feel better that way and I make better decisions on the types of food I want to eat after.


DB :oops:
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