Dinner time always a bit tough but still amazes me how much easier it is to abstain than I ever would have believed possible before starting 5:2
I too am perusing recipe books looking forward to what I'll cook tomorrow.
I'm in the mood for cooking, not our usual Friday take out!
Redhead, I am in awe of your honesty.
Your willingness to discuss ,so frankly ,sensitive issues is inspiring.
I regularly question my own drinking habits.
The majority of my friends , I would say,drink too much but it's like you say, in Ireland it is the norm.
That said I have drastically cut down on my drinking since starting 5:2 and in the main it's usually just at weekends now, (last night being more the exception rather than the rule)
I'm sure you'll do whatever works best for you, you've obviously got tremendous willpower to have achieved what you have on 5:2.
Hope you really enjoy your bevies tomorrow night!
I won't see any of you on Monday as its a bank holiday here and I love myself way too much to do that.
So it'll be next Tuesday and Thursday for me.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Roll on Fabulous Friday