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Fasting today?

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An apple is about 50 cals.?
Well done Monday fasters for getting to dinner time, at least it is in the UK!
I'm in. Had a bit of yogurt with red raspberries and blueberries and 2 cups of black coffee (with a bit of coconut oil). Not sure of the calorie count but I'll finish off with a green salad later on. I should be somewhere around my 500.
It's 7.20 had my tea and that's it. Still blooming hungry. Get the kids to bed then my magic sleeping tea bag and bed or i may fall at the last fence
How about an options hot chocolate? 40 cals
Tummy Rumbling? Drink, drink, drink. Water or low cal squash or even fizzy drink if you are desperate. It really works for me.
I'm in today but I've gone a bit over 100cals or so over but I'm not beating myself up about it. It was the coffee and miniture pack of choc buttons that did it but I needed them and I consoled myself with the fact I could easily have cracked and eaten a big bar of chocolate or even two the way I was feeling but I didn't I just had my little 75 cal bag of buttons and that was enough.

I got the fast diet recipe book this weekend so I'm going to delve into that for some ideas this weekend. I also founs a wild rice salad recipe on lovefood which I'm desperate to try. I'll post the result when I get round to buying the ingredients.
Hi All,

Successfully completed my 3rd fast! So far, so good. I didn't find it too hard today, and also managed a bit of a workout too.

I've found drinking LOTS of water helps - although going to the loo all the time is a little annoying! But must be doing my body some good. I like how I don't feel fatigued or low in energy.

I'm also loving all the useful tips that I've been finding in the boards. So thanks for that everyone!

Hope you've all had a successful fast.
Or rather, had a low-cal (about 950) day, rather than a fast. I blame having visitors :wink:
Fasted today. Ate nothing until 8.30pm when I had an M&S Fuller For Longer salad with 90g extra lean chicken breast and some cherry tomatoes. I've also walked six miles - five of them fairly briskly.
Bedtime at last! Had a busy day so found it relatively easy.
I ended yesterday so bloated. I don't get it. I was fine in the afternoon/evening. I ate quite late (that dreaded shopping trip had to happen first). I had a stir fry, which is a standard fast meal for me and it's never caused a problem before. I think I'm drinking more fizzy water now that before. Could that cause bloating? Anyway... it had sorted itself by morning (lots of trips to the bathroom), and my weigh-in went fine (another 1.3 kg gone).
Fasted today; a little tougher than usual, but doable. About 11am I had about 18 pistachios and a hardboiled egg with some mustard. At 4:30 pm sugar-free raspberry jello--yum. At 7:00 pm, a huge spinach salad with homemade balsamic (very little evoo in it), about 3 medallions of broiled yam, and broiled salmon, and finished up with another serving of the sugar-free raspberry jello.

All day long I drank plain selzer, black coffee and tea. Most of the day I had a dull, background headache--maybe allergies because the wind was blowing, or maybe from the fasting. I was a bit hungry all day, but it was okay.

I walked 2 miles this morning and did about 50 minutes of zumba class as well as 50 minutes of zumba tonight. I was kind of dragging by the end, but I made it.

I don't think I can wait past noon to eat tomorrow, so maybe a 14 hour overnight fasting window rather than 16.
I did it yesterday. Had two cups tea, low cal hot chocolate drink, plum, a ready meal roast turkey dinner that only had 220 cals. Finished well under. Slept like a baby. Looking forward to boiled eggs for breakfast today.
Well done Monday fasters x
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