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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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67 posts Page 1 of 5
Good luck to all those liquid fasting this week :clover:

I had fun fasting 3 days last week, though Friday was tough! I think this week I may experiment with a few calories in my drinks, maybe bulletproof coffee or juice/smoothies if I feel overly drained of energy.
Hi Glassmarble! Did you do three liquid fasts last week? :shock:

I've really come to enjoy my Monday water-and-coffee-only fast, feels like a nice way to start the week. (My Thursday fast is dinner-only under 500 cal.) I had some blood tests done this morning so that was an extra reason for a fast. Will be interested to see where my cholesterol is at after more than three months of 5:2!

It's freezing cold here so fasting is a little bit more challenging but I know I can do it, and the warm porridge tomorrow morning will taste all the more delicious! :razz:

The best of luck to all you other liquid fasters! :heart:
Ooh, it will be very interesting to see your new cholesterol levels! Good luck with fasting today, despite the cold.

Yes, I did do three almost-no-calorie liquid fasts last week. The first two felt good, but I think Friday I should have had something more substantial than a cup of miso soup, because I felt cranky and tired, and had a slight headache.
I'm in today. Overdid it this weekend, as always, so really ready to fast. I'm struggling to fit in another one this week, so this feels more important than usual. I slept really badly last night, so I don't thing today will be easy.

Will check back in later - good luck everyone today.
I'm in today too :) My plan this week is today and Thursday. Good luck with your cholesterol results today Airir. My mum and sister both have high cholesterol. I have told them about 5:2 and the health benefits, but no luck in persuading them so far.

I can't quite believe it, but the new size 10 jeans I bought were starting to fall down and I needed to go down a size. I can now fit into size 8 jeans!!! Something I have never done and never thought I would do in my whole life!

Good luck to all who are fasting today :clover:
I'm in, this is my 2nd liquid fast and I enjoyed it last week. Have a good day all :smile:
Morning all - count me in for today :smile: Had a really heavy week last week - ate out about 4 nights :shock: Catching up with people etc., etc., Couple of lbs put on this week - hey ho, never mind - must work hard this week as I'm off on hols next Monday for 6 weeks wohooo - more about that later. Need to have a really, really well behaved week this week. Good luck to everyone 36ing today :clover:
Waiting to try out the scales after the school run, been monitoring so know I'm down on last week and pretty sure it's 2lbs down which is an extra lb after my gain last week and considering we had takeaway pizza last night will be a pretty good result. Fasting today and Wednesday and something Friday, possibly not another full fast like last week, but will see how I go! The rats I got on Friday are stinking today, am hoping that's just because they are busy marking their cage as its new and the smell will settle down! I hope so anyway! They are still quite wary, but have had them out a bit over the weekend and my daughter is over the moon with them!
Happy fasting all
Morning everyone. I'm in too. I did the Dukan Attack Fri, Sat, Sun to try and get off my 7 week plateau. It isn't something I want to make a habit of as eating pure protein is really boring but the scales seemed to like it a lot. Will report back on the on Friday on my official weekly weigh in.
A 3lb loss for the week! So got rid of the 1lb gain last week and 2lb reward for 4:3! Yey! Very pleased! Now to blitz the house and smelly rats!
[quote="AiriR"]I had some blood tests done this morning so that was an extra reason for a fast. Will be interested to see where my cholesterol is at after more than three months of 5:2!/quote]

Make sure they give you your HDL cholesterol result as well as total. It is quite likely that the total cholesterol will be high but due to an increase in HDL (hopefully). The ratio between total and HDL is the most important number and you are aiming for under 4 (or better, under 3.5).
I'm in! Hoping that the 3 liquid fasts last week and another 3 planned this week outweigh the 2 (yes, 2!!!) lots of fish and chips and fry-up eaten this weekend!

Only 4 pounds to go - strangely being so close to goal makes sticking to healthy eating that bit harder. On the plus side my jeans are just that little bit more loose, may attempt a size down soon which would mean 2 (and a half) dress sizes dropped this year!
Marking my place even though I'm not liquid fasting - wish I could - so I'm aiming for <200 calories for tonight's dinner.
Can I just clarify as new on this forum. 36 hour liquid. So if you ate last night for instance, when and how many cals will you eat next.
Hi lisaleopard, welcome to the forum :smile:

There are different ways of doing a 36 hour liquid fast.

The 36 hour part means that if your last meal was your evening meal Sunday, you will break your fast with your first meal Tuesday morning. Whether the interval is 34 hours or 40 hours doesn't matter, it's only a way of saying it's a "two sleeps fast".

I did my first liquid fast with zero calorie drinks, only herbal tea and coffee. Then for my second liquid fast I experimented with a cup of miso soup, which was 30 kcal so technically it was a small meal. Today I have had a glass of milk. It's really up to you how you interpret it, whether you go completely zero calorie or like Breadandwine and me aim for <200 kcal.

The important thing is that you listen to your body and do what is right for you. I plan on having three fasts this week, and I learned last week that though doable it's too tough on me if I don't get a bit more nutrition in me.
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