The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

87 posts Page 5 of 6
Fast Day #15 for me! I'm not anticipating any problems as this whole thing has gotten super easy at this point. I do have some 5 Hour Energy standing by in case my fast day sleepiness kicks in at some point this afternoon, but otherwise it will just be peppermint tea for "lunch" and nothing else until dinner.
I'm fasting today, too and boy do I need it!! Went camping with extended family this weekend and over-indulged in all sorts of delicious goodness. I kept up with my workout routine, trying to become a runner, but still ate way to much. Good luck to everyone!!
caz1967 wrote: Caroline

"I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that"
Ben Goldacre

What do you mean?

A quote from Ben Goldacre, the author of Bad Science. It's a good response to almost any glib statement you can think of! Whenever I set off to research some aspect of diet/nutrition I find the biology is insanely complex, so I thought it would make a good signature!
Well my fast day has been swapped now til tomorrow - am at my folks' house for dinner tonight. I was going to fast until then but my powers of cleaning and tidying (in readiness for the in laws this weekend) have been much improved by the addition of a brunch of cake, fruit and lemony cream/yogurt and aubergine dip on toast - leftovers from weekend food! Hopefully will not need anything else before dinner so shouldn't eat too wildly insane today (unless you count cake being the first thing I ate today as being wildly insane...) and can do a 'proper' fast tomorrow. Will be at work and occupied so should be easier.

Love the flexibility of this way of eating!

p.s. JamieLogical - what's '5 hour energy'?
I am having a fairly easy fast day today. Sunburned scalp, nothing but liquids so far but can't wait for official weigh-in tomorrow. I have plateaued a bit the last few weeks, but breaking through it now. Hoping for a 3lbs loss.
I'm fasting (3rd time only). I decided to not have breakfast or lunch, but just save my calories for dinner which will be steamed fish and veg.
Staff in my department in work are surprised that I can ignore food all day, but I find it easier in work. Now I am at home I get a bit restless. But still easier than other WOE's every day.
Good luck everyone. We can do it. :smile:
I'm in. Still working on my coffee. I'm not hungry yet (yay!) because I ate so much over the weekend (boo!). :D

I'm in, but only 24 hours today. My sister and her children are visiting, so we're going to have dinner together. I'm going to see if I can keep dinner under 300 calories so I don't break my fast, but I know how family meals tend to go.

So far, I've just had some coffee and am doing quite well. It'd be a great fast day if only I had confidence in getting through dinner reasonably!
Zarthicus, can you not make a dinner for everyone that is 300 to 400 kcals? Maybe a light salad, with fruit and yogurt for afters. You could just not have anything on your plate that is high fat or high in carbs and avoid the pudding entirely, it shouldn't look 'weird' to the others.
This is my 4th fast day and I am finding it hard today.

I have mixed it up a bit and had no breakfast, I had veggies for lunch and have been filling up on peppermint tea, but I am tired and hungry today, which is a first since I started
Daisy try a cup or mug of boullion, stock cube in water to us British. You may be missing out on salts rather than sugar. Its only about 15 kcals a mug.
Julieathome, that is what I'm aiming for. I live alone, so I usually have a very easy time handling a light dinner on fast days, since I only need to make enough for myself. This will be my first time having to really approach such willpower, and on feed days I always get the majority of my calories at dinner.
Count me in today. First one for a few weeks as I have had the delights of trying to vome off some medication but feeling better now. Have to say it hasn't been too bad today as been really busy at work and have felt quite energised :cool:
I'm in! Biked to work, had a little coffee and now it's tea time till a light lunch & dinner!

Good luck fast friends :)
I am fasting today as well - Always on mondays :smile:
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