The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

67 posts Page 3 of 5
I'm in today..had a glorious sunny weekend away in the camper van at a VW festival. Lots of BBQ ing and salad, managed to restrain myself on the wine! Shock!

Suns out so I'm pottering in the garden today.
Enjoy your fast everyone x
Had to give up for today. Think I might be coming down with a virus. Really not feeling good. Will try again tomorrow if I feel better
I am in today as well. Will try to do a 4:3 (monday wednesday and friday) as last week was a bit of a mess. It's a hot day and I don't know what to drink other than water. An ice coffee would be great but I only know how to make it with milk:doh:
I'm in today too. Went away for the weekend and ate far too much so what with that and still dealing with the consequences of the previous weekend's chinese meal, I need to get back on track! Am going out to eat twice this week, which won't help so planning on fasting today, Wednesday and then a half-fast on Friday before the meal out. Hopefully, the heatwave will put me off eating on the other days too!
I'm in again! I had a 2 week break from fasting over my holidays and as a result I've put on a few lbs. :( Not nice but on my holiday I didn't want to restrict what I eat too much. All that ice cream...
Anyway good luck everyone. It's a very hot day so I'm not feeling hungry at all.
I'm in too. Had a nice weekend with plenty of sunshine and bbq. too much food and ice-cream for sure.

Good luck everyone. Looks like another sunny day here.
Finally having a proper fast after weeks of travelling, dealing with burn injuries (note to self: stay away from Portuguese jellies) and a bit of over-indulging. Time to get some repair-time in. The weather in Sweden is as beautiful as summer ever gets (in my eyes) and a morning jaunt through the forest has already rewarded me with smultron (wild strawberries) for later...a flavor that can't be reproduced in any lab.
Fasting for me too, my normal Monday, definitely a way of life.It would be nice to lose some more weight but if not so what? I expect it will happen eventually and I'm certainly enjoying this effortless way of staying slimmer and healthier.
Just back from holidays so I am fasting today. The cupboards are pretty bare so will need to shop later!
Hi to all:) 2nd week in and 1st fast today. I found a great meal for 150 cals :) a chicken dinner, breast potatoes and veg for 150 from Asda, chosen for you range. Check it out. Great for fasting days, makes it more of a normal eating day.
Caz xx
Hi all

I'm fasting today. Not at work and not too many jobs to do so enjoyed a lie in until 9.30!! Makes the fasting day a lot shorter.

Manderley, I've had an iced coffee this morning, used this recipe for inspiration. Just steeped coffee in cold water overnight in the fridge and mixed it with unsweetened almond milk & ice. 200ml almond milk is only 26 cals (I use Alpro brand) and it felt quite sustaining really and very refreshing. Don't know if you can get almond milk in france but I bet it would work black, too (can't drink it black myself). Wasn't very sweet but I used a tsp powdered stevia sweetener (2 cals) and a drizzle of vanilla extract (er.. ? cals?) and it was a bit better. ... ed-coffee/

Working over dinner time so will have a feta or tofu salad around 4pm and then some berries & yogurt when I get in at about 8.30. Fingers crossed should be reasonably easy as no hunger pangs yet & only 5 hours to main meal - yay!
I am in and, thankfully, almost done. Started with PT session in gym. Even went to lunch at Yacht Club with friend and stuck to their "healthy light options" of grilled fish, tomato coulis and steamed veg. Estimated it to be around 320 calories (probably less, as only a small portion of fish, but am being conservative). Dinner first course has been had (Weight Watchers cabbage soup, home made, 44 calories). Will have 150 grams cod with capers soon and that's all at 124 calories...And then bed if I get hungry, with 12 calories to spare!!!
Good Morning, count me in today. :grin:
i'm in as well, even though i'm having dinner at my parents, will try to stay under the 500 cause i had a weekend with too much to eat and also my period, so the scale wasnt atallfriendly to me this morning :(
My first fast day for 3 weeks (been on hols, then taken me a week to build up to a fast day!)

It's going ok, belly is starting to growl a bit now tho....but seen as tho it's had no food for 18 hours I'm not surprised. Only...... :bugeyes: 6 hours till feeding time!

Well I'm off to make myself a filling :wink: cup of peppermint tea.

Stick with it everyone, we can eat properly tomorrow!!
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