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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
01 Oct 2014, 06:17
juliebulie10 wrote: Thanks Caroline, I think that is great advice to just follow my own hunger rather than 'timings'! :)

How are you getting on with your fitbit? I am considering buying one.... just to be noesy! :)

JB x

Ok ..glad you've decided to go with listening to your head and not just when your stomach shouts, as it's only a toddler who's bored. Just because it's grumbling it doesn't necesarrily need feeding.....just yet!

I'd go for the flex, had a one then upgraded. The flex battery lasts longer and can be worn in not deep water. There are fifty plus member from here in the fitbit group. So go for it ...
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
04 Oct 2014, 12:40
We seem to be low on low carbers at the moment. I am still doing a low carb fat fast with 16:8 and this really seems to suit me. It also means that I don't actually have to think of fast days although some days I am only eating 500 to 700 calories a day.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
04 Oct 2014, 13:59
@Slimmer I would like to join you on this low carb thread, because I need some public commitment to/for myself. I reached goal weight last month by reducing my carb intake for the last few weeks of weightloss. I had plateaued and almost given up thinking I had set my goal weight too low.

Before doing first 4:3 then 5:2, I had done food combining on and off for many years and I felt great when doing it. What it taught me was the mind frame that we don't really need potatoes, pasta or rice with our meat. Meat tastes perfectly nice with lots of vegetables. I have been doing this for almost 20 years and controlled my weight to a degree although it did creep up ever so slowly every year. Food combining whilst quite easy seems also very restrictive as a long term WOE . The thought of never eating Pizza or any cakes etc ever again makes you eventually fall off the wagon. What I have learned with 5:2 is that whilst we eat well and have our plans, there are days (occasionally) when we can eat "normally" It's what we eat most of the days that decides if we lose/maintain weight or not. If I don't have a plan I will eat lots of carbs and sugar binge as a result. I believe in short diet holidays provided they don't end up as binges and we get back to sensible eating relatively quickly.

Here is my pledge: On fast days (Monday and Thursday) I only eat meat nuts and unprocessed carbs mainly in the shape of vegetable soup (350cals) On the remaining weekdays (Tuesdays, Wednesday and Friday) I eat low carb to my TDEE (1400cals) On Saturday and Sundays I treat myself to carb and sugar. I hope I keep myself under control so that it won't end in a binge. I will report back to let you know how it goes.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
04 Oct 2014, 20:47
I didn't fast or low-carb either one yesterday. My niece is visiting and we made a lovely all day trip to Yellowstone Park (I live close) but since it's the end of the season it was hard to find food and had to settle for whatever snacks were available. So my week was a 5:2 instead of a 4:3, and I'm ok with that and my day was not very low-carb and I know that an occasional day of higher carb is fine too. I certainly like having a food plan with some flexibility. Dinner tonight will be leftover meat loaf and roasted mixed veggies. I think tomorrow I will record my food with my phone app to see where I am with carbs because I may not have a good visual sense of it yet.

Hope you all had a good Saturday! Dee
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
04 Oct 2014, 21:51
I'm still here.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
04 Oct 2014, 22:36
I'm dipping in and out. I'm experimenting with a weekly carb re-feed at the moment, but I have just read that carb-refeeds should ideally be fat free (which was a fail last night as I ate french fries :bugeyes: ). It's too early to say whether it's working or not as it's only the second week, but I will keep on plugging away. It's also something very nice to look forward to on a Friday night. I understand carb refeeds work best on people who are only very slightly overweight (me) or who are already lean. ... z3FDbBtzO0
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
05 Oct 2014, 02:33
Hi All,
I am in here too, and am finding that low carb combined with calorie counting and occasional high fat seems to be working for me, albeit slowly. I just read that article on referring @Rawkaren, he refers to 'paleo' veggies, yam etc, rather than chips :wink: but the theory is the same!!!!
I am having a day off today and once I finally get my rear out of bed and off the computer, I shall go and do a decent gym session and than have a day off my normal regime and hope that works.
My little friend @biTe23, who is sharing my fasting up here in the dust pit of the Pilbara may be interested in this thread!!

Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
05 Oct 2014, 09:59
On,y carbs at weekends for me. Chinese takeaway last night, with rice.
Toast and marmalade today. Oh and jacket potato tonight with steak, mushrooms and asparagus. Yum
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
05 Oct 2014, 11:09
I had been doing really well on low carb, maintaining fairly effortlessly. However I mentioned on the October maintenance thread that I have been going through some emotional eating for the last month and of course it has mostly been carbs; bread and chocolate to be honest. The crazy thing is it makes me feel really rough especially the overdose of chocolate but I still keep eating it. Not missing rice, pasta or potatoes except I have had fries once or twice. So going to get back on it on Monday and get back to that lovely clean feeling without the headaches and upset tummy. Serves me right. :oops: x
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
05 Oct 2014, 13:11
I have a question for those of you who do the fat fasting.
Are you doing this daily or only on the 2 fasting days of 5:2?
I was afraid to try it just on fasting days thinking I would gain rather than lose weight. In the past I did the fat fast for 5 days in a row and dropped weight. Just curious as to what others have tried and their results.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
05 Oct 2014, 13:36
Loulou51 wrote: I had been doing really well on low carb, maintaining fairly effortlessly. However I mentioned on the October maintenance thread that I have been going through some emotional eating for the last month and of course it has mostly been carbs; bread and chocolate to be honest. The crazy thing is it makes me feel really rough especially the overdose of chocolate but I still keep eating it. Not missing rice, pasta or potatoes except I have had fries once or twice. So going to get back on it on Monday and get back to that lovely clean feeling without the headaches and upset tummy. Serves me right. :oops: x

You ok my lovely? @Loulou51, hope you are not too bad today. And that whatever is making you eat those pesky carbs is gone soon. We were only saying that we need to have another meet. @Wendy darling, @Madcatlady and @StowgateResident, I shall find our meet thread to start sorting this out.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
05 Oct 2014, 13:44
Thank you @carieoates. I'm fine really just boys growing up and moving out, it is such a big change and I miss them. A meet up would be lovely. xx
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
05 Oct 2014, 16:24
Hi Tammae. I have done the fat fast twice now and did it for three days before doing the Atkins Induction for a week. I lost about 5 lbs each time, gained back about one/two, but found it worth it to shift a few pounds quickly before going back to IF.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
05 Oct 2014, 16:55
Hi, is anyone making there own bone broth? I am interested, as also on Mark's Daily Apple, for anyone doing this low carb eating, a lot of just muscle meat is supposed to be harder to absorb, on kidneys, etc. , but is good for muscle sparing when losing weight. (Or for recovery after injury or surgery). I am trying to eat the things that will contribute to a healthy balance of lean weight to fat stores.
For myself, it seems hard just to get to the amount of protein that is recommended by standard dietary advise. It's a lot of veggies, some meat, some fruit, some dairy, with the occasional high carb food being thrown in. I haven't entirely given up sugar, but those kind of things are cut by about 90%.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
05 Oct 2014, 18:44
@piper I think I recall@julianna makes I broth. Julianna is that right?
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