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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Oct 2014, 22:14
I think I probably lost more that usual @lovemyparrot but I do think you have to be prepared for a slight gain afterwards (no matter what you do - unless you're really lucky!). Overall I think it does accelerate weight loss a bit, although obviously you can't do it indefinitely but it is good for a boost.
@Julianna - just put pork and crackling into MFP to see how it looks alongside the fat fast foods - is certainly OK from carbs/fat perspective but higher protein than other foods - not sure if that would make any difference but you could try it!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
17 Oct 2014, 06:48
Looks like a great party in here. Fat, low carbs an all.............
Great sharing of info as usual.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
17 Oct 2014, 12:47
When I was on Weight Watchers I never ate butter... too many calories. Now with low carb I use it all the time and buy the 4 lb pack at Sam's Club. I noticed in the posts many are eating macadamia nuts too. Had a big handful yesterday. Yum! Who wouldn't love this way of eating? : )
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
17 Oct 2014, 15:35
Wish I liked nuts
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
17 Oct 2014, 15:41
Hi Everyone. I just wanted to say that I'm on day 7 of the fat fast and it is getting easier. Woke up with a bit of a headache this morning but it went away after I had some salt water. I'm resisting the scales as I'm feeling incredibly bloated and my waist measurement has not yet changed. However my face is looking less puffy so I know something is happening. I also struggled with eating at night so I have gone 'Varaday' style and eating mostly at lunchtime, so following Fast-5 principles as well as fat based. (Golly 3 plans in one!) Ironically easier as the fat keeps me going throughout the rest of the day and through to the next day when I wake up and have a bulletproof coffee. I have been taking Betaine HCL to make it easier to digest the fat but I don't seem to be having any problems. Thought I'd share my nutrition stats for the week:

Sat - Fat 100% (it was a fast day as I had been away all week and had been off plan)
Sun - Fat 65% Carbs 9% Protein 23%
Mon - Fat 65% Carbs 8% Protein 18%
Tues - Fat 65% Carbs 10% Protein 24%
Weds - Fat 83% Carbs 9% Protein 8%
Thurs - Fat 79% Carbs 5% Protein 16%
Fri - Fat 78% Carbs 3% Protein 19%

Average carb intake was below 30g but highest carb intake of the week was 36g and ave daily calories for the week is in the order of 1400 (slightly over TDEE). No real dairy on my plan except Kerrygold butter but I have managed to get some Green and Blacks 85% chocolate in all of this! Hope this helps others who are giving fat fasting a go.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
17 Oct 2014, 23:00
Thanks Karen, that is helpful.i hope you have success.
Hi all, I just posted a recipe in the '5:2 cooking discussions,tips and idea' section called " spiralizer zucchini/courgette spaghetti napolitano" when I realized I probably should have posted it here as it is a low carb recipe. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know so you could have a look if you like.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Oct 2014, 07:13
julianna wrote: Thanks Karen, that is helpful.i hope you have success.
Hi all, I just posted a recipe in the '5:2 cooking discussions,tips and idea' section called " spiralizer zucchini/courgette spaghetti napolitano" when I realized I probably should have posted it here as it is a low carb recipe. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know so you could have a look if you like.

One of us mods could move it over if you like Julianna. If not why not copy past it over.
Anyhow, I love my courgette, and will try it.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Oct 2014, 13:31
hi,... thanks for all the detail and stats Karen... I was wondering about the fat fast (something i have tried in the past for a boost when I followed Atkins...) don't intend to try it yet, but would happily in the future if/when my weight loss stalls...........
I wondered if you did indeed count the calories of the fat foods as well, not just the fat/carbs, and found you do, averaging 1400 a day, I'm impressed as I assumed (wrongly) it would be way over this..... I guess you don't eat slices of butter like I used to *blush* !! LOL

jb x
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Oct 2014, 14:05
juliebulie10 wrote: hi,... thanks for all the detail and stats Karen... I was wondering about the fat fast (something i have tried in the past for a boost when I followed Atkins...) don't intend to try it yet, but would happily in the future if/when my weight loss stalls...........
I wondered if you did indeed count the calories of the fat foods as well, not just the fat/carbs, and found you do, averaging 1400 a day, I'm impressed as I assumed (wrongly) it would be way over this..... I guess you don't eat slices of butter like I used to *blush* !! LOL

jb x

@juliebulie10. Actually 440 of those calories comes from bulletproof coffee which involves butter and MCT oil. :lol:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Oct 2014, 16:49
Spotted this on a great website today. It's keto skordalia. A healthy dip without the carbs - yay! Maria nixed the potatoes from this classic greek dish. You need to scroll down a bit to get it, but I plan on making this today. ... arlic-dip/
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Oct 2014, 23:46
That dip looks great, thanks Karen.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
19 Oct 2014, 19:58
This dish proves you can eat fat on a fast day. These are chicken strips dipped in oil and then "breaded' with coconut flour, shredded coconut, garlic granules, onion granules and paprika as well as salt and pepper. I sprayed them with coconut oil before baking them in the oven so the coconut got crispy. Served with a side of crispy romaine lettuce. The green blobs are a spicy avocado dressing for which I blended a quarter of avo with garlic, cumin, lemon juice, white wine vinegar, salt pepper and chilli. Add water to achieve your desired thickness. I liked mine thick - so you can use it as a dip too. This dressing serves 2. The whole dish came in at 321 calories 12g of carbs and 27g of fat.

Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
20 Oct 2014, 12:02
@rawkaren that looks great.
I do something similar which is low carb scotch eggs.
Coat the sausage'd egg with dried onion. That's lovely too. Might just make, then work out values and post here when I'm home later.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
20 Oct 2014, 20:26
Hi, in researching the fat fast, I came across the "egg fast" - see for some details here.

Anyone heard of it . . what do you think? Going from the sublime to the ridiculous? Maybe too many cals a day for me with a low TDEE, but sounds quite tasty, especially if you like eggs, as I certainly do. Any thoughts @rawkaren, perhaps????? She even includes a BPC every morning.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
20 Oct 2014, 20:40
@lovemyparrot, the IBIH version of the egg fast plan is very popular on some fora and people enjoy it more than the usual 'eat eggs' plan. That said, the results are variable and probably reflect people's TDEE as you suggest.

On a tangent, although people tend to try this out as a jumpstart to weight loss or after they've stalled on low carb, I've noticed that a number of ketogenic diet people (usually middle-aged women) who've stalled for some time now seem to be resorting to cycles of egg fasts and fat fasts with 'typical nutritional ketosis diet' days in the minority (i.e., the usual low carb, moderate protein, high fat nutritional ketosis diet). I'm mentioning this as an aside because I've seen relatively few men need to resort to this strategy and I'm vaguely tracking this as something worth further consideration or assessment as a relevant gender difference in response. (It might not be - there's a fair chance that it's a highly skewed self-selecting sample of data that provides this impression. OTOH, I know that Phinney and Volek have acknowledged that post-menopausal women don't seem to have the same weight loss results as others who follow a nutritional ketosis WOE.)
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