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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
17 Feb 2014, 23:20
caitlin wrote: Hi @Jo05 like @Minumonline says plus sounds like you're trying to low carb with a high carb mindset!

I would chuck the bread oats milk honey, eat half the pear or replace it with berries, what kind of yogurt are you using 10g carb seems high? Some of the things I would eat instead include; cheese cream `soy milk` `oat bran` flax eggs `industrial quantities of salad`.

There are some books you should try to get that are mentioned on this thread, I found them useful. It is a conceptual change and takes a while to get organised so just take your time and figure out how you can do this in a way that suits you. I'm veggie so probably different tastes and also I am used to wading through package info, still took me a while though.

Good luck with it.

Thanks @caitlin,
OK I'm going to avoid the oats, pears, honey. Is there a reason you suggest I stop milk?
What does your breakfast look like Caitlin?
What do you do with the oat bran?
I liked you ideas for salad sprinkles in your journal. Appreciate you sharing it with us.
Best wishes
Jo :like: :clover: :clover: :clover: :victory:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 00:17
Hi @Jo05

I avoid milk because of the lactose which is basically sugar.

Instead I eat unsweetened full fat bio Greek style yogurt - The bacteria in live cultures predigest much of the lactose in yogurt even before you eat it. Greek style yogurt is meant to have been strained and thus have less whey = less lactose (Make sure the yogurt you get is the strained stuff and is bio and unthickened with whey, some cheap ones are rubbish!)

Or unsweetened soy milk - Breakfasts and in tea (the Alpro stuff is full of sugar and junk avoid)

Double Cream - I have in coffee and with berries.

Oat bran I use as a base for muesli along with flax seed and ground almonds desiccated coconut and mixed nuts.

@FatDog has a bread recipe which I sometimes make, it has lower carb than regular bread.

* Avoid Greek yogurts or other style yogurts that contain whey protein concentrate, since the whey contains most of the lactose. Also avoid flavored yogurt, which has added sugar; even though the sugar isn't lactose, it adds unnecessary carbs and calories.

Sometimes I just have cheese and berries for breakfast.

I like omelette's for brunch or lunch and will have that with a big mixed salad.

I like salad a lot so I tend to have salad as main part of meal and have something cooked with it, so for dinner I will have like half a pound of baby spinach and red chard and with that I will have, an avocado, a cup of some kind of pulse based stew, maybe some cheese, pickles, and so on...

what I did when I first stopped eating pasta was to replace it with raw spinach, so would have pasta sauce and spinach with Parmesan on it.

I spent two months figuring out what I could eat. I looked at what was left after chucking grains sugar lactose trans-fat and potatoes, I then looked at what I needed in terms of nutrition and how I could get this on under a hundred grams of carb a day.

FatDogs journal has been an enormous help to me in this. Just ask Jo if there is anything at all I might be able to help with...

caitlin Xx
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 00:50
I don't drink milk either @jo05 as it starts the sugar monster in me. I do however eat butter, coconut oil, occasionally cream and sometimes full fat greek yogurt too.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 10:04
I'm going to have a go at courgette ribbons, peas and pesto today. Hope it works, as I need an equivalent when I make my sons favourite pasta and pesto for his lunch. I might do in the microwave, so I don't drown the courgette.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 12:01
Hi @caitlin, Wow you're so great with this stuff! Thank you.
I will make sure on my greek yogurt now.
Can't give up milk yet. It's substituting my bread cravings. It gets splashed into my tea and used for sleep. I drink lots of decaf tea with milk. BUT I'm going to try going down to one cup a day. Start using cream in my decaf coffee.

The cereal recipe looks nice!! Glad there is cereal to be had in low carb.

fading here its late - appreciate all the care here at the forum.
xx Jo
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 12:04
rawkaren wrote: I don't drink milk either @jo05 as it starts the sugar monster in me. I do however eat butter, coconut oil, occasionally cream and sometimes full fat greek yogurt too.

hmmm thanks Karen, I'm gonna whine for a while before I kick it. (chuckles).
But god i hate the sugar monster.
Going to search coconut oil, you guys rave about it, i'm yet to know why and what you do with it. But I will go search it.

:smile: :sleepy: off to bed for me. x
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 12:43
No problem @Jo05, I got into low carb because of blood sugar issues, I have some posts about my experimentation with different carb levels etc on my journal.

All the best with it :smile:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 12:49
Got to say it again @fatdog - your flaxseed crackers are awesome - just had some very paprikary ones with goats cheese and cherry toms, yum yum
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 17:23
For @SueQ the cauliflower pizza base is really tasty and low carb. Just in case you are feeling even more adventurous. ... pizza.html
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 17:27
I feel a bit guilty dipping a toe into this tent,but just want to report..the penny is dropping..
At last i am begining to see how it is protein and fat that fills me and keeps me full
My much loved carbs just make me - want more much loved carbs :grin: :lol: x
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 19:28
Managed just under 100g carbs today when my 16/8 turned into 19/5, even though I ate two marshmallows made by my grandson, best I've ever tasted!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 20:04
Peeping in to see what's going on.

Bread is my main problem, I bought a breadmaker last year and we have stopped buying bread and I make about 2 loaves a week. It really is so much nicer than shop bought bread, and goes well with soup at this time of year. It also makes really nice sandwiches if we go for a long walk.

And that's mainly what I'm struggling with, breaking my bread habit. Any ideas would be welcome
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 20:33
How about using gluten free bread flour, turns out nice rolls when I hand make them. I mix it with almond flour and milled flaxseed to reduce the carb content, and a teaspoon of caraway seed for extra flavour :0)
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 20:36
Good idea, but I don't really want to be making even more bread. I think I'll just have to restrict myself to a number of portions and/or days.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
18 Feb 2014, 20:49
My solution to my bread addiction is to never have it in the house. Ever. Other than bagels in the freezer for my sons breakfast.

Much easier to resist temptation at the shopping/baking stage, rather than the eating stage :grin:

I eat bread in restaurants, and that's about it
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