caitlin wrote: Hi @Jo05 like @Minumonline says plus sounds like you're trying to low carb with a high carb mindset!
I would chuck the bread oats milk honey, eat half the pear or replace it with berries, what kind of yogurt are you using 10g carb seems high? Some of the things I would eat instead include; cheese cream `soy milk` `oat bran` flax eggs `industrial quantities of salad`.
There are some books you should try to get that are mentioned on this thread, I found them useful. It is a conceptual change and takes a while to get organised so just take your time and figure out how you can do this in a way that suits you. I'm veggie so probably different tastes and also I am used to wading through package info, still took me a while though.
Good luck with it.
Thanks @caitlin,
OK I'm going to avoid the oats, pears, honey. Is there a reason you suggest I stop milk?
What does your breakfast look like Caitlin?
What do you do with the oat bran?
I liked you ideas for salad sprinkles in your journal. Appreciate you sharing it with us.
Best wishes