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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
07 May 2014, 07:13
Wendy Darling wrote: I remember thinking at one time when reading the posts of more experienced fasters that I would never understand all these numbers. I think I'm really getting the hang of this now. I also remember thinking that my TDEE was shockingly low and said so many times! How strange that further down the line I am perfectly satisfied with it.

That's exactly me, @wendy darling.

My niece is doing slimming world and I look at the pasta she's putting on her plate and wondering how she's managing to lose the weight she is. She has now lost 2.5 stone since Christmas and has, probably, another 3 - 4 to go.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
07 May 2014, 16:06
I think I could live on a diet of asparagus and hollondaise :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
07 May 2014, 19:11
Today I had green tea all morning, waitrose beetroot & mint soup with creme fraiche & horseradish for lunch, some full fat Total yoghurt and some pecans this afternoon. Dinner was cheese salad (with sweetcorn :shock: ) I am nicely full and don't think I will have anything else tonight.

868 calories and 27g carbs. MFP puts me over the limit for fat intake but I am beginning to agree with others here that it is quite hard to eat to TDEE without carbs. Can't remember if it was carieoates, carorees or pennyforthem who said that.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
07 May 2014, 20:49
'Twas me darling. Eating my tdee is hard without carbs.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
07 May 2014, 21:24
This has got to be the answer although I'm still afraid of overdoing the fat. Old habits and all that. Where is @fatdog? Is she taking a break?
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 May 2014, 06:25
Was happy when I jumped I the scales this morning, had ribeye steak, salad and a glass of Pinot, with soda. Then a piece of chocolate birthday cake when we got home from the restaurant. It was more than my daily crab allowance alone, but because I'd had very little carbs all day I may see purple pee today, maybe not.

But it's a fasting day today ,so tomorrow may be better, I have to say that since I've low carbed, I've not seen such a yo yo on the scales.
Will finish my aubergine, ratatouille, bake tonight. And I have a small ham salad for lunch with beetroot.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 May 2014, 07:17
Not those blasted crabs again!!
I haven't gone overboard despite being offered muesli every morning! So far today a handful of nuts, half a banana and a plum, plus a very mini Portuguese tart which was gorgeous. Just a veg chilli thing tonight with a small amount of wild rice.
At this stage managing the carbs reasonably well, it may go pear shaped tomorrow when we go for afternoon tea. Cake porn to follow!!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 May 2014, 07:27
Sounds like you are doing well @Debs - Oh I do love a delicious Portuguese tart you lucky thing. :eat: :eat:

Enjoy your chilli thing and wild rice!

We are enjoying a later birthday dinner - I have an Osso Bucco in the oven and will be serving this with Sweet Potato mash and steamed asparagus and peas. :razz: :razz:

Have a good day/evening everybody.

cheers Maggie :smile: :smile:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 May 2014, 20:18
Hmmm, back down to 10 3 today. Hopefully sorted with another portion of chish and fips, the second of the week! Up tomorrow, I hope.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 May 2014, 20:26
PennyForthem wrote: Hmmm, back down to 10 3 today. Hopefully sorted with another portion of chish and fips, the second of the week! Up tomorrow, I hope.

Mmm, with thick slices of bread and butter and mushy peas on the side I hope! :razz: :wink:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 May 2014, 20:29
Noooooh, calyanna, won't eat bread and butter or mushy peas.....
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 May 2014, 20:36
PennyForthem wrote: Noooooh, calyanna, won't eat bread and butter or mushy peas.....

was only thinking of your need to up carbs Penny! :wink:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 May 2014, 22:17
Well @PennyForthem - let's hope there's chish and fips on the menu next week :shock: :wink:
I think I might qualify for the low carbs club - tonight's dinner was roast chicken thigh, the rest of last week's (frozen) tomatoey roast pepper and shallot ratatouille thingy (with a dash of PFT chilli jam :lol: ) and peas on the side.

Pity about the sarnie from Greggs at lunchtime :shock: :shock: :bugeyes:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 May 2014, 22:19
And I agree with @callyanna you need pushy meas @PennyForthem or, at least, a decent scone slathered with butter :cool: :wink:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
09 May 2014, 06:25
I know it's going to have artificial sweetener in, but I'm making panacotta for the hubs today. He's doing two weeks Atkins attack to get his weight loss going. His choice I tried to get him to 5.2. He was desperate for a sweet treat last night. Got all sulky and went to bed nearly.
He's got serious sugar cravings. So double cream, coconut cream and good chocolate on the shopping list today.
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