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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
09 Aug 2014, 07:27
carieoates wrote: Good news- two good basic 5.2 fasts and three exercise classes and I'm back to 12.9. Which is my pre- holiday weight.
Now I'm aiming to get down to my fall challenge. 11.11. It's going to be a mountain to climb as my all time low was 12.6. But that was low carbing, so we will see if my body can remember how to get there.

Bad news - new hens aren't settling, think I should have gone for wee ones so that I can train them how to not fly up into the tree and maybe escape the garden. Luckily my friend will take them back. Plus the other one is being badly bullied by the others. :frown: . Will make a decision by lunchtime. As I'm not getting ripped to shreds by a prickly bush agin tonight. It was like the film chicken run last night. The great escape and owners getting hurt. :cry:

So bean and candy how was your day yesterday? Did you manage an eating window?
Wow I love the way my stomach feels the day after a fast.

Hi @carieoates, have your chickens begun to lay? The old fashioned way to get hens to lay is to put them in a card board box, keep them out of the light for a bit; seems to make them lay. And, to keep them from flying the coop, you have to clip their wings. Perhaps a little googling on chook care. I'm pretty sure you can get them laying, no need to give them back. Good luck! :geek:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
09 Aug 2014, 07:36
@chinchin. Thanks for that.
We've had hens for three years now and unfortunately lost one about a month ago to an infection. So got a couple of new ones to keep lone one company, unfortunately it was not to be for the following reasons.
1. They were pecking the old one.
2. They were not people friendly
3. They were used to a bigger place to live
4. One honked like a goose

It's all ok though as I watched them hatch at Easter and my friend has put them back into the flock. I now know that I have to get them very young (like last time)so that they are used to us , our cats, our quiet smallish garden. They are pets with prizes for us. :grin:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
09 Aug 2014, 10:12
Yikes no wonder you returned them, @carieoates, they sound dangerous. :bugeyes: Better luck next time!
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
10 Aug 2014, 16:01
Where's my bean gone @nursebean, I expect you're parcelling up loads of sales for posting.
Are you ready for tomorrow then ?. I desperately want to shift this second stone for the springy autumny challenge.
I've been really bad this weekend. Wine, ice cream, nibbles. No breakfasts mind you so hoping that may have offset some of it.

And dearest @CandiceMarie, are you ready for tomorrow's fast?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
10 Aug 2014, 21:24
Yes yes a hundred times yes Carie!
Looking forward to our starting afresh day tomorrow
Beano is " in " too i think! And others!
i have a good feeling about it :like: ! X
Onwards and downwards..we shall overcome! :lol:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Aug 2014, 07:02
Well looks as though I'm first in this morning! I am ready for my first fast, blimey, for about 3 months I think (naughty Bean :oops: ) So, basically, I won't eat anything until about 6 this evening when I shall consume an M&S paella with chicken and chorizo. All that wait and it'll be gone in moments I'm sure!

How are you guys going to get through the day?

Over here, nobody has bought anything yet. I suppose it is only 8 am...but even so!

Look forward to hearing from you today guys

Bean :cool:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Aug 2014, 07:32
Yes I'm here and just had a bit of forum tidying up to do first (two fasting today threads-had to merge them) yes you noticed that there weren't many peeps on it.
So I'm having salmon with something or other tonight about 5.30 before my 7 o'clock class.
I'm hoping to get some washing out and dry today with so much rain lately the laundry baskets are filling up. Also have some painting to get done, carpets to shampoo plus my hubs has decided to take the day off so he will be under my feet as well. Sainsburys needs a visit from me as whilst we are home all day the milk, squash etc are going down faster than usual.
May need an oxo come lunchtime to settle the urge to eat.
See you later Bean and Candy too.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Aug 2014, 07:55
Blimey Carie, you won't need to do a workout tonight will you!! Makes me feel exhausted just thinking about it.

Thought I might try some yoga today but am aching so much from my work lately. Mind you, yoga might be just the ticket mightn't it.

Good luck with all your chores anyway.

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Aug 2014, 14:05
OMG carie...carpets to shampoo..full laundry baskets..painting....
Give OH a list and send him to Sainsburys! Get him from under yr feet at least
OR better go Sainsburys and leave him cleaning the carpets! :like: xx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Aug 2014, 14:26
It's difficult to do some things as son works nights. I have to be quiet. So carpets will have to wait. Hubs is selling his rubbish on ebay. Daughter watching turbo movie on tv. I'm Chatting to lovely ladies on hangout. Alls good in Oatesy land. :grin:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Aug 2014, 14:50
Sounds a bit hectic over there Oatsey! What is Turbo? Is that the snail?

How's the fasting going guys? Has anyone succumbed yet? I've bean very good indeed. My mum tried to tempt me with salad ...but I held fast(!) and didn't give in to temptation.

I must say though, I've no idea why its called a Fast Day...its anything but Fast!

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Aug 2014, 14:56
Yes turbo is the snail film.
Nearly four here. Well done for being so strong. Naughty mum. She loves ya.
Wish I had some celeriac to mash as everyone else is having shepherds pie and veg. I'm not eating the potato bit.
Are my eyes deceiving me or is@Moogie tinkering with the forum and making things sharper. Blue font, chunkier font. Maybe I'm imagining it.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Aug 2014, 16:21
carieoates wrote: Are my eyes deceiving me or is@Moogie tinkering with the forum and making things sharper. Blue font, chunkier font. Maybe I'm imagining it.

It wasn't me! But I know the tech team are working on some tweaks - don't think they're live yet. I have seen a sneak peak of the new mobile/responsive version though and it's looking sweet!! I'm trying to find out how long until it's ready as I know we promised it ages ago and it's taken longer than expected (but hopefully will be bang on when it's ready!).
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Aug 2014, 16:46
I was do hungry. It wasn't salmon it was still great though.
Right that needs to go down so I can go to class.

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Aug 2014, 19:19
What did you have instead? worms?!! :oops:

I thoroughly enjoyed my Paella. Looking forward to breakfast now

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