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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Don't have a fast bud but just wanted to say hi.

Hi ! :dance:
Just seems to be me and@clairemarie on here these days@Manderley but thank you anyway
It's pretty quiet out here these days. Maybe it's because it's easier for some to fast when it's hot outside... :confused:
Hoping to see you on here today@clairemarie I hope you had a fabulous thanksgiving with your family and that the damage has not been too bad. I have had a tiny loss this week - basically stayed the same. Last week was going OK till Wednesday when I came down with a horrid cold and everything seemed to stall although I had a successful fast. My regime of zinc, echinacea and First Defence seems to have been effective and by Saturday I was feeling more or less normal again although I am still troubled by a night time cough. I did take quite a lot of paracetamol and ibuprofen which may have some bearing - who knows. I would really like to get down to my interim target of 154 lbs ( 11 stone in English) before Christmas if I can. I am going to a conference for 2 days next week and may well end up with only one proper fast - I may add an eating window day.
I have been to aqua this morning for the first time since a week ago . Tonight I am going to make a turkey stir fry for dinner.
See you a later.
This made me smile@clairemarie
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Hello @Lil sorry I have BUSY the past week and a half. Thanksgiving was wonderful and I did feast big but somehow I managed to lose 1 more pound. I have moved yet again and am now renting a great little house with my oldest daughter. We are now settled and I have managed to start decorating for Christmas. My fireplace mantle is all white poinsettias, greenery, gold bead garland, seashells, green apples and crystal stemware with tealights. It is actually very stunning. We are planning a family sleepover on chrsitmas eve. It should be great fun. I just wish I could make all my grown kids to wear footie pj's again! Fast is on for tomorrow so it will be salmon for dinner. My cold is just about better. What a siege!....How many lbs are you looking at to meet your Christmas goal? I just can't believe its two weeks until Chistmas.
Good to hear from you again @clairemarieI knew you would turn up eventually! Good result for you over Thanksgiving! Is your new home back in Boston or still in the country and will you still be able to get to your job? Is your eldest daughter the one who has a son? Sorry I seem to be full of questions. I have had a good weigh in today 1lb off which is very good for me especially as we had 2 meals out this weekend. I am off to a conference for a couple of days tomorrow so I think today will be my only fasting day this week. If I can stay the same next week that will be a result. I would quite like to get down to my interim target of 154lbs by Christmas but if it doesn't happen so be it - there is always next year.
Tonight we are going to have some lean beef medallions. I am going to make a 5:2 recipe for mushroom stroganoff and add the beef. I will have mine with cauliflower rice.
I have done most of my Christmas shopping now although quite a few things are yet to be delivered. I need to go an write my share of the Christmas cards . Your fireplace sounds beautiful .We don't usually decorate the house till about a week before Christmas but I like to keep them up till 12th night.
See you later
I'm off to bed soon@clairemarieNot been the easiest fast today but I've done it. I hope your day goes well and good luck for Wednesday. I'll be back next week
@Lil, Tuesday night and I am thinking of tomorrows fast. "Will and Kate" are visiting the US at the moment and I just have to laugh at the news when they say American royalty (pop stars and basketball players) meet the British royalty. I think it is embarrassing to make that kind of comparison. I don't consider them royalty and most times I don't even know who they are!
I am living about an hour outside of Boston surrounded by woods, farms and a sprinkling of cows and pigs. My eldest is single and no children
@Lil morning to you! Hope your conference went well. I was so happy to see another 1.5lbs gone this am. Ihope you will see the same success. I am off to work so I will check in this after. Have a good one.
Well done that woman @clairemarie You really are on a roll at the moment. I have somewhat unexpectedly also had a loss this week.That is despite only 1.5 fasts last week, alcohol consumption every day from Tuesday to Sunday and entertaining a cousin of mine who is visiting from South Africa and both my sisters and partners on Saturday. There is no rhyme or reason to it. All my aqua classes this week have been cancelled due to a combination of leave and sickness of the instructors . I have just been out for a 2 hour walk with hubby so I have had some exercise. I am going to make the Christmas pudding later - I was going to do it yesterday but had forgotten that the fruit needed soaking in sherry for several hours/ overnight. I am planning salmon with watercress sauce and veggies for dinner tonight.
See you later
@LilI do believe you will meet your Christmas goal! I am also amazed that I am losing weight despite the holiday overabundance . Maybe we have truly learned how to eat and what our limitations are. Good job on the walk. I really believe it makes a difference . It revs up the metabolism. Turkey cabbage soup for dinner. I have no idea on the cal count but I am sure I am safe.
It's been a busy day @clairemarie I nearly boiled the pressure cooker dry making the pudding but fortunately rescued it just in time.It hasn't felt like the easiest fast day today but I am nearly done. I've only had 348 cals so far so can't decide whether to have a few strawberries or an almond milk drink before bed ( I did have a little nap after dinner)
How are your Christmas preparations going? We are going to buy our Christmas tree on Wednesday and next fine day hubby is going to put the lights up outside - only tasteful white ones! I have most of the presents now but they still need wrapping. I am making some Christmas pudding vodka to give to my friends - a Hairy Biker's recipe which only needs a few days to steep. I might have to have a little taste myself!
I am not depending on reaching my goal as we are going out for a meal with work colleagues on Saturday and on Sunday I am going to do a buffet lunch for my elder son's birthday as he is not going to be at home for Christmas this year as his girlfriend has to work so they are staying at their place. He is a very good cook and always helps me a lot so I shall miss him. We always have both my sisters and their families to us for Christmas so it is a bit of a houseful but I do the same things every year. I expect there will soon come a time when more of the young ones will be with their partners and their families some years so the numbers will go down - unless some grand children arrive !
You will reach your goal@Lil. You must believe you will! It is only .8lb. My Grandmother always served plum pudding, mincemeat pie and fruitcake at Christmas but I am afraid those traditions I did not carry over. I too prefer the white lights for my home but when I drive by a home with the old fashioned gum drop type lights I am envious. I am having all my children and their other halves and my grandson for a Christmas eve sleepover when we will have family game night. It is great fun. Ans the oldie Christmas movies complete with popcorn. All of our stockings will be hung and hopefully Santa alias Father Christmas will leave gifts for Christmas morning. I hope to get a group together for Mass as well. And prime rib dinner for the early afternoon. I am planning to have a prize for the funniest pajamas! This is going to the next best thing to having my kids little once again. Can you tell I am very excited? And my other son in Ireland will join in via Skpe no less. We are very busy ladies aren't we! We will have no time to eat. Till Wednesday...
Hi there @clairemarie. Nearly half way through the day already. I've been to the hospital with hubby this morning and on the way back we got our tree. WE always buy it from a place where they grow them. You can go into the plantation and chose but we nearly always find a ready cut one to suit. They are still fresher than the ones in the DIY centres and last OK if we give them enough to drink. The weather here is relatively mild and dry so I think the outside lights will be going up this afternoon. I need to go into town for a few things and then I may start on the inside decorations. Hubby bought the lean beef medallions again ( they seem to have taken over from the pork loins) so I shall use them in a stir fry tonight with konyaku noodles for me and normal ones for him. Have a good day!
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