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@Lil what happened with the wallpaper? I have just finished dinner, a filet of haddock and a small sweet potato. No idea on cal count but it should be range of two hundred. I had a greek yogurt this am at 1oo cals. With my job being physically demanding I need some protein so I don't drop from muscle fatigue. I am having a ginger tea at the moment. I am in love with ginger tea lately. Raining here today but last weekend was as lovely as summer could possibly be. I took my grandson to the beach and we swam all afternoon. I felt like I was in heaven spending time with him. He confided in me that he has a girlfriend now. Holy cow he is only eleven years old. I said that's nice but I think he should hold off until he is twenty. What do you think? :curse:

I think you are the type that thrives taking challenges on so Christmas challenge would be good for you. I am proving to myself that physical activity is crucial to burning calories. I know you have some physical limitations but you must step things up a bit in the exercise department. You must go beyond your normal routine. Is it possible to take a thirty minute walk daily? My Dad, who had severe arthritis was able to walk and hour everyday albeit slow. He felt much better by doing that and keeping his weight down. He was however a slave to ice cream so it was a constant battle. Can you increase your aqua classes?

I have been looking over my tracker and noticed that I seem to loss and gain the same weight for a year now. Without reservation I can say it all comes down to wheat foods. The minute I relax and consume them the weight goes up. Maybe you could try to eliminate grains from your diet and see what happens. Veg and fruit carbs have been perfectly ok for me. It is just the grains that seem hazardous . Just say no to porridge and toast!
We haven't ordered the paper yet because there is 20% off next week and I'm still not absolutely convinced about the one we chose. Because it is out of one of the pattern books we can't have a sample to bring home. They may let us bring the book home . The decorator can't come till the end of the month so we have a bit of breathing space.
Still haven't committed to the Christmas challenge - I'm not sure it would change the way I do things so I think I may just carry on my normal routine - when I'm on plan I think I do lose very slowly which is fine by me. Sounds like your new routine is suiting you as far as weight loss goes although I realise it is hard. My job ( only 2 days a week )is very sedentary and there is nothing I can do about that. I am getting a fair amount of exercise in the garden at the moment and come winter I will go back to aqua 3 times a week.
Good that you had good weather to spend with your grandson - I love swimming in the sea , in fact I love swimming full stop. I always say if I was extremely wealthy I would have a heated swimming pool with a nice pool boy to look after it! :grin:
I've been doing a bit of catch up on Corrie tonight. When I got back from holiday I was 16 episodes behind - I think I have that down to 12 now but with 5 new episodes every week it's hard work :wink:
I'm going to make myself an almond milk drink and then I'm off for a read in bed and I hope a good night's sleep. Enjoy the rest of your evening
Hi@clairemarie I'm late checking in today but I expect you are at work. A loss of 0.2lb this week - I think that is the least my scales can measure . I feel like an oil tanker - once I have gained some weight it seems to take an awful long time to turn things around.
We have been out hunting wallpaper again today - we are obviously out of synch with current fashions. We found one in a book we both liked only to find it had been discontinued although the book is still current.We will get there in the end.. The other thing that has occupied a lot of my time is organising something for my hubby's birthday on Saturday. He wanted to go to the theatre in Stratford on Avon but at this short notice it has been hard to find a nice hotel room at a reasonable price. I have now done it. Our daughter is coming home for the weekend but she is heading up to York to meet up with her 2 best friends from university - it is 10 years since they first met - that does make me feel old!
For dinner tonight I have made a bake with lentils ( only a few)aubergines, courgettes, tomatoes, celery and onion and some left over chicken from a roast we had yesterday. It comes in at 354 calories so not too bad.
@Lil hubby will be so pleased with his surprise! Good work. As for weigh in, any loss is a good loss. I am confident that increased physical activity will potentiate your weight loss. Over the past year I have learned to enjoy lentils. I sometimes have a half cup for breakfast on workdays. It is not that appetizing in the morning but the protein helps. I am not fasting today as I made a very good French apple tart on Sunday and it cannot be wasted! So for this week I am on the tues/thurs mode. I will check with you Wed pm.

Spent Saturday at my grandson's rainy football game. Although it was a loss he did very well. He also got a small part in the school play and he is very excited about that. And the principal requested his presence in the office this week for using a naughty word. So that's my news for the past week!

Check in with you later.
Looks like you had a good weigh in again today@clairemarie you must be really pleased. I really like lentils - they seem a really comforting food. Not sure about for breakfast tho'
Your grandson sounds like he is keeping busy on all fronts.
The wallpaper situation is not yet resolved. I suspect we may stick with what we've got - we have enough left to 'patch' the areas that have been plastered although the colour will probably be different. If we freshen up the paintwork maybe there will be some patterns we like available in a few years time!
I'm off to bed now, good luck with your fast tomorrow
@Lil , why the reference to an oil tanker? I took a look at your chart and you have done a consistently fantastic job.
You are not that far off from your goal. Whatever or however you have been doing your fasts it is working for you so keep it up. In terms of Christmas challenge, it will either up your commitment or set you up for disappointment. Either way wouldn't it be nice to have met your goal before the new year?
Have you considered a new paint color instead of paper? People here really don't use wallpaper anymore. At least that way you could wait a year until something perfect comes along. I just would not go to the expense if I wasn't 100% happy with my choice. Paint is inexpensive and something you can certainly do yourself.
Have a good night :sleepy:
Hi@clairemarieI hope you had a good fast yesterday and that your day at work has not been too hard. My reference to an oil tanker is more appropriate when you look at my Libra trend weight. I had finally got it going downward after my 2 little holidays in July , it went up after Sicily and is now jiggling around at about the point I was at in late June! The same thing happened over the holiday season last year s hopefully it should be heading downwards again soon.
Today is going OK so far. I am going to the hospital with my hubby this afternoon for a clinic appointment. We may pop into one more wallpaper shop on the way. We definitely want wall paper as our lounge has an old fashioned look to go with our 1930s house .
I am going to do pork loin again tonight because that was what was in the fridge - i already have it marinading. I will do some different side dishes - not sure what yet.
Speak to you later
Hello @Lil, Tuesday fast was a flop because I had company for dinner. Roast chick/veg with apple pie for dessert. I did fast today with a protein shake for dinner. I really am not hungry but my body seems to like the protein . I should have fish but not really in the mood. I am trying to push a lot of fluids this afternoon and evening because there is little opportunity for water during work day. Can't have it while working. Hoping I can get the second fast in on Friday. Is OH bday this weekend coming?
@clairemarieYou have been doing so well lately - keep it going! I hope that apple pie is now a thing of the past! I'm glad you had some company though. I think protein is very satisfying so no problem with that. I like a proper dinner but the beauty of this plan is that we can all do it differently. I think I would find it difficult to fast if I couldn't keep drinking.
I've just been catching up with Downton Abbey - the new series started 3 weeks ago- and finally got some ironing done. I decided not to iron any of my summer stuff which was about half the pile. I may put it away like that and hope the creases fall out over the winter :razz:
After dinner I was only up to 298 calories so I have just had some raspberries with a little yoghurt and I may have an almond milk drink AS WELL. I managed to stock up on almond milk today as it was on offer .
I'll be off to bed soon and that's my fasts done for this week. It is OH's birthday on Saturday but at least I won't be able to eat while we are in the theatre.
@LIL we won't have Downton until January. It is all the rage around here. Personally, I liked Call the Midwives better. Have a great celebratory weekend! I am not afraid of the apple pie because I am on my feet running around 8 hours a day. Better to have some than deny it and then go crazy eating it all in the 'closet'.
Nice job on your dinner choices today. Will touch bases Monday.
Morning@clairemarie I hope you've had a good weekend. Our trip to Stratford was successful - the play was really good and we had a very nice meal afterwards. Unfortunately some of the books I ordered from Amazon for my hubby's birthday have still not arrived although I ordered them on 4th when they were said to be in stock.I've had a good weigh in this morning - payback for my patience over the last couple of weeks - 1.2 lbs off and a dip in my fat %both lines going downwards again for the time being. I hope you have also had a successful weigh in and that your day at work is not too hard.See you later
Good morning to you as well, @Lil. Wonderful news this Monday for the both of us. Happy you had a fun weekend and waiting for those books will make them so much better...a second birthday?
I am happily home today. So while I have been on a roll weight loss wise my waist measurement has not gone down. My waist has always been less than my upper ab area and it appears, to me anyway, that this area is seeing the benefit of recent weight loss.
I keep hearing/reading that when dieting the stomach fat is the first to go but I don't find this to be the case at all. Today, I will do my total body measurements and see how they compare to my last results. I will post.
For the most part a have a six day work schedule and I find it much easier to fast on work days. So I will not fast today. I am going to focus on a healthy eating today. On my work days that I fast I tend to have a boiled egg or yogurt at six am and then some veg and fish/chicken at 4pm . It seems to be working.
Hello @Lil fasting today as I am sure you are as well. Quite unusual not to hear from you so I hope everything is okay. Dinner will be haddock poached in ratatouille.
I am here @clairemarie I thought we had got out of synch this week. Have you done 2 in a row? My computer is going extremely slowly which is very frustrating. It seems to go better in the morning - maybe it is overheating. Yes I have had a successful fast - we had Portuguese pork this evening which is cooked with chick peas - very filling. I had a morning in town - finally buying hubby some birthday presents then aqua as usual this afternoon. Your dinner sounds nice - ratatouille is a good fast day choice.
We have been planning a couple of trips. On Friday we are going to London for the day to see a display of ceramic poppies at the tower of London to commemorate those who died in WW1. The poppies are being made in Derbyshire which is nearby to where we live. They are adding poppies all the time until 11th November - it is apparently a fantastic display. We are also planning a long weekend in Lisbon the weekend after - just as I get my tracker heading in the right direction!
I'm ready for my bedtime drink now - enjoy your evening
@Lilthis week I am fasting wed/fri as I had mon off from work. It is much easier to fast on work days as I don't have time to eat until I get home. I have been working six days a week so Mon was a good day to eat normally. Lisbon sounds like a great long weekend. One of my coworkers is there as we speak but for two weeks. May be you could post a pic of the London exhibit. I am sure everyone would be interested. Chick peas are a great high fiber food that I always forget about so thanks for jogging my memory.
My laptop lags at times too but I think its the cable providers that give more important users priority, or I've heard if you use internet too much they slow you down. Funny they don't reduce the bill though!
Found a new British drama, old for you, called The Street. very thought watches like a good book.
Enjoy your cocoa with almond milk and rasberries. I have just finished my ginger tea.
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