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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Yeh Debs massive bear hug and a teddybear hug..and a big Group Hug as well x x all join in xxx
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Oh @julianna I want what you're having, though my dinner was pretty nice as at spicy dry rubbed lamb marinated all day and fried. Along with Char grilled capsicum with grilled cheese salad with my home made pesto and baked pumpkin pieces. I then had a morsel of ice cream. As it is a 22/2 I figured I fasted enough.
Hang in there @debs sending positive vibes
And now you've all made me snivel. Thank you :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Eat well so you can drive safely. Enjoy home you are nearly there
@debs hang in there you will wake up one of these days and it will be easy again, until then don't beat yourself up about it. :clover: :heart:
@Debs you need a hug not a fish slap (((((((((Debs)))))))))

At the moment life is conspiring against you. Firstly, I'd give yourself a break until you leave on Tuesday.

Secondly, I'm wondering if now is one of those times (by 'now' I actually mean when you are on break) where you need to sit down with a big piece of paper and write down all the tools and resources you have at your disposal versus all the problems you can't solve. Then, post it up for us to have a mull over.

For example, you've mentioned eating ready meals now and again. What sort of shopping is available? What sort of cooking facilities are available?

I'm assuming that the rubbish food is provided as part of your work contract, but is purchasing your own and accepting the cost versus the better quality an option?

Hang in there chickadee. You've dragged me out of Lurkers Wood and into the bright open play park that is IF again. I'm not going to let you slink into the bushes without a fight!
So glad you are not a lurker @Winsome as like reading your posts. Agree that when we are under stress our body does need fuel. I had a busy week just gone and reverted back to old habits of fueling myself with food to survive each day. Figure I can get back on track soon.

What survival goodies can you pack yourself @Debs is my only thought, when you get back to civilisation
Winsome wrote: @Debs I'm not going to let you slink into the bushes without a fight!

WOW, I always thought Australia had just the one bush :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
Morning all,
After my melt down yesterday which culminated with me sniveling on facetime to his nibs 7000km away, I am slightly, only slightly, more calm this morning, although having received an urgent, you must do this immediately from the boss at 10pm last night (no, I didn't see it until this morning), things are revving up already and it is only 6.20am!!
Thank you for your virtual hugs and to Winsome for your stirling advice. I am just frustrated as I have been ADFing for 6 weeks now with nowt to show for it, and I only have to overeat ever so slightly and the weight just piles back on.I can already feel it in my work trousers.
Survival goodies, well, nuts of course, ready meals I can buy from Port Hedland when I go in there, it is 170km away but I can nip in there ever so often. I can't bring fruit back to camp as it is illegal to bring in to WA, but I can get frozen berries and yoghurt which is a bit if a staple. Tinned salmon and tuna,sliced ham and turkey(not a huge fan of either). I must try and exercise more again, I had every good intention butthey fell by the wayside a bit.
Cooking isn't an option as we only have a microwave, maybe I'd better drag out one of those 1970s microwave cook books!! I can scramble eggs in it.
I will give myself a talking to and sort my head out. Last night I indulged myself with fish and chips and strawberry and white chocolate pudding with icecream and am facing a fast day with more optimism.
Hang in there sweetheart, goodness knows you have been a Trojan regarding ADF despite not seeing the loss you were hoping for. You sound completely stressed out and run off your feet and I bet your cortisol levels are off the radar! Just write off this week and concentrate on your upcoming leave and a bit of space to relax and take stock before starting again with renewed energy. Hope hubs was able to reassure too that you are gorgeous and gave you a little boost to carry on .Big hugs and positive vibes winging their way to you xx
@Debs, I don't half feel for you mainly because I've been there and done that. It was 2 or 3 weeks ago on here that I said I had my mojo back but it immediately packed its bags and bu****ed off again.

Yes, sometimes you need to give yourself a good hard talking to which usually involves honesty - you are not going to lose weight if you don't do it properly, but other times you just need to chill and be kind to yourself.

I had that honesty talk with myself last week and I've managed to do three zero cal liquid fasts this week. I've no idea where the discipline and determination came from but I've done it and that is the first time ever I have managed that. I hope to report back tomorrow with a decent weight loss.

Thinking about you.
Keep on truckin' @Debs - (well not literally, lol, you do enough driving :wink: )
I'm so sorry @debs that your having such a stressful time at work. Hopefully after your R&R week you'll be back in the office instead of on the road?
Its so funny that I saw all of you tagging me @Silverdarling @gillymary and debs in regard to my ' bread with integrity' comment as that's what I had for brunch again today! I just love the fetta and olives warmed through and big fresh sliced tomatoes ontop that aren't cut up tiny and fall all over the place. Anyway, I'll tell you how the bread comment came to be. I've reduced my white and processed carbs drastically ever since @carorees suggested it to helping with weight loss. One day I was in a supermarket and bought some attractive looking bread. Came home and toasted it to make my brushetta and was soooo disappointed. It disappeared in my mouth and was like white fluff. So sad :cry: when you go to all that trouble. I realised that this bread wasn't substantial enough for my meal- it had no guts, no substance. If I am going to the trouble to be aware of my carb intake and reduce it then I'm not going to waste any if my carb content on c**p bread. Now I order 1 beautiful sourdough bread a week and have 1 or 2 slices on Saturday and Sunday and am very happy. Gee we talk about funny things on this forum. :lol:
Yep, I hear you on the bread front, life is too short to eat rubbish fluffy, white bread!! I adore my sourdough and have come to the conclusion that if I am going to eat it, it must be good!!! Your bruschetta sounds perfect, I may to try that next week. There is nothing worse than buying what looks like really nice bread and realising how rubbish it is. Friends in Perth were raving about some sourdough from a market, so I bought some; it should have been burned under the Trades Description Act, no sourdough starter had ever been wafted in its direction!

Hopefully the driving will reduce, but I still have to do a lot, although not as silly as it has been. Today I will do at least 400km just to visit other offices, but at least most of it will be on bitumen.
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