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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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wildmissus wrote: Yep, I'm still here and just so there is no misunderstanding - I'M NOT GIVING UP.

@wildmissus Never even thought you'd give up no never or ME either I may get down but not out deffo!!!
Hey well done on your bit lost. :heart:
We're here together for whatever reason well at least we've all got good company for this leg of our journey. :heart: Sue
Thanks @Sue.Q. Like you I have yet another plan for next week but I feel like my head is in a better place. I have had another light bulb moment when I realised that I can't eat what I like and I've been snacking on rubbish too much. Yes I know I done this before but I feel better equipped to deal with it and part of that is 'going back to basics' which is something you brought to me.

That light bulb moment happened the middle of last week and on Thursday I had a successful zero cal liquid fast which resulted in the 1lb weight loss. The other thing that struck me was that I was panicking and wanted to loss more than a pound a week which resulted in me putting weight on, if that makes sense. Now I'm going to relax and slow down.
@wildmissustotally get that panicky " must lose more weight faster " feel
Smetimes i get so overwhelmed about having a lot to lose,i just want to lose a lot more a lot faster.
All it leads to is me getting more stressed about it,eating more,and putting more weight on..Now i am learning that one pound a week off is good and healthy plus it means i' m living life as the weight comes off,smelling the roses along the bay,instead of putting my life on hold til i feel i am slim enough to be happy! Better to be happy now. Xx :lol:
Well said CandiceMarie!
Hello wonderful friends @Sue.Q @CandiceMarie@Wildmissus

You are all such amazing fantastic people, I am enjoying the scenic route with you all.

Let's not head-bang but instead relax and slow down with some big deep breaths.

I am taking one day at a time, and one step at a time - slowly, but surely, little by little......

Whenever I am on a downer, I just read the posts on this forum, I feel so connected with to you all, and so happy and glad that I found you.

I am aiming for a Fast Day tomorrow, but if it doesn't happen, I will pick myself up, and try again another day.

Here is to all of us - aiming for good health and happiness in our hearts.

cheers Maggie :heart: :heart: :heart:
Maggiee, it does my head in sometimes thinking that my forum friends are all over the world doing their thing while I am here in my familiar lounge with my laptop on my lap, telly on, empty packet of Kettle Chips by my side yet we all have the same objective. I wonder what you are doing while I'm writing this!

I hope your fast goes well tomorrow.
@wildmissus - having breakkie in bed, just having finished FOUR slices of hot buttered toast and two cups of coffee and reading a Milly Johnson book.

I certainly will need to fast tomorrow to get rid of all those extra carbs!!

Take care my dear friend - all will be right. We can do this.

cheers Maggie :wink: :wink:
:heart: @MaggieeSounding very chipper and positive good one well done you :heart: Toast :shock: I was just going to bed and now I'll be smelling toast hot and buttered OH my.
and the @wildmissuswith her kettle chips oh well I did have my usual small chocky treat and I'm still nursing this bug let's see "feed a cold" and "starve a fever" mmm well I think I've got it the wrong way around because it feels like a fever and I've fed my face in the 18:6. :shock: :shock:
Night Night. :moon: :moon: :heart: Sue x
When you posted @Wildmissus I was making Sunday brunch for us. Bacon and eggs on toast for the boys and my style brushetta ( toast some bread with integrity like sourdough, add garlic butter and thin slices of fetta and sliced kalamatta olives and warm in the oven. Then add slices tomato, salt pepper and a drizzle of olive oil) amazingly good!
Ohhh toast..bacon and eggs...
Had 1400 cals...TDEE about 1700 i think..this is one of the planned days i go below TDED.
Still hungry tho and the thought of putting those three items together - toast,bacon,eggs- is very appealing :confused:
julianna wrote: When you posted @Wildmissus I was making Sunday brunch for us. Bacon and eggs on toast for the boys and my style brushetta ( toast some bread with integrity like sourdough, add garlic butter and thin slices of fetta and sliced kalamatta olives and warm in the oven. Then add slices tomato, salt pepper and a drizzle of olive oil) amazingly good!

Sounds really good @julianna and I like the sound of bread with integrity :like: :victory: :cool:
I love the idea of bread with integrity!!!! Thank you for that @julianna!!

Right people, I need some serious help/slapping with a wet fish/advice/moral support, whatever you want to call it. I have had a rubbish swing at work, I have gone from having nothing to do, to doing everything, I have driven 2000km in two weeks, had the world's worst headache and have done NO exercise as I am too (insert appropriate swearword here) tired.
I was ADFing until three days ago and then I completely lost the plot and have been eating everything that isn't nailed down. I have the most MASSIVE sugar craving which I know will give me a bad headache too. I am so tired I could scream and I have another three days before I go home. I DON'T want to put weight back on, but am equally peed off that I can't fast and get a grip on myself. I am normally reasonably balanced but at the moment I could kill for any nasty sweet thing that passes by me.

Answers on a postcard....... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Aw @Debs don't think you need wet fish etc at the moment sounds like you have enough going on - and not a lot you can do anything about! Often in these situations it's best to not 'try harder' but cut yourself some 'slack'. It does sound like you have had to go from one extreme to the other work wise from what you've been saying on here. I would give yourself permission to not worry about the food thing as it will just make things worse by piling more pressure on yoirself. And it's only three days till your break now.
I agree with SD
No wet fish prescribed in this instance @Debs just some TLC ASAP
Hang on in there til home time even if its only by your fingernails
Try and relax about what you eat or don't eat for now,give yourself a break til the actual break comes along..only a few days now..then get home and have some blissful chill out time xx
Hi lovely @Debs - aside from some good nourishment (ice cream, chocolate) I think you need a big bear hug! Here it is! :hugright: :heart: :heart:

Take care my sweet. :heart: :heart:

cheers, Maggie :smile: :smile:
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