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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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wildmissus wrote: Never mind I'm not on my own.

Definitely not on your own @wildmissus
:heart: @wildmissus You're certainly not on your own with this problem as you know I've been yo yo yo yo yoing the same 2 lbs now for 2-3 months but like you I was sabotaging my own fasts with the usual crap sneaking in just a little every now + then last Fri weigh-in was a right shocker for me again because I really thought I'd fasted 3 days!!!
Kicked myself up the backside well and truly
because unlike lots of others in this particular tent I can't afford to waste such weeks (still another 50lbs to go!!)
and because I'm busy doing family "stuff" plus I'm not yet sure whether Thurs will pan out as a f/day so yesterday I put in a good fast and decided back2back with today that leaves Thursday with at least 18:6 maybe fast number 3.
If the scales are unfriendly on Fri after all this well god only knows there must an answer somewhere but I'm running out of places to look, so worry not we'll keep each other company in here but you could stop following my lead. Lol. :heart: Sue
And good company it is too @Sue.Q. I'm not going to copy you any more :wink: . I am however in the process of giving myself a kick up the backside and get back to serious fasting. Thinking that next week I'll do Monday liquid fast, Wednesday 500 cal dinner and Friday no breakfast, lunch or snacks just a whatever I want dinner within reason.
Oh girls I wish I could wave a magic wand, your breaking my heart you are all doing so well and batteling on. I don't think I would have had your patience. I wish you all a decent weight loss soon. :clover: :heart:
Nessie wrote: Oh girls I wish I could wave a magic wand, your breaking my heart you are all doing so well and batteling on. I don't think I would have had your patience. I wish you all a decent weight loss soon. :clover: :heart:

OH @Nessie I think I can speak for both of us on this
We wish you could wave a magic wand too just one tiny sprinkle of the magic dust then we'll do the rest. :heart: Sue
Hi gang the whole intent of a 'taking the scenic route' tent was for a sanctuary to be developed on this forum for those of us faced with the peculiar situation of our body not responding no matter how hard we fast. This is the space where we can voice our frustrations while we figure what the heck is going on not matter wether we fast hard, as we know we can do, or lose our fasting mojo.

Our keeping on keeping on takes determination and patience, another strength we need to hone, I think @Jo05 put it beautifully 'I wanted to put the pedal down but I had to go slowly' and I agree with Jo when she next wrote that our bodies for what ever reason are resisting. Here if it helps we can share our collective findings while we figure out solutions or have our breakthroughs
Thank you @Jo05, you speak a lot of sense! I keep having to remind myself that every kg not coming off at least is a kg not going on again!!!
This is a good sanctuary as @gillymary says for us to vent in, knowing that we are all in the same situation. I have been stuck so far this year and am trying different tactics, not sure te refeed really helped for me though. I just ended up a carb junkie. Not sure that the low carb thing is working either, but I am persisting with it as carorees said it leads to ketosis quicker. If someone tells me I have bad breath, I will know I have reached it :wink:

I alternate on my fast days with eating and liquid fasting while I am ADFing. I am finding it a bit easier as I can regiment myself a bit better. Ah well, onwards, and hopefully downwards!
I agree @Debs - you make a lot of sense as well. I did reach that level, but then I......don't know - I think I celebrated the 5kg loss to quickly and then lost my way.

Thanks for the that @Jo05 - I needed to be reminded of that.

Still progressing well this morning with 16/8 - I have just come back from a Tai Chi Class and I feel calm and I have just had a couple of glasses of water to hold the hunger at bay, and I think it's working.

Lets hope I can have a great day.

Thanks everybody

cheers Maggie. :smile: :smile:
I'm still camping in here. Back to 4:3 after a three week break and, as usual, haven't weighed. Work clothes back on and they are a teeny bit nippit (tight)
I am keeping up the HIIT - a bit too enthusiastically as I should have had a day off yesterday and forgot :oops: :shock:
Truth will be revealed at the weekend when I do the weigh/measure.
Then comes the glacial time to get anything back off.
And my work schedule is mental just now. Thankfully I am finding returning to fasting not difficult, it just takes ages to see any results.
But I keep thinking of the health benefits that I can't see. I visualise myself with an inner glow of health and hope that keeps me going until the scales and tape measure catch up...
It's glacial though
A few of us with mini ice ages happening in here! Maybe I need to get a large gas lamp in here to defrost a few of us :grin:
@janeg -- for the HIIT, how about hitting a few people with a wet fish??? Oh no, that's no longer original enough ... :lol: :razz: :wink:

Or you could try snake wrangling, a la @Debs :shock: :wink:
well, the protocol would make it original again
how about
20 secs serious slapping
40 secs star jumps
20 secs intense slapping
40 secs high knees
20 secs moderate slapping
40 secs jump rope...
you get the picture
and probably so would everyone else, post it on here and you could have another daily entertainment thread :) ;)
What about getting over to Athens and slapping the entire Man Utd team?? That would be worth a few calories HIIT wise - and you'd be doing them a service ... :wink: I'm sure @TML13 would approve :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Why am I now getting visions of that classic Monty Python sketch in my head? :lol:

We could also throw shoes at them (the Sir Alex way), throw vases and lamps at them (my old neighbours' way) or throw tomatoes at them (the Spanish way).
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