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Debs wrote: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Why am I now getting visions of that classic Monty Python sketch in my head? :lol:

:heart: I know exactly what you mean @Debs Because I've had Andy Stewart singing in my head for days now thanks to our lovely @TML13 He just won't go away and leave me :shock:

Bit like my "blubber" which after back2back I foolishly had an unofficial weigh-in :shock: NO CHANGE!!!
Plus I'm eating out tonight and Indian buffet meal which will probably show as an increase at Fri scale day. :shock:
@Sue.Q aw, hang in there buddie. Am afraid to check what my weight stats are in time for the latest weigh in. That came around quickly
Oh dear @Sue.Q I feel for you. I did the same and got nowhere so you definitely aren't alone on that. Don't know what the answer is, still working on it!
My tracker looks fairly flat - this week I was 0.4 lb less than just before Christmas when I rather surprisingly hit my Christmas target with 1.4lb loss in 1 week which is very unusual for me. However my Libra trend weight is very gradually going down which helps sustain me. My instinct is just to stick with the basic 5:2 but do it properly - I still weigh my ingredients when I am cooking and I write down all my fast day calories in a book.I wonder if rushing from one different strategy to another is not very productive and leads to disappoinment if it doesn't give a 'good' result. I definitely have my doubts about ' refeeding' it just seems like asking for trouble.I am just resolutely plodding on.

Is it Ok with you if I leave my resistance tubes, abs wheel, bullworker type thingie in a corner and do some workouts while you're out? I think I've hit a set point and if I'm not going to get lighter for a while then I'll have to work on converting some of the flab to muscle, or even a bit more bone, which would be a good thing for an older lady.

I'll keep on sleeping in the Eating Window tent and eating in Low Carb, so shouldn't be a bother ... If you want an afternoon nap tell me to get on my bike!
You carry on @barbarita Please go ahead we may get some tips by watching you sweating like mad up the corner.
On a more serious point I don't get enough exercise at this moment in time but that shouldn't stop me losing a few ounces each week that's all I'm asking for, I'm actually dreading tonights meal out and to think that some weeks I've eaten out three nights and never NOT lost something in fact xmas was my first non holiday gain!!!
worry not @gillymary I'm hanging on in there, one way or another I'll win this battle. :heart: Sue
@Sue.QSneaky weigh ins don't always give the full picture. Savour what you eat tonight, try to let your body tell you when you have had enough and don't let scales anxiety spoil your evening
Debs wrote: Thank you @Jo05, you speak a lot of sense! I keep having to remind myself that every kg not coming off at least is a kg not going on again!!!
This is a good sanctuary as @gillymary says for us to vent in, knowing that we are all in the same situation. I have been stuck so far this year and am trying different tactics, not sure te refeed really helped for me though. I just ended up a carb junkie. Not sure that the low carb thing is working either, but I am persisting with it as carorees said it leads to ketosis quicker. If someone tells me I have bad breath, I will know I have reached it :wink:

I alternate on my fast days with eating and liquid fasting while I am ADFing. I am finding it a bit easier as I can regiment myself a bit better. Ah well, onwards, and hopefully downwards!

Steals a few moments on the computer before bed. I've been doing 5:2 for the first time after doing 6:1 for 4 weeks. So I'm a bit scattered and sleep deprived, but hoping sleep will sort out soon. So I'm sorry for taking so long responding. I hope you're going ok @Debs, and yes you have shown enormous patience, carefully fasted so many times, and have all the health benefits from that. I'm thinking this is more like learning to sail, there is so much to learn about it, and sea sickness is part of it. But you have done many miles so far. The kilos shifting are just one tiny part of the story.
Jo xx
Maggiee wrote: I agree @Debs - you make a lot of sense as well. I did reach that level, but then I......don't know - I think I celebrated the 5kg loss to quickly and then lost my way.

Thanks for the that @Jo05 - I needed to be reminded of that.

Still progressing well this morning with 16/8 - I have just come back from a Tai Chi Class and I feel calm and I have just had a couple of glasses of water to hold the hunger at bay, and I think it's working.

Lets hope I can have a great day.

Thanks everybody

cheers Maggie. :smile: :smile:

Hi @Maggie, sorry for the delay in getting back. You sound like its going well, and that Tai chi must be good. I've always liked the idea of it.
I went for a walk in the botanical gardens last fast and it really calmed me a lot. I think fasting opens up a lot of opportunity to look after ourselves in new ways.
Jo x
:heart: Hi fellow passengers taking the scenic route :heart:
Well I'm still here and armed with yet another plan for next week doing 5:2 plus all my normal days 18:6 and no back2back fasting just 2 days at 500 cals and meat free I've put my scales away for a couple of months or so and will put my trust in both the tape measure and clothing neither of which have budged since early December. :shock:
Yet another week of 5:2 and no change and because of that plus I'm nursing a head cold I cancelled my Thurs fast,
I'm disappointed yes almost demoralised but no way am I giving up on this battle. :heart: Sue
We are in this together and we will succeed. Please may it be so.
:shock: :geek: :neutral: :like:
Sue.Q - my heart goes out to you, I know how you feel. I was on a plateau last year from July-Oct, then a slow gain till January :frown: I couldn't believe how much fasting I was doing, to so little effect.

But I think I've turned it round now, by very low carb, which I'm enjoying, and seems to be working
Yep, I'm still here and just so there is no misunderstanding - I'M NOT GIVING UP.
Glad to hear it @wildmissus xXx
REALLY glad..Coz I have just had a shock..just seen a photo of my back view..i look very big and whats worse, I FEEL very big of those days that i just feel sooo if ive put a whole 2 stone back on in a matter of a few days!
Downhearted but yr words have helped me..if youre not giving up then neither will I! X x x X
No we won't! X
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Good on you @CandiceMarie. Don't get disheartened. We all have days when we look in the mirror and don't like what we see - blob, squidgey, flabby, ugly, drab, frumpy, saggy. Once in a blue moon I think - not bad but that is as good as it gets! Why, oh why are we so hard on ourselves. Photos are even worse!
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