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@Maggiee Don't give up, failure hates persistence one of these times you start you will succeed, there is nobody on this forum ( I don't think) that has not had their ups and downs so just keep plugging away, it is a way of life after all so you will over come one day, oh oh lapsed into song lyrics, well anyway were all rootin for you so keep going. :like: :heart: :heart:
I agree with @Sue.Q, @Maggiee Don't go anywhere ,stay on here for support, put the Easter challenge up on a high shelf with the bills and don't look at it for a while, have hot buttered toast only on weekends because once you eat that white stuff you can't stop. ( trust me- I just had one small sourdough slice with butter and another slice with butter,warm fetta and tomatoes 90 minutes ago with hubs and we are both hungry again! I can't believe it. Usually I try and eat 30% protein, 30% fat and 30% healthy carbs from veges all week long ( no white carbs ) and am satisfied for usually 5-6 hours after a meal) ditch the toast! Just eat the butter! Haha. And as Suey said just 16:8 for a week and see how you go. Thinking of you at this time. Xxx
Maggiee, stay with us in the scenic tent!
Be kind to yourself but don't use life as an excuse to undo the good you have done so far.
Yes I like that expression of Julianna's - put the Easter Challenge up on the high shelf! I am not losing much either (but not gaining) and have decided to just stick to doing the fast days as simply as I can. Also any extra stress is bound to have an effect on weight loss. Also toast.... I know that @Ballerina would agree about ditching that ...

Don,t be a stranger either @Maggiee agree with everything that's been said above - it will be so much worse on your own without the support to be found here. And yes, there are people who've been through the same and are willing to share ...
Maggiee, I feel like one of the 'Grande Dames' of this site, or should that have been 'Pantomime Dames'? :confused: seems like I've been here for ever and I've read so many people say the same things as you, feel the same level of frustration and angst, eat the same comfort foods and talk of giving up, just like you. Please don't go, you are part of a family here, all the ups and downs are par for the course here and I see, every day, how supportive this site is and how much everyone gets from being here, even when things are not going as you would have hoped. I almost gave up in the days before the fabulous Moogie set this place in motion, I was getting nowhere, and thought I couldn't keep going, but I did and FINALLY got to where I wanted to be and so will you. 5:2 was the best thing I ever did and not giving it up was the second best thing I ever did so, put that toast down, gird your loins and get back on track. Lots of good advice above but more importantly, lots of good wishes, good luck, :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
Dear Maggie, I agree with what the others have said - at least stay around on the forum because of the support - otherwise when things do improve for you it might be harder to get back into it. Sending you best wishes that things improve soon.
Hi Maggie, it sounds like you're really going through a tough patch at the moment so I do hope that all these lovely messages of support and encouragement will make you decide to hang in there and give this WOL another shot. Please don't leave the forum , you have been so kind to other members in the past so now do the same for yourself.
Lots of love and hugs!
I weighed myself this morning - three times. The first time I moved the scales whilst they were settling and it didn't give me any weight loss, not happy! So I reset the scales another two times and each time it said exactly the same which means I've lost a pound this week.

I'll take that but I did 3 x zero cal liquid fasts to get it. TDEE is almost 2000cals which is 6000cals not eaten which means I must be going way over TDEE on normal days - I don't think so but I am really stressed out at the moment and am taking steps to deal with that so hopefully that is part of the problem and will soon start to improve and give me some real weight loss.

@Sue.Q, today I am now back to my pre Christmas weight :victory: but I first got to that weight in August last year, so @Maggiee, it you want a plateau how does 7 months sound!

@Maggiee, give up other things but don't give up the forum, I believe it is the only way some of us have a chance actually losing the weight but it may take a long time. Have you had a look at the mountaineering tent -


It is the place you go to when you have 'issues' to work through and mountains to climb. Quite a few of us have spoken about parent issues, including myself - there are some terrible stories but it is very helpful to write things down and also to know that there are other people out there with similar problems.
Such a lot of wisdom being shared and I just wanted to add a few words as well to @Maggiee,
I understand feeling like you've lost your way with a program. It's a horrible feeling. I think @Sue.Q was right that we will always have times when we can't say no to temptation, so staying out of the kitchen is really good advice. A little planning with your time and activities, so you find ways to sooth yourself instead of food. sometimes its just got to be bread (throw out what you don't eat though or freeze it underneath a pile of other frozen things). Other times it can be a cuppa, or something slightly less damaging or just a small message on here and you can manage to steer the boat into safer waters. I find a glass of hot milk (yes its carbs) but it actually fills me and stops me craving.
I suggest you don't stop filling in the calorie counter, that's helped me from being pulled way out off track. I can go off track too and I totally understand how impossible it is sometimes. It's maddening how those off days happen. But you're doing well you have kept on this since October, that's a huge success. i think that prior to celebration times we all get wobbly.
Easter makes me think of my mum who is no longer here, and I can start to go off track.

There are many strong and understanding hands in here reaching out, and you're doing great hanging in there.
take care
Jo :clover: :clover: :clover: :heart:
Well done @wildmissus on returning to your pre
Christmas weight :victory: :victory:
7 months!!!! I know our bodies have got their own idea about the speed + length of our weightloss but that's really demoralising I can't afford to waste another 3 or 4 months will stay on 5:2 next week then consider returning to 4:3 at
a later date just to add confusion to the mix. :heart: Sue
@Maggiee i hear you too!
Despite two fasts a week so far this year plus a week of ADF i am not losing coz am overeating on some tho not all my feed days
So the same few lbs is going on and off,off and on
The Easter Bunny is not amused coz i told him i wd lose ten pounds
I am hanging on in and hope you will too
At the very least,keep visiting the forum and all yr friends here,and like @wildmissus suggests,spend some time in the mountaineering tent x i need to spend time there too x
The one good thing about having weight to lose,is meeting the good folk on here!
So even if its only a quick dive in now and again,keep in touch! X
Sorry just butting usual! Just wanted to say that I've bean doing ADF for some time now and have found this fasting experience so much easier. What I've noticed recently is that even when I'm bored and turn to food, I can't eat very much at all. I really think my stomach is finally starting to shrink! I keep weighting for the hunger monster to attack...but so far, so good!

Why not give ADF a go! Bean recommends! :like: :like: :like: :like: :like:

Bean :geek:
Hi to
@Nessie,@Silverdarling,@wildmissus, @Jo05, @CandiceMarie, @Sue.Q, @Julianna, @Debs, @gillmary, @Wmr309,@Carorees

Thank you to each and every one of you for the wonderful ideas and words of support and encouragement. I am still taking the scenic route and will continue to do so for the next week or two.

We are heading on a road trip to the country tomorrow morning for some much needed rest and recreation and staying with some dear friends, I am so looking forward to the this change of scenery and some good old fresh country air, and I hope to get a walk in or two. Being with our friends, playing cards and perhaps sipping a chilled white wine or two will be good for me and my OH – and I hope I can come back a brighter more positive me.

I will pop my head in and read posts, but at this stage I will not be contributing. I will also continue to do 16/8 where I can as that is the only thing that seems to be working for me, although once I start to eat, I am finding it hard to stop and the craving for more food is quite savage until the evening.

I am Diabetic type 2 and was wondering if the insulin thing had anything to do with craving?

Carorees I read with interest your thread ‘Why did you choose the Fasting method you use’ – and I now wonder if 5:2 is not working for me for a reason, as I don’t seem to be able to complete one full day without great difficulty?

You are all a fantastic and marvelous group of Virtual friends, and I thank you for all your support and inspiration it means so much to me.

Maggie :heart: :heart:
I am not sure why the tag didn't work but I will try again - sorry.


See above post.

cheers Maggie
Sounds like just what you need Maggiee, a lovely relaxing break with good friends,food wine and a change of scenery. Enjoy! And we'll see you when you get back.
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