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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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I agree with @julianna .....that break with friends sounds like exactly what you need right now, x feel its come at the right careful foodwise but dont be too hard on yrslef and see how youre feeling when you get back,dear@Maggiee x
@Maggiee Relax enjoy your holiday, ( I am quite jealous) 3 years ago we had a touring holiday in Aus from Adelaide to Brisbane we had a fabulous time. Spending time with friends is a good way of topping up your batteries ready for the next attack. :grin:
Couldn't agree more Nessie, I feel recharged for one more lap around the scenic tent after a lovely week of food and friends.
Look after yourself @Maggiee, and more importantly, be kind to yourself :heart:
:heart: @Maggiee Have a great time on your break and just do the best you can for now as 16:8 are still good and reasonable fasting days :heart: Take care :heart: Sue
What a drag.....weighed myself this morning and I have stayed the same! Not a bad result but I did 3 zero cal liquid fasts again this week. I'm not finding the fasts difficult at the moment but I am finding the results really disheartening with the occasional thought of packing the whole lot in. I'm not going to do that as what else is there! I'll keep plodding on and hope that I get a good result next week.

How are you getting on @Sue.Q, have you been tempted to have a sneaky peak on those nasty scales yet.
@wildmissus haven't weighed self yet, but suspect I am 'the same' too - at least not putting on any. And I did get two more pairs of size 12 work trousers from M and S last night :grin: will keep on as well, just straight 5:2 for the mo, with 16:8, my usual - it's worked before and hopefully will again ...
Still taking the scenic route and @Silverdarling That's my motto this WOL worked so well for me last year and if I'm doing exactly the same there's no reason it shouldn't work as well again.
@wildmissus No I've not been on the scales was tempted Fri weigh-in but have eaten out twice this week both
3 courses, however I'm feeling very good because I'm ba mkck to my walks at least 3 per week and I'm on my fastdays eating the 500 and not to up to my TDEE feeling "thinner" but only a fraction less on tape measure, this stalemate situation is so demoralising and this time last year I hadn't heard of 5:2 so when I did I jumped right in with 3 days not even knowing 4:3 existed so my body is in shock and rebelling but I'm going to win this battle deffo, have now done 3 weeks of back to basics 5:2 really "true" fasts usually meat free and low carb
I do have evening meal out this week but may take a sneeky peek next Friday I'm never going to make the Easter challenge which was my xmas+ valentines but hey ho they're only numbers (depressing numbers at times yes)
Wildmissus you're doing good just keep on with it not sure i could do 3 zero fasts especially with rubbish results but at least you've not gained so that's brilliant @carorees said just eating healthy food and occasionally going over our TDEE is good and quite often kickstarts the weightloss again and that's what I'm doing having a nightly treat weekend only and plenty fresh salads veggies some fruits and lowish carbs all days and for me fresh air and
my walking. :heart: Sue
@Sue.Q just wanted to say you are an absolute trouper for 'keeping with the programme' and never giving up. If anyone deserves to succeed with this WOL it must be you! I take my hat off to you I really do!
:like: :heart: :victory: :clap: :worship: :high5: :angel:
I'll add to Callyanna's thoughts too SueQ, I know how hard it is but you've done so well compared to me. And it's never coming back again!
Thanks for your support @Sue.Q and everyone else. It helps a lot knowing that I'm not the only one. Whilst my fast days are good my 'normal' days still need looked at. I've been starting non fast days with toast which I think leads me to snacking and just too many carbs. Next week I'll get back to greek yogurt, fruit and flax seeds for breakfasts and see how that goes.
I know it's no compensation for going without food and NOT losing weight BUT, at least you are all not gaining and don't forget about the long term health benefits which should come with IF, well done all of you for not jacking it in.

Keep going girls, you are doing your bodies a HUGE favour

Ballerina x :heart:
Yes @wildmissus I really do believe that bread has a lot to answer for I've just had one thinly cut slice off a small tiger loaf with some chicken on then topped it with salad on a plate obviously my first bread in ages and guess what I'm getting hungry already half hour later!!! only about once per week for me but I really could give it up now, my normal days are now all 18:6
this I won't change until my holiday then the fun will begin because on my last I gained 5kgs I'm almost afraid of my scales telling me something similar next week if so its
plan XXX?? For me then whatever that is. :heart: Sue
I have been taking the scenic route since last November, going up and down four pounds +/-, desperate to get into the next stones band. By reading various different 'tents' 'journeys' I took Sue.Q's advice a few weeks ago and was strict with myself on fast days, keeping to 500 cals. On my 'feast' days I tried to be more 'mindful' and asking myself if I really wanted the wine, the chocolate etc.
After three weeks, I have now gone down to the next stone level,(by half a pound!!) so although I am still obese, I'm nearly just overweight! When I consider that this time last year I was nearly two stones heavier I can't believe how I have stuck with 5:2! But I know that I have because I read loads on the forum (possibly slightly addicted to it) and although I don't post that often, there are so many of you that I admire. I don't have a 'story', I am here due to previous gluttony - but now I have more energy, less clothes that fit (slightly embarrassing when your trousers try to fall down at work!) and more importantly I feel good and am beginning to like what I see.
Like others, I have still quite a bit to lose, and it won't be for another year or two, (especially if I plateau again for five months) but I will get there and this forum makes it enjoyable on the way. :smile:
Yes @ballerinaYou are so right our bodies are getting lots of health benefits and sometimes we do dwell far to much on weightloss and numbers that why my scales have been banished to the garage until good Fri.
@wildmissus could your body have reached its
"happy" weight I wonder?
@hilaryjaneWell done on sticking with this WOL despite your 4month plateau you should post more often because you've admitted same as us that this very addictive forum has helped you through the bad times.
Congratulations on seeing that next stone down number that I would just love to see but they're only numbers if I suddenly fit into a size 14 and gained a 50% waistline I couldn't care less what the bloody scales say. :shock: :shock:
So to help things along a little I'm increasing my walks and looking into other exercise that was supposed to be my new year motto better late than never.
:clover: :clover:
@Sue.Q I was thinking that myself but and there is always a but I'm still eating poorly on non fast days, ie. good meals but far too many bad snacks. I know for me for this WOL to work for me I need to see a change in my non fast days. Certainly since I got into the healthy BMI range the weight has stopped coming off and I am not obsessing over the numbers like I used to. Like you I actually don't care what the numbers say, what I care about is how I feel and I know I will feel better if the numbers do go down a bit more. I hope that makes sense and I also realise that you would most likely give your eyes teeth to have a BMI like mine. You must get annoyed when you see people like me moaning all the time. A healthy weight for me is somewhere between 8st 13lb and 11st 10lb. Many years ago I was 10st 2lb and I felt great, I'd like to be around 10st 7lb - 10st 10lb as I know I will feel good. I also know that I have done myself a world of good by losing the weight that I have already lost. I think what I am saying is that it isn't necessarily about how much weight you lose or what weight you end up being but more about how you feel, ie. fit and healthy. Having said that even if I could get my non fast days under control and if I didn't lose any weight I think I would be happy with that. Also if I ate healthier on non fast days I wouldn't be so tired and I wouldn't have taken so long to write this :grin: .

@hilaryjane, great to hear from you and also to hear that you have kick started things again. Just goes to show that it can be done.
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