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Hello everybody

I hear you @wildmissusbut I am so glad you are sticking around.

I am back from after a lovely break, I had to laugh though, I did see a 86 year old Aunt in a nursing home, who remarked on my being a bit 'porky'! Ouch! that hurt!

After a visit with the Diabetic clinic, I need do focus more on getting the blood readings down, and by this it means focusing more on my eating and with exercise, not something that comes easy to me an I am a lazy exerciser.

With all this new information, Anxiety has once again reared its ugly head, and I wish it would go away as it sends me to emotional eating - sweet biscuits of course!

All I can manage at this stage is 16/8 something I can do as I don't need or eat breakfast. Its the sugar and carb cravings I get in the afternoon that are my poison.

Be gentle on yourself wildmissus and I hope the new work hours work well for you to give you some me time.

Maggie :smile: :smile:
@wildmissus Now that's the answer to your prayers your reduction in hours and yes more time for yourself I had reached breaking point and couldn't take any more when I packed my job in because I felt really unwell couldn't explain anything just totally had enough and finished before it finished me never looked back on that decision I just wished I'd found this WOL at that point although I went on to lose weight of course back on the year after.
For you everything will soon fit into place family/cooking/family/OH/cleaning/chores/etc etc etc make sure youngest plan for some quality "me time" just as you said then hopefully your health will improve because you'll be more "chilled".
Failed my fast yesterday and in my 11 months I've not failed many carb cravings sugar cravings chocolate cravings just bloody cravings galore.
@Maggiee Hope you enjoyed your break OK you can forgive your elderly aunt for her error probably eyesight problems. Lol Well as you can see I've taken up permanent residence in this tent but wildmissus is keeping me company and yes another new plan for next week I have restarted my walking and will now return to 4:3 I really do think than I've been getting far to many days I between
There is one more decision I've made but I'm keeping that on to myself for now but report back soon I will deffo.
:clover: :clover:
CandiceMarie wrote: "is very easy to forget what we have already achieved and so much easier to see it as a failure when we haven't quite achieved what we set out to achieve."

@Silver darling you mentioned minor irritations..they may be minor,but a few of them altogether and it starts gettin stressful grrrrrrr..
.but just think of sitting out in yr yard this summer with yr new planter from yr colleagues and drinking bellinis! Looking and feeling great coz youre nice and slim! X

Dead right @wildmissus and @CandiceMarie - well I reminded myself today of where I'd got to by trying on 2 size 10 tops from M and S, and 1 size 12 sweater - and then buying all 3 cos they fit :victory: :cool:
Hi All,
Taking another turn around the block in here today! Yep, I reckon we have mid life crises too, as I feel like I am having one, mostly over health, as I feel very aggrieved about high BP which I associate with being older and then I remember I turn 50 this year and get really, really upset!!!! How the hell did I get here? I stil feel 25, and probably act it!
So fed up with seeing the same numbers all the time!! I had wanted to make a dent before our holiday, there is still time but it doesn't seem to be happening!
Damn, blast and all the rest of it. Another three successful liquid fasts this week and I've stayed the same again and that was only after I moved the scales three times otherwise I'd have put on a pound!!!

There nothing for it. Oldest daughter is away all day today with the school Steel Band so youngest daughter and I are going to make scones to have with our lunch and a pear and apricot frangipane tart to have with our tea! My excuse here is that it is healthier for us as it is home made :confused: .

A few of us sound quite down at the moment. Here in the UK at least we have the clocks going forward tonight. I'm hoping that will help lift my spirits, although the last couple of mornings I have woken up naturally at a reasonable time and felt ok. I'm hoping that as my mind feels better my body will catch up as well.
A possible case of seasonal depression @wildmissus? At the end of a long winter it feels like it will never lift, so maybe longer days will help.
My blood pressure definitely went up as my boss in Perth phoned me to say he has resigned!! I didn't see that coming, the organisation seems to be poison. I've had to send my new advisor off to the rail works to cover as there is no one there! Chaos!
Had an evening of treat food tonight, although I didn't go for the wedges, just all the seafood and noodles. Plus mixed berry crumble and ice cream. My first big carbs of the swing. Back to it tomorrow. Plus my cheap scales gave up and I can't get a new battery so no weighing for now!
Chin up all!
I'm still here with you @Debs And @wildmissus But @Maggiee seems to have deserted us
hoep the BP stabilises Deb and obviously the stressful phone call won't help one bit but OLD at 50!!!! No way your still a chic blimey how are you going to feel at my age?
Yes our lighter nights will help us in UK but as we've not had a bad winter I'm sure all our problems are scale related not that I've visited mine NO coz when I got ready for my meal out in the week that one top is still very snug depressingly worse it actually fit better before xmas never worn it yet.
What the hell is going on here?
If someone said fast for 5 back2back days would fix it I for one would bloody well do it!!! we just need a reason so we can fix it once and for all.
As I said before another week another plan ME=4:3 :clover:
I hear you SueQ! I fasted for three days as per Krista Varady but it did nothing. Not keen to do it again. But you haven't put much back on have you? Help someone!!!!!!
Does someone have a magic wand?

Help indeed. Why do some people just breeze though this loosing consistently until they get to target but it isn't happening to us?
@Wildmissus I am sure SAD has a lot to do with feeling low, now the clocks are changing and you have more time to get out into daylight I hope you start to feel a lot better. I also feel the body holds on to weight more in the winter, I have always been heavier through the winter than in the summer, I don't think it is anything to do with salads as I love salads and soup so much I eat them both all year round. I wish I did have a magic wand everybody in this whole forum would be slim and happy. :wink: :lol:
Hello all :) I hope you don't mind me popping in here, but I was just passing and you all seem to be on my wave length.
As I posted on 'My Progress' thread this morning, I think I might win the crown for the longest ever 'plateau' (whether we believe in those or not?!). I refuse to get disheartened about it since I really am amazed that I have got to this BMI, but it looks like I might never go lower.
I know - never say never, but really - how long can this go on?!

And Wildmissus, when you find your magic wand, please may I borrow it?
Nice of you to drop in @Doodle Coffee? :coffee:
When the wild woman has used the wand
bugger off I'm next you're starting at the bottom
W= 7 months SQ= 4 months
Get it and Dsbs + Maggiee + loads more in between. :shock:
Hello everybody

I am still here @Sue.Qhave been a tad busy, but I certainly have not deserted you all. I am still only doing 16/8 watching everything that I eat during window eating hours, and I mean everything – very mindful of watching the calories and the carbs intake.

The visit to the Diabetes Clinic has given me a shake-up let me tell you – and I am determined to get the numbers with both the blood sugar and scales to come down.
I think we can sometimes lose sight of the health benefits of 5:2; 16/8 and some exercise and get we can get too wound up by the numbers on the scales – I certainly need to focus on my health and the rest will hopefully follow.

Hi @Debs I never associated the high BP with age, but down to the increase in stress and weight – same as the cholesterol levels and the Diabetes 2 which are both in the family thanks to my Dad. Think about the wonderful trip you will have for your 50th and a party – and they say that 50 is the new 40 and by the looks of your photo and your wicked sense of humour, you don’t look and sound ‘old’. Looking forward to catching up with you soon Debs.

@Sue.Q I am wondering if your body is in plateau mode, after all, you did so very well for months and months – it’s probably having a ‘rest’ and it may have got very comfortable in which case, perhaps shaking it all up a bit might be the thing, not that I am any sort of expert. I lost 5 kgs between Xmas and Valentines and I have stalled ever since! The Diabetes specialist said that losing those kgs in just a few short weeks was not the way to go about it, I understand what she means. Perhaps just do 16/8 only with just watching everything you drink and eat in the eating window, and you are still doing your walks which can only be of benefit to you. Take care my sweet.

@wildmissus – Sorry but you did make me giggle – I have been known to move the scales around about that many times as well, each time getting a different number! I hear you! I am a great believer in the weather affecting my mood – as soon as we have a dark and gloomy morning and day, I feel very flat, and get quite low, and when that happens, I turn to food to feed the emotions. Hopefully you will notice a difference when the clocks more forward and you see lots more daylight and sunshine. Our clocks are going back next week end, not something I will be looking forward to. I like the sound of your frangipani apricot tart – I don’t bake anything, because I will just end up eating it. My OH just has to eat fruit and he keeps his secret stash of biscuits at work or hides them around the house, thus I avoid the temptation as when the cravings hit, they can be quite savage!

I don’t have a magic wand as I often need it myself, but for the likes of me, it’s all or nothing – I need to focus and stay focused and be very mindful on the 16/8 completely – and definitely watching and counting calories and carbs and drinking heaps of water and as I am a lazy exerciser I have to push myself to do some walking or work on the bike 3-4 times per week.

take care everybody,

cheers Maggie :smile: :smile: :heart:
Sue.Q wrote: Nice of you to drop in @Doodle Coffee? :coffee:
When the wild woman has used the wand
bugger off I'm next you're starting at the bottom
W= 7 months SQ= 4 months
Get it and Dsbs + Maggiee + loads more in between. :shock:

Be careful @Sue.Q or it's the naughty step for you :lol: :lol: :lol:
We don't want you f. F.
Flying off somewhere :shock: :wink: :lol:
Silverdarling wrote:
Sue.Q wrote: Nice of you to drop in @Doodle Coffee? :coffee:
When the wild woman has used the wand
bugger off I'm next you're starting at the bottom
W= 7 months SQ= 4 months
Get it and Dsbs + Maggiee + loads more in between. :shock:

Be careful @Sue.Q or it's the naughty step for you :lol: :lol: :lol:
We don't want you f. F.
Flying off somewhere :shock: :wink: :lol:

OH @Silverdarling Thanks for reminding me yes its Saturday night again and the merlot is flowing
better go bed now :shock: sorry doodle
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