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@wildmissus No never annoyed I always say someone's 7lbs is just as important to them as 7 stone is to someone like me and yes my happy weight when I was 20 was probably 10stone and no way am I looking for that number never have can't honesty say what I've set into the tracker as my goal but I do know its more likely to be 2 stone higher than any book/chart would say that said I'm in a totally different place now to last year and far far happier + healthier so despite what the scales + tape measure says I'm getting there.
@Sue.Q, I had a similar conversation with a bloke who comes into the shop I work in. He has lost almost three stone but is struggling now but has another 3 stone to lose and he was quite down about it. I was trying to get across to him that he has already greatly improved his health and if he doesn't lose any more weight and can maintain that weight loss then that is a huge achievement.

All the numbers get to me at times - scales, BMI, waist measurement, calories, clothes size, the number of fruit and veg we should eat a day. So many people trying to tell us what is good and right, then someone else comes along with some new science and moves the goal posts :bugeyes: .

How have you been getting on anyway? Have you got your fast days under control?
Yes fast days good I'm a bit like you some days I over eat on my normal days then I actually wonder if I'm eating enough
All my confusion I think stems from what worked brilliantly well last year seem to have gone I did get away with a few treats and such but this last month I've tried to go back to what I was doing before (basics) just true 5:2 for now plus 18:6 on all other days not reset my tracker to say moderate activity because now I'm used to the 500 days I assumed that would help also, but I'm feeling much better in myself for the return to walking so that helps mentally and physically.
Keep forgetting to ask how you're doing with your health issues any progress?.
Hi there @wildmissus, I am in the same sort of place as you, not a lot to lose but going nowhere. I need a change of scenery!

Unfortunately I am not getting the health benefits, my BP is creeping up and my cholesterol has rocketed since I came off the stains, but I am not quite so worried about that follwoing sensible comments by @carorees.
This shift I am eating more mindfully like @hilaryjane who has successully shifted off her perch!
I am keeping going as there isn't another alternative for me, other than to put weight back on again, and I am not doing that. Just would like a change of scenery!!
I just got sick of fasting and getting no where for months plateau from July onwards and since I have pulled back to 6:1 and odd eating window day I know I still have to be vigilant. Am sorting out some health issues and then hope to be able to forge ahead on another period of 5:2 liquid fast as that is most tolerable method for me otherwise I want to eat a horse and chase the rider.

Just had a blow out weekend, it's hard to reign back in and get back into IF fasting routine. Think I need to draw up a plan like Caitlin and Ballerina mentioned yesterday on another thread. Something like 6:1 +'low carb x3 and weekend relaxed about everything. As to my stats My waist is healthy under 50%, my pants size 14 but my BMI is still 27 which is way over and I know BMI of 25 is the right spot to aim for. It is really annoying when your body puts on the brakes and your head says keep going. Oh well onwards and hopefully downwards soon
Last two days have been interesting. Yesterday I successfully fasted. However by 3.45am I was still awake....toast and more toast to get me to sleep? didn't' help really. However proud of the successful fast, after struggling for a week.
I've also put in two 16:8's recently (including today), I'm impressed I can do 16:8. I hope I can keep it up. It seems to be the only way to keep carbs down.

So I'm traveling scenically too.
Waves to buddies @Sue.Q and @gillymary. You both seem to be going well. I'm sure a weekend blowout gilly is going to be fine and the planning idea seems like a good one.
Hope I get sleep tonight I really need it.
best wishes to all :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
I've had the most shocking day.

I had not bought my favourite cape seed loaf in about 4 years. Today I did and it is so healthy and a great bowel mover, (sorry)

I fooled myself and made my gluttony go away by saying its the total opposite of white bread.

I toasted 4 of them slices 2 with butter and promite and 2 with butter and honey, and then to make it even worse within 3 hours of that I chowed down on 2 hot cross buns.

I made a delish thai salad, all crunchy and fresh with half a good quality steak sliced over, the dressing is loaded with sesame oil, and brown sugar with salty fish sauce and lemon juice.

What a right off.

Just sucked down 3 ice pops out of the freezer. 2 reds and one yellow.

My name is Zamale and I love sugar :starving:

Sooo embarrassing.

What the heck am I doing?

Not liking myself today, and dont know when it started before the gluttony or gluttony was after not liking myself. :?:
Hi guys. Can identify so much with what you're all saying. Still hovering at 10st, but am getting the fasts in, and not going up any :victory: also it's a stressful time for me at the mo with changes in my job, remortgage and lots of other little irritations. I just have to ride it out for a while, looking forward to Edinburgh meetup and also time off in May :victory:
Poor @zamale! I have a similar addiction, yesterday I felt like you and HAD to eat. Today I am fine. Weird. Plateaus are a nightmare aren't they?

@silverdarling, we are in the same boat, new job, other frustrations, like you, I am just hanging in there. I have a holiday at the end of May, a cold one so I can cover up!!!
Ooooohhhhh we are having a tough time aren't we?
I'm all over the shop- travelling and working away. LAst stint's food was not good quality and I really felt the need for a fast. Will only get 2 in this week and then off again. Having difficulty with the HIIT too and exercise in general, BUT am much more active so hopefully that's helping.
Will find out what the damage is (I'm sure it is an increase) next weekend - begining of April. Not looking forward to that I can tell you.
We will get there... just not soon
@zamale I so sympathise, I am in the same boat I just love love love deserts and cakes in fact I would happily live on them so it is a constant battle but battle I do, some weeks I win some days sugar wins I often wonder if hypnotherapy would work. @Wildmissus you are doing so well it must come off eventually I did wonder if you had reached your bodies preferred weight but I am sure you would know if it had. @Janeg you may be the same when we met in Glasgow I thought you looked great. Did you say you would be over later this year if so I feel another meeting coming on, ( now I'm getting greedy, two in the one year) good luck to all in the scenic rout tent. :clover:
Thank you @nessie. I've actually shifted a bit more since then. Maybe we need to look at our starting point and where we are now, to help us not get too despondent. I will be over in the summer, dates yet to be confirmed, and when they are I'll be on here squealing with excitement and hoping to organise a meet up- or fir in with one that's happening :)
@Janeg Yesterday when I was out walking with a friend we met someone I hadn't seen for a couple of years, she remarked on how slim I looked, which was very nice. I then was saying to my friend that now I have been at this weight for 8months I look in the mirror and feel fat again. It was a good reminder that our minds can play silly tricks on us and I should avoid the feelings that maybe I should lose a bit more. I look forward to seeing you in the summer.
I'm so glad this tent is here as I'm having more and more passing thoughts of giving it all up. I know I can't/won't do that because there is no other way of losing weight. I've also been known to quit things when they get too hard. Well this time when things get tough I'm going to prove to myself I can get through the tough times.

I am stuck in a really big rut at the moment. I'm so fed up of every aspect of my life - work, home, work, OH, work, kids, work, my health. Next week I am changing my working hours which means that every second week I'll have 5 days off in a row - yeh, some me time. I am hoping I'll have more time to get the cookbooks out and do more real cooking. If the change of hours doesn't help lift my spirits then I think it will be time to look for another job. If that doesn't work then I'll be looking for another life :grin: . Do women suffer from mid life crisis?

@Sue.Q, my heart problems remain the same. My heart is still pounding, the doctor is now referring to it as ectopic heartbeats. I'm getting used to the pounding but I just can't get used to the tiredness it causes. I'm still waiting for an appointment with the cardiologist which might not be until May. This is getting me down as well and doesn't help with the weight loss.

@janeg, not sure that I need your wet fish but I certainly need a kick up the jacksie.

@Nessie, how right you are. This morning my work colleague told me that the person who was in the shop yesterday blethering to the two of us commented to her that I had lost lots of weight. My work colleague told her that she should have said it to my face. It did make me smile :smile: . It is very easy to forget what we have already achieved and so much easier to see it as a failure when we haven't quite achieved what we set out to achieve.
"is very easy to forget what we have already achieved and so much easier to see it as a failure when we haven't quite achieved what we set out to achieve."
Wise words from @wildmissus and something we should all keep in mind when we are frustrated with ourselves for being mere humans and sometimes not doing as well as we want to!
@zamale we are fighting strong addictions and our physiology ( which we can do nothing about)... its not easy to keep fighting 24/7 so give yrself a big pat on the back for the times you didnt succumb, and forgive yrself for giving in once in a while x
Hope you feel better when you get into your new work routine and more days off @wildmissus x
@Silver darling you mentioned minor irritations..they may be minor,but a few of them altogether and it starts gettin stressful grrrrrrr..
.but just think of sitting out in yr yard this summer with yr new planter from yr colleagues and drinking bellinis! Looking and feeling great coz youre nice and slim! X
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