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Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
09 Mar 2015, 22:00
Oh @Hazlenut20 I feel for you. I'm the same. I've got another stone to lose just to get to where I was last year. Why do we do it?!
Anyway, good luck with 4:3 and getting back to where you were...and beyond xx
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
09 Mar 2015, 22:13
I don't think the weight-loss is much different between 4:3 and ADF, @nursebean. Of course, I have only been trying ADF to get back to goal weight, which is a pretty difficult area. It has been useful in getting my over eating on nonfast days in check.
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
10 Mar 2015, 22:37
No, I can't imagine there'll be much difference (well, its only 1 less fast a week anyway isn't it). We'll see how it goes. D'you know, I'm definitely not getting hungry that often now. Today I didn't eat until 1:30. Mind you, I had fish n chips. However, I didn't eat it all and I always share my chips. Its just the evenings that are the worst time for me. I eat things that I don't really want...just for the sake of it. This is the area I really need to work on.
Anyway, I'm off to bed shortly, ready for tomorrow's fast
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
18 Mar 2015, 11:57
Hi all,
I like to share with you that I am so glad with this WOE. It feels much better for me than 5:2.
In one way or another, this gives me more peace in my 'eating-head '.

Even though:
Last weekend I drank a lot... :confused: but the dreadful hangover I had the next day makes me not want to eat at all, so I was skeptical this morning on the scales. I'm so glad I am 0.7 kg less. I'm a happy person!!! :victory:
Today I promised myself good yummie food :grin:
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
09 Aug 2015, 11:43
Hello all,
I'm peeking through the hole in the tent and just want to say I'm doing 4:3 too and I'm very happy with it.
I will join you as soon as I read this whole tent from the beginning to the end. Which, given the amount of pages, will take me some time :D
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
31 Aug 2015, 13:26
Hello everyone, I haven't posted for a year I think (life got in the way a bit!), but I'd like to say that I am still doing 4:3 when I need to, but mainly maintaining my weight restricting my food intake to an 8 hour window. I am slightly heavier than I was when I reached my goal weight of 58k in early 2014 and now weigh 60k. I have been doing this way of eating for nearly two years now and it's made a vast difference to me and my husband. I have been reading a lot about Dr Valter Longo recently and might try his five day fasting protocol which is more about longevity than losing weight. This isn't something I would have contemplated before, it's just something I feel ready to tackle.
If you're reading this and wondering if the 5:2 diet is for you then go ahead and try it, because it has worked for me and mine. It was never a one size fits all though and you might need to tweak it a bit.
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
19 Sep 2015, 12:10
Auriga wrote: Hello everyone, I haven't posted for a year I think (life got in the way a bit!), but I'd like to say that I am still doing 4:3 when I need to, but mainly maintaining my weight restricting my food intake to an 8 hour window. I am slightly heavier than I was when I reached my goal weight of 58k in early 2014 and now weigh 60k. I have been doing this way of eating for nearly two years now and it's made a vast difference to me and my husband. I have been reading a lot about Dr Valter Longo recently and might try his five day fasting protocol which is more about longevity than losing weight. This isn't something I would have contemplated before, it's just something I feel ready to tackle.
If you're reading this and wondering if the 5:2 diet is for you then go ahead and try it, because it has worked for me and mine. It was never a one size fits all though and you might need to tweak it a bit.

Bit late in replying @Aurigabut thats a lovely post. you made me think.. with nearly 3 years of 5:2ing and 4:3ing and 16:8ing its time to do a bit of a "hey how you doing call out"

It happened to me to lose a lot and then go up a big but not to the amount that you started on. I dont sweat on it at all and know if i need to lose 2 more kilos, i know exactly what to do. this is such a wonderful method of weight control

whats the best reference re Valter Longo?
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
19 Sep 2015, 13:01
Hello@Juliana.Rivers you might want to read this which I posted on another website about the FMD and Dr.Longo. I started FMD this week.
My words from the other website are:-
"I have been doing 5:2, or rather 4:3, since September 2013 and suffice it to say that it has worked wonders for me and I have been maintaining now for over a year.

A few weeks ago I came an article in ‘The Times’ magazine about the ‘Fast Mimicking Five Day Diet’ of which you speak. In the article written by Jenni Russell she talked about taking part in a 14 day fast in the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic as she claimed that fasting cured her of an autoimmune disease and she wanted to revisit it’s benefits. She also talked to Dr Longo who is trying to develop the five day fast of which you speak. He has developed a programme for these five days based on very precise quantities of carbs, protein and fat which he hopes will be preventive and curative, stalling degeneration in humans. I found this link the other day to a five day programme similar to the one he hopes to produce with the blessing of the American food authories. ... an-the-5-2

Longo is developing the diet with L-Nutra an American based company and his profit from this will (he says) go into funding creative research in this area. He believes that very strict fasting should only be done with medical supervision.If all you’re looking to do is lose weight then the 5:2 regime works but if your looking for regeneration of the immune system or anti-ageing effects then fasts need to be longer. Longo claims that his diet lowers levels of a major bio-marker for cancer and ageing.

Having said all that I am trying my best to copy his 750 cals a day for five days a month and then my 4:3 after that in the hope of improving my blood profile further and MAYBE, just maybe extending my lifespan! We shall see.

Jenni says that it is clinical proof that we need now. She also says and I quote, ” I think of all the months and years I’ve wasted on the tedium of being ill, and of the millions of people who could be similarly liberated to have more joyful, longer lives if Longo is right.”

I am not sure if you can find her article which was in print on the 22nd of August in 'The Times' magazine on the internet, but it was certainly worth a read."

Not sure what the best link to Dr Longo would be Juliana, but you can just Google him as I did and see what you'd like to read.
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
21 Sep 2015, 05:12
Hi @Juliana. Rivers, I'm doing 4:3 for a week now, the night time eating is a problem though. Once I consume the 500 cal I crave more food (nougetelli cookies),so im mixing it up a little. 2 Days full liquid fast, 36 hours, and one day, Friday 24 hour with 500 cal for dinner, sometimes it goes up to 700 cal, but I figure with the deficit from the other fasting days I will loose. Only lost a pound last week but I really do think I gained muscle because I went down a centimetre and a half on my waist, which was phenomenal! Lost 7 cm around my waist in the last 2 months!
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
23 Sep 2015, 13:06
Hi everyone! I am starting 4:3 and so glad I found you! I'm going back to read all these posts!
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
25 Sep 2015, 05:52
Auriga wrote: Hello@Juliana.Rivers you might want to read this which I posted on another website about the FMD and Dr.Longo. I started FMD this week.
My words from the other website are:-
"I have been doing 5:2, or rather 4:3, since September 2013 and suffice it to say that it has worked wonders for me and I have been maintaining now for over a year.

A few weeks ago I came an article in ‘The Times’ magazine about the ‘Fast Mimicking Five Day Diet’ of which you speak. In the article written by Jenni Russell she talked about taking part in a 14 day fast in the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic as she claimed that fasting cured her of an autoimmune disease and she wanted to revisit it’s benefits. She also talked to Dr Longo who is trying to develop the five day fast of which you speak. He has developed a programme for these five days based on very precise quantities of carbs, protein and fat which he hopes will be preventive and curative, stalling degeneration in humans. I found this link the other day to a five day programme similar to the one he hopes to produce with the blessing of the American food authories. ... an-the-5-2

Longo is developing the diet with L-Nutra an American based company and his profit from this will (he says) go into funding creative research in this area. He believes that very strict fasting should only be done with medical supervision.If all you’re looking to do is lose weight then the 5:2 regime works but if your looking for regeneration of the immune system or anti-ageing effects then fasts need to be longer. Longo claims that his diet lowers levels of a major bio-marker for cancer and ageing.

Having said all that I am trying my best to copy his 750 cals a day for five days a month and then my 4:3 after that in the hope of improving my blood profile further and MAYBE, just maybe extending my lifespan! We shall see.

Jenni says that it is clinical proof that we need now. She also says and I quote, ” I think of all the months and years I’ve wasted on the tedium of being ill, and of the millions of people who could be similarly liberated to have more joyful, longer lives if Longo is right.”

I am not sure if you can find her article which was in print on the 22nd of August in 'The Times' magazine on the internet, but it was certainly worth a read."

Not sure what the best link to Dr Longo would be Juliana, but you can just Google him as I did and see what you'd like to read.

Thank you for that info @auriga I will do some reading this weekend. I love exploring new ideas, particularly if they have a good scientific basis.
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
25 Sep 2015, 05:55
Renata wrote: Hi @Juliana. Rivers, I'm doing 4:3 for a week now, the night time eating is a problem though. Once I consume the 500 cal I crave more food (nougetelli cookies),so im mixing it up a little. 2 Days full liquid fast, 36 hours, and one day, Friday 24 hour with 500 cal for dinner, sometimes it goes up to 700 cal, but I figure with the deficit from the other fasting days I will loose. Only lost a pound last week but I really do think I gained muscle because I went down a centimetre and a half on my waist, which was phenomenal! Lost 7 cm around my waist in the last 2 months!

Well done @Renata. The cravings do come back. The one I am battling in the last few weeks, and dont laugh is Lurpak butter. Very strange thing and am resolving it by not buying it. Worked so far.
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
28 Sep 2015, 11:39
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
Renata wrote: Hi @Juliana. Rivers, I'm doing 4:3 for a week now, the night time eating is a problem though. Once I consume the 500 cal I crave more food (nougetelli cookies),so im mixing it up a little. 2 Days full liquid fast, 36 hours, and one day, Friday 24 hour with 500 cal for dinner, sometimes it goes up to 700 cal, but I figure with the deficit from the other fasting days I will loose. Only lost a pound last week but I really do think I gained muscle because I went down a centimetre and a half on my waist, which was phenomenal! Lost 7 cm around my waist in the last 2 months!

Well done @Renata. The cravings do come back. The one I am battling in the last few weeks, and dont laugh is Lurpak butter. Very strange thing and am resolving it by not buying it. Worked so far.

Have resolved to tackle one thing this week. One of my big rocks so to say! NIGHT TIME EATING!!!!!!!!! I did loose like 1.2 kg last week! YAY, I think I experienced the WHOOSH effect. How the butter thing going?
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
28 Sep 2015, 14:33
Renata wrote:
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
Renata wrote: Hi @Juliana. Rivers, I'm doing 4:3 for a week now, the night time eating is a problem though. Once I consume the 500 cal I crave more food (nougetelli cookies),so im mixing it up a little. 2 Days full liquid fast, 36 hours, and one day, Friday 24 hour with 500 cal for dinner, sometimes it goes up to 700 cal, but I figure with the deficit from the other fasting days I will loose. Only lost a pound last week but I really do think I gained muscle because I went down a centimetre and a half on my waist, which was phenomenal! Lost 7 cm around my waist in the last 2 months!

Well done @Renata. The cravings do come back. The one I am battling in the last few weeks, and dont laugh is Lurpak butter. Very strange thing and am resolving it by not buying it. Worked so far.

Have resolved to tackle one thing this week. One of my big rocks so to say! NIGHT TIME EATING!!!!!!!!! I did loose like 1.2 kg last week! YAY, I think I experienced the WHOOSH effect. How the butter thing going?

oops i went looking for butter in the house yesterday.. One half of my brain said.. dont even though its a non fast day. the other gave in eating it with fresh white bread.. that in itself wasnt bad but it was just too much in quantity that i consumed in one sitting

hmmmm.. i was good today.. just had a teaspoon (but it was fast day) .. finished the lurpak and even went for the nasty stuff.

apart from that.. good. lol ill see if i can go without butter in any form totally tomorrow! there seems to always be something that i crave so hope it doesnt switch. with the Christmas challenge back on that might give me the willpower i need.. Come join me in the challenge.
Re: The 4:3 tent is up.
05 Oct 2015, 11:59
Respect to all you 4:3 folk..i am only managing one or two gentle fts per week these days ..of 500-700 i think you 3 time a weekers are fab xx
@auriga lovely to see you again! X
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