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Re: The WAGS tent!
13 Mar 2014, 21:35
Coming out in sympathy maybe?! Mind you, knowing what ours ate when out walking, they had a habit of vomiting at the drop of a hat!
Re: The WAGS tent!
13 Mar 2014, 21:35
Oh merlin, that sounds familiar. Do keep us posted and fingers crossed your pooch is ok.
Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Mar 2014, 08:58
@Merlin how is yr lovely pooch today xx
Hope he is better and getting lots of treats! X
Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Mar 2014, 09:09
Oh @RunningOlsen what a super cute pooch you have. Oh sorry, lady!

Penny? How are your darlings today? Recovered yet? Did you ever find out the cause?

Bean :starving: :heart:
Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Mar 2014, 15:18
Hoping that Penny and Merlin's darlings are well today and back to their old selves.
Here is my friend Steve..a great battlescarred old gentleman with the most demanding loudest miaow i ever heard x
Don't mess with me!
Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Mar 2014, 16:39
What a wonderful typical cat-look :)
Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Mar 2014, 18:00
Mine haven't been sick since last night-so fingers crossed!
Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Mar 2014, 18:30
One was sick today, but don't know which one!

If you like cats, take a look here ...
Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Mar 2014, 19:10
Oh how funny! I think I saw a house that looked like Hitler on e...yes, a house! Bizarre isn't it

Bean :starving:
Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Mar 2014, 19:57
Thinking of all the poorly dogs and hoping they get well soon.

Hugs to all of them.

Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Mar 2014, 20:35
All seem ok now thanks xx
Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Mar 2014, 23:27
It's over - after a week of hanging on by a thread, my 23 year old cat has passed away - I am relieved for her sake but the pain is no less - we will bury her tomorrow - it will be strange not to always have her on my lap as soon as I sit down, unless one of the remaining 7 tries to fill the gap :cry:
Re: The WAGS tent!
14 Mar 2014, 23:56
@MadcatladyI have just popped in the tent and seen your news. So sorry for your loss and glad she gave you and you gave her much comfort and joy. Good memories.
Re: The WAGS tent!
15 Mar 2014, 00:09
Oh @madcatlady RIP your darling moggie. Such a good age and lucky to be so loved. We have lost too many to the roads to have any more, but the thought of a cat curled up on your lap fills me with longing xx
Re: The WAGS tent!
15 Mar 2014, 06:50
Sorry to hear of your loss Madcatlady.
My thoughts are with you.

I am so glad your pooches are better Penny. It's such a worrying time when our pets are ill.

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