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Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 11:38
@nursebean how you today & hope poor little " Poopy" gets well soon x
@Wolfie you slowed yr pics down! They look great! X
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 12:11
CandiceMarie wrote: @nursebean how you today & hope poor little " Poopy" gets well soon x
@Wolfie you slowed yr pics down! They look great! X

CandiceMarie - Thank You for that!
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 15:05
Oooops sorry for my mistype @nursebean :heart: - I meant to type "Poppy" - just noticed @Debs :heart: post!
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 15:07
oh and just seen the post from @CandiceMarie :heart: too!!!!! :confused:
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 15:12
@Wolfie? You don't look very happy in your avatar. Have you bean up all night dealing with canine tummy upsets?! :shock: actually, I meant to ask...what are fefferoni?

Well thanks for asking peeps. Pops seems to be ok now. At least she's eating! She suffers with Crohn's disease and if she picks up a crumb of something she shouldn't she really suffers...poor little soul. She looks quite cosy now,though...busy snoozing!!

Bean :smile:
A previous day's snooze! xxxx
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 15:30
Glad to hear she's feeling better @nursebean :heart:
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 15:32
Ah thank you @WestLondonchick xx

Bean :smile:
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 18:14
Happy? Naw that's what I look nowadays on maybe. I will told you why in a day or two...
Fiona (who is 12.5) is not as satisfied as she úsed to, but she and me have start the just sues walks and she seen mighty satisfied by that. And got so tiered/ exhausted by that-, so did I with me with my wonky hip....
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 18:58
Sorry to go on but I LOVE your avatar @Wolfie. Your dogs are just too cute!

I'm a bit concerned about my dogs' food at the moment. I changed it quite a while ago now and they've bean fine on it...but they seem to have become windy suddenly and Poppy seems to be struggling. Yesterday, they had lamb and because Pops was unwell I changed to beef. Is that where I'm going wrong? Should i introduce new flavours (even though its the same brand...Lily's Kitchen) over a couple of days?

I tell you, I really struggle with their diet. They're both a little podgy...sob! I am trying to reduce their portions...its all so difficult :confused:

Bean :dog2: :dog:
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 21:38
nursebean wrote: Oh I dunno @matcatlady the girls just LOVE poody cats!!

Poor Poppy is up tonight with a bad tummy. I really don't know what it is. She's bean on her new food for a while now, but I do change the flavour quite frequently so maybe it's that. Poor little soul, she does suffer. And so does mummy as I can't sleep now :frown:

Roll on the morning

Bean :sleepy:

Do they really beany?? I thought whippets and lurchers were the cats worst enemies! Can sympathise with Poppy - I had a poorly tum last night too - overindulgence I think. Feeling better now though.
:lol: :lol:
Re: The WAGS tent!
03 Apr 2014, 15:40
Chick pic
Probably my last cutie chick pic.
Re: The WAGS tent!
03 Apr 2014, 16:26
They love CHASING poody cats @Matcatlady. However, they don't know what to do if they get one cornered, Poppy had a cat leap on her once...luckily she was wearing her coat otherwise I think she would have bean badly scratched.

Poor Pops is still struggling, she's eating well but can't jump up or climb the stairs. I've kept her in today.

Aww Oatesy, aren't those little chicks cute xx

Bean :starving:
Re: The WAGS tent!
03 Apr 2014, 20:04
My lurcher ate the filling for my omelette when I got distracted. She is in disgrace!
Re: The WAGS tent!
03 Apr 2014, 20:28
Oh they're so cheeky Merlin aren't they! What a toad :shock:

Bean :starving:
Re: The WAGS tent!
03 Apr 2014, 20:43
It is a fast day as well-just to add insult to injury!
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